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woah .... I am freaking out !!!!!

TinaKay's picture

We had husband bio son over last night for dinner and a movie and I got the shock of my life !!!!
He is growing up !!!!

Let me explain, his sister is 19 and a total drama queen, loud, rude, acts like a 40 year old prosititute, she lives with her mother, brother and every few months a new bf moves in ( this is ok with her ignorant mother).
We have had to push away his daughter due to her demands and bad behavior but something happened we did not expect...
the boy who is 16 dislikes her and due to this, he is making plans about his future so he can get away from his sister and mother !

He was saying how he can graduate early, work in the summers so he can move. Not only does he want to move away from them, but far away and talking about moving to the northeast and going to school to be an electrician.
We did not prod this info from him.... he just told us. I couldn't believe it.
I also noted when he ate, he didn't slather everything with ketcup or act like a pig. HE IS GROWING UP !!!!!

I pray every night that God intervenes with the difficult situation we have with husbands kids and it looks like whats going to happen is, daughter will continue to live with her mother and act like a 40 year old drunken prositute and son will move away and grow up. Prayer is all we have at this point...
I think God has been listening. Husbands son is doing major changing emotionally.
I am so happy !!!

TinaKay's picture

he is planning a future and to get away from his mother too ! I'm so happy to hear that and the fact he is so ambitious all of a sudden.

I figure there is a lot of fighting and drama at his mothers house as she is dating a man who my step son says is very loud and a jerk...
his sister is also dating, a new guy moves in everyh few months, guess step son is getting sick of all the people telling him what to do and running him around in his own house and that may be a major factor in why he all of a sudden has made plans to not stay there.
I totally flipped out when he said he wanted to graduate early !!!! which is opposite of what his older sister did ( she is now 19 about to be 20 now) as she graduated at normal age because she said she wanted to graduate with her friends, so instead of graduating when she could have and starting college, she went to calss for 3 hours a day and SOCIALIZED BIG TIME. Step son seems to have no interest in socializing, but to get out and work.
totally blows my mind.

Guess this is what happened when we gave his bio mother all the rope she needed, she is driving her son away from her ! due to all the drama and chaos she is all about.
I feel sure after seeing him last night that he is planning to move away from his mother asap, that he is making plans for his future ( maybe do better at school now to) and that he major does not like his mom or sisters choice in men !
Guess he just wants peace....
he wants to be on his own. His siter acts loud and ignornat like a drunken prositute, so I can see why he wants away from her and his mother who is much the same as her daughter.
I'm feeling better about the whole stepson situation. Seems the longer he is around his mother and sister, the more he wants to escape them and I dont blame him.

Run 4 the hills's picture

My DHs son is similar. He lives with his hideous mother, hideous older sister and his OK younger sister and he too cannot wait to get the hell out and has really grown up these last couple of years. He is 15 now.

If we ever talk about how ridiculous his mother is being, his standard answer is 'you don't have to live with her'. To which I always commiserate! I feel sorry for him as his older sister is just like her mother. He is the only male in the house and I think it is good his dad does so much with him, even though we live miles away. At least he has some people in his life who aren't totally nuts!

Rags's picture

Congrats on your SS learning from his BM's and older sister's mistakes. Some people are fortunate to have the ability to learn from the mistakes of others. Most have to learn for themselves.

My wife is one of the fortunate few who can learn from the mistakes of others. She has taken great pains to avoid turning out like her parents, sibs and extended family. I am the more learn and feel the pain for myself type but I do learn pretty quickly and avoid repeating the same mistakes twice.

As my GrandMother used to say "if you can't listen and learn you will have to feel". Unfortunately I am more of a "feeler".

Your SS is obviously learning from you and your H and from the mistakes of his mother and sister.

Sounds like a great kid.

Best regards,

TinaKay's picture

that he does not want to live with his mother and sister.

They are all about drama, both have hair trigger tempers and loud, ignorant ( also very unfair).
He sees all that and is thinking:
" I must escape!!!"