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Teenage boys are disgusting

nola2011's picture

I have twin 17 yr old stepsons. You can probably guess how disgusting teen boys are and how obsessed they are with sex, etc so I'll spare you the details.

I need a good keystroke logger or something for the family computer so dear gullible, delusional biodad will get a clue and ban them from the computer or at least make them use it in a public area. Need something free, cheap and something the nerds can't detect. Suggestions?

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Ugh, tell me about it.

I have a gay 18 y/o ss who leaves the wrappers to the giant dildos he buys laying around the living room.

Do you think the Spineless coward I married says anything about it?

nola2011's picture

Oh I would divorce him if that happened. So sorry. At 18 why is he still living there?

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

He went off to college last week!


I tried to get my Spinless hubs to get a logger too and he refused. I caught the gay SS kids looking at gay porn when he was 11. Nothing was ever done about it.

Good luck to you. I would also demand that they keep their door open in the computer is allowed in there room.

I'm seeing a counselor right now because I'm at the end of my rope of everything regarding Skids. The counselor is adamant that porn seriously messes kids up for life because it makes them unable to have healthy relationships in the future. You should make sure your DH knows this too.

nola2011's picture

Mine are seniors... one more year!!! They have NO supervision at their mother's house. Girlfriends over, taking off on the weekends with girls. She just buys them what they want to get them out of her hair so they love her. They treat women horribly because of her and because of the obsession with porn and sex. My DH believes they are angels now. Gag.

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Haa haa! That could have been me making that post!

My DH's greedy whore exW would parade men in and out of her house and room for years while looking for one dumb enough to marry her.

She wouldn't allow them to watch R rated movies or cuss. But hearing her having sex with at leat 16 men - well, hey, that's OK.

The gay one has always been a pervert and I think her behavior has something to do with it.

So, how about the 3-4 showers they take a day so they can beat off all day! That enrages me and my DH defends them. Disgusting!

nola2011's picture

Maybe our husbands are just too embarrassed that their spawn turned out to be slime.

I flush every toilet in the house when mine are in the shower. Smile

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

LMAO! Good for you! I thought about that too but flushing the toilets have no impact on the shower.

Thank God he's gone.

Finding vaseline and lotion bottles all over their rooms is disgusting too.

scarpetta's picture

That's hilarious!! I shouldn't admit this bcuz it's mean (and a little off topic since this forum is about disgusting SS's) but I purposely wash laudry and do dishes while my SD's are in the shower. A little payback for all the money I've had to shell out over the years against my wishes and for all the lies they've told about me that has caused a rift between me and my husband!

Orange County Ca's picture

Turn off the hot water heater.

Does the family have just one computer? If so then set it up in the living room and get the keystroke device. Make no secret its working and being checked.
Millions of kids use library computers. Just get rid of yours or put it under administrator use only with password so they can't use it except in the living room and when someone is home. Windows programs can be set for administrator use only and password protected - no outside programs or applications are necessary.

StickAFork's picture

As the mother of two teens sons, I can empathize.

However, some questions:

1. Once daddy "sees the light," what will happen?
2. Does daddy care/will he punish them?
3. What outlet would you prefer for SS's sexual interest? They're looking at nudie stuff on the computer. They're not hurting anyone, are they? Do they have smartphones? Ipods with internet access? If so, then they already have access.

SebringLad's picture

Their theme song should include the lyrics "Whack for the daddy-o" from Whiskey In The Jar ,LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ComplainAccount's picture

If you don't want them looking at porn on the family computer, simply don't allow them to use the family computer and let them know exactly why. You don't need daddy to do it for them.

jimmypl's picture

Internet and computer are very useful and very common nowadays but sometimes it is used for bad activities and porn is one of it. Kids and teenagers especially boys are watching them secretly. It is a bad habit that might lead to wrong doings.

New second wife-step-mom's picture

I have had this same problem with SS now 17. I suspected it was going on for years before I moved in. DH had a terrible time accepting that his son was looking at VERY graphic porn especially videos. We had several arguments about it because he thought I was lying on his son (of course, SS said "no I'm not doing that").

Anyway, I did a lot of research and if you can afford $39.95 year there is a program called NET NANNY which is one of the best on the market. You can control what they have access to. It also logs the day and time of each website and they cannot turn it off without the password. (Even my husband does not know our password). It also has remote access so I can monitor it from my work and it will send me a text message when porn sites are blocked.

If money is tight try the K9 Web protection program I believe it is free.

New second wife-step-mom's picture

BTW, our computer was in our living area but SS would get home before us and sometimes stay at home by hisself when we ran errands.

I also did a lot of research on the effects of porn and sent emails to my husband with the info. It is a very controversial subject but the porn now days is not like it was years ago i.e. just still images.

Honey Baby's picture

Ugh, yeah teen boys are gross. FDH has a young teen boy. He's had full custody for YEARS. Since he has full custody, honey thinks treating the son like a roommate/little buddy is the way to go. I say this is the WORST way to go. The boy is a little animal. Anyway, the boy wanted his own computer, he got one. Where does honey put this computer? In the room where the son plays video games/watches tv. It's more or less a lounge built solely for the son. My FDH knows the boy watches porn, and has so for some time. He says, aghhhhh, he's a boy, that's what boys do. WTF! This isn't like sneaking a peek at dad's Playboy of yesteryear. This is (as another said) graphic porn. The boy regularly goes into his room and shuts the door. The son spends hours in there.

My FDH once walked into the bathroom (late at night) to find the son spanking it, and of course it embarrassed both of them. I said that was exactly what the boy was doing because the hand lotion would suddenly go from full to empty in days. GROSS.

One day I walk into the bathroom and there was hand lotion all over the wall. It was at the proper height to make that judgement (if you know what I mean).