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Okay so I got some advice on general discussion

Iamlosingbloodsavehernow's picture

Well I married with three daughters now 17,15,and 9...That was mistake number one,Mistake number two he wasn't over his first relationship,so his ex wife is a cheater so he continues to say that I am even thouh,I've never cheated in any of my past relationships,not to mention him and I have a child together.

So anyway let me speed this up,my husband and I live a couple states from his kids we get them every holiday,and break from school...the problem is...he has called me a whore,corrected me in front of his kids,tries to threaten to take my child with,him,and is verbally and mentally abusive. His kids,stirred something up one time he called his ex up and cussed her out,and his kids said she deserved it.When my child was first born he,complained about buying formula and made me and my baby get out late because he was already dressed for bed. He threatens to leave,and has told me to leave....

So now the stepkids have been here for several days they're leaving tomorrow,should I stay and hang out or ditch them?

AllySkoo's picture

Uhhh... this is a serious question?

He "is verbally and mentally abusive".

That's about all I needed to read. Get out. Now. Take your child, leave without telling him (preferably when he's out of the house), get a restraining order against this guy, and go to a woman's shelter if you don't have anyone else to go to. Hell, even if you DO have somewhere else to go, contact the local Domestic Violence shelter. They have resources to help you.

Evil stepmonster's picture

Ditch him as well. He is abusive, and will only get worse. He has it in his head that all women are cheating whores. Unless he's willing to get the help he needs from a therapist then he will always be one foot out the door of your marriage. That's no way to live, and that's not a life you would want your daughters thinking is ok to live.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Verbally and mentally abusive. Called you a whore. Threatened to take your child. WTH are you waiting for?? GET OUT NOW!!!

arjuna79's picture

AND you are only 27? GO! Don't keep your child or yourself in such a dangerous environment!

rainbow bright83's picture

Ummm, I think you need to read what you posted and then change the initial question as to should I just leave with my child or clean out the bank account first.

Rags's picture

Oh hell no you don't leave. When DH told you and the baby to leave my first call would have been to the locksmith to come rekey the locks and DH and his prior relationship spawn wold have been on the curb until DH either gained clarity on how he will treat you and your child or until hell freezes over whichever comes first. Any laps on DH's part and he would be standing at the very cold gates of hell as his only option.

Let me reset here. I just re-read your post. "he has called me a whore,corrected me in front of his kids,tries to threaten to take my child with,him,and is verbally and mentally abusive" ... time to pull an Elena Bobbit on this POS and put him out of your and all of his children's misery.

Change the locks and put him on the curb. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go immediately and file for a PO keeping him far from you and your child and the house. Lock up all of the assets, get a lawyer and shred his abusive ass in court and as publically and professionally as you possibly can. This kind of crap does not get legitimized with marriage counseling IMHO. Either boot his ass immediately or shoot his ass the next time he gets abusive. Either one works for me.

All IMHO of course.

Good luck.