New here and just looking for friends who understand....
Long story short have a teenage daughter from HELL who doesn't respect me - or her bio mom and dad for that fact. Dad has never and still doesn't discipline. She treats me like crap but still insists on "borrowing" or should I say taking my shoes, clothes, hair supplies, makeup without asking. Insists on getting ready in my bathroom - even though she has her own. She's a slob - Swears like a sailor and tells us all off at the drop of a hat. I JUST CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE...!!! I love my fiancé - but he's ju
Lock your bedroom and
Lock your bedroom and bathroom doors. At a hardware store tell the clerk you want two simple matching key interior locking door handles. A single Phillips screw driver is all you need and if you can't handle it any husband/neighbor/pool/lawn guy will help. Remember the key side faces the hallway not the room. Tell husband that he can use her bathroom and if things don't get better soon the couch.
Meanwhile read this:
OMGoodness - you all are the
OMGoodness - you all are the best!! Thank you!! Just helps so much to know that I'm not alone in this. Although - I have wondered - how could there be another child out there like this anywhere?? I guess it's more common than not. It's very difficult for me to do what is suggested because she is so confrontational and I never know what will come out of her mouth. I have my two little ones - 6 and 9 and don't want them to have to deal with her bullcrap while they are trying to enjoy their time with me. I know I need to bite the bullet and just treat her like she treats me - it's just not my nature. I have realized that I'm not going to win with her now so I'm giving up on trying. I'm such a sensitive person and it just drives me mad that no matter what I do - I'm always going to be the bad guy. I don't know an enemy - but I think I've found one in her!!!
The name piglet cracks me up - that totally sounds like my household. Seriously the foundation on the counter and in the sink.....WTH???? Mine doesn't do that?! The not flushing - the sanitary's identical - it's like you all are living my life!!
Pepper spray, a tazer, and
Pepper spray, a tazer, and keyed door knobs for your bedroom. Use all three liberally.
No need to feel alone. All of us have had struggles in our blended family adventures of one type or another.
Even better than locks, have loud sex with the door wide open. She will stay in her room, lock her door, put on her headphones and never come out. }:)
Learn to have fun tormenting her. Enjoy it!!! }:) Adult experience and treachery will defeat youth, exuberance, and inexperience every time.

I've slowly come to the
I've slowly come to the realization that SD14, although she likes to say she does, does not care one iota about me or my feelings. I truly believe now that I am nothing but a joke and a bother to her. And with that I have decided to stop wasting any of my time or happiness trying to worry about having any sort of relationship with her other than house guest. There are some people who are just not worth it and she is one of those people.
I've slowly come to the
I've slowly come to the realization that SD14, although she likes to say she does, does not care one iota about me or my feelings. I truly believe now that I am nothing but a joke and a bother to her. And with that I have decided to stop wasting any of my time or happiness trying to worry about having any sort of relationship with her other than house guest. There are some people who are just not worth it and she is one of those people.
So glad I'm not alone!! I
So glad I'm not alone!! I have 15 yr old as who lives with us. I seriously lock my bedroom door and keep food in there too ! If I don't he seriously eats it ALl and was stealing our money. All he does is play xbox. Flunked most classes last year. Total pig. And his be just doesn't care
And they don't move out when
And they don't move out when they are 18....Too stupid to make it on their own, with DHs as enablers..
~ Moon
Who owns the home you live
Who owns the home you live in? If you do, kick your fiance and his daughter out. If he owns it, you take your kids and go.
His daughter treats you like crap because both you and his father allow her to. It sounds like you are afraid of her, so leaving may be your only option.