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My step daughter from hell.....

Stefany.lee's picture

My 12 years old step daughter is a mess... she doesn’t neither teeth, doesn’t shower for 4-5 days and when she does, she make sure she runs the water for 2 hours, she put her feet on the table when we eat, she screams and jump around when she’s talking in the phone with her boyfriend from mid night to 4-5a.m. and act like a dead person on her way to school, she put a tons of makeup on and black nail positive, she never brushed her hair , she use one roll of toilet paper every other day....she clogged 4 toilets in my house...she hides snakes in her room and leaves her nasty smell panties on the floor, she still sits on my husband’s lap and kisses him when she already has periods and boobs.... she complains about everything we eat and calls them gross ... disgusting like dog food... she never helped with one thing in the family... she poisoned my 2 year old son with laundry detergent and spray bleach cleaner on his butt and his toys... she pushed him on the floor.... she told me F you when I asked her to clean up herself after she ate.... she makes sure she eat after you run the dishwasher and left the plates on the table.... she wear her shoes and sleep on her bed.... She put bleach in my skin care and her dad’s body wash cause we didn’t take her to get hair dye at 11:00am... she got mad and threw her phone and laptop on the ground and wanted you to buy her a new one on next day... she wrote “ kill them all “ on her notebook and I pad... she grabs everything when we are doing food shopping ( like 20 nail polishes and all kind of make ups) and told me to pay for them... she stole money from me and my husband... she never said “ thanks you” don’t matter what you do for her.... 

is that just me being so lucky to have a step daughter like that? What do you guys do to correct this kind of behavior?

notsurehowtodeal's picture

The only way to correct your situation is to leave it. Your DH has chosen not to correct any of these behaviors - therefore they are not going to change. You have chosen to stay with your DH, and therefore his daughter, when you think she tried to poison your son. You are choosing to endanger your son. Nothing is going to change unless you choose to leave this situation.

You keep providing the same details and asking the same questions - the answers you get are not going to change.

notsofast's picture

Nothing. I do nothing to correct this kind of behavior from a child that isn't mine, either legally/biologically. Just like someone else's kid somewhere else isn't my problem or responsibility to correct, neither is THIS "someone else's kid". I distance myself from the child and choose not to be around them. If they are dangerous, I put up lots of distance. Their behaviors are a reflection of who is parenting them, or at least who should be. Not my problem.

When my ss misbehaves I address it with my dh. He handles it, or doesn't. If he doesn't, my beef is with my DH. 


Siemprematahari's picture

she poisoned my 2 year old son with laundry detergent and spray bleach cleaner on his butt and his toys.

All types of f@ckery going on in your life and in this post but what is EXTREMELY alarming is what you stated above. How on earth are you still living with your child in that type of toxic environment???? She could have killed your son and this is even a question?? Why are you still there and putting up with all this BS? Next time you won't be so fortunate.

Leave this chaos of a life and save yourself and your child. You are looking for ways to "legally get rid of stepkids" but not looking at the fact that their father parents poorly.

notarelative's picture

she poisoned my 2 year old son with laundry detergent 

When this happened and  you took your 2 year old to the ER, did you tell them this? A 12 year old poisoning a 2 year old should have yielded a visit from children's services.

Rags's picture

Easy fixes.

No phone or electronics... Check.  This solves the talking all night with her BF. Double Check.

No makeup ..... She is twelve not 15..... Check 

She picks nothing and gets nothing when you or anyone else is shopping..... Check.

If she does not shower daddy marches her to the back yard and hoses her off with the garden hose while squirting her with Dawn diswashing liquid.  If it is gentle enough to clean oil off of wildlife, it is gentle enough for a toxic pre-teen..... Check

Now for discipline.  Daddy needs to take a belt to her toxic butt and use a stinging ass to reconnect her brain with acceptable behavior.

If her behavior is not compliant with reasonable standards of behavior she leaves the home only for school and to go to BM's as scheduled in the CO.

No tolerance, no quarter, bring the pain and let her suffer a life of abject misery until her behavior aligns.

Now for the poisoning of your 2yo and the bleach spraying and poisoning your and DHs hygiene product... call the police and have them haul her ass off for the courts to deal with.  The poisoning of the 2yo would be the end of that POS in my home.  She needs to be in Juvi where she will be the older kid's punching bag and have her ass kicked on a daily basis by people who really are tough.

This kid would not survive in my world.  She is nothing that firm consequence based discipline and a life of abject misery would not fix.


elkclan's picture

Yeah, what this girl needs is physical abuse. Uh-huh. 

There are more ways to discipline than violence and your advice is against the law in many jurisdictions and rightly so. 

But the principle stands - no respect, no decent behaviour = no privileges. 

However, the advice is for dad who does not, cannot or will not guide and discipline his child. 

Rags's picture

A call to 911 regarding the poising of the baby and the poisoning of hygiene products eliminates the problem.  The kid is gone and the baby is safe.

As for corporal punishmennt being illegal... the last time I looked, only in Delaware is that the case.

Take a look at the laws in all the states.  It is interesting.

This kid has no business anywhere other than away from any home with young children.  IMHO of course. The OP must protect her child.  Since her DH won't parent.

elkclan's picture

You've already told your husband she can't live there and apparently he has agreed to this. But with the kids' mother MIA he literally has no choice but to look after his older children. Yes, they are awful. No, I wouldn't want to live with that either. No I wouldn't want to live with or breed with a man who parents the way your husband does. 

Your choices are family therapy, divorce, living separately or some mix of those. No you cannot have this girl living with your child. But she also cannot live alone without adult supervision. 

Willow2010's picture

By chance do you own a beagle, stefany?


Bahahahaha!!  My thoughts too!  lol

Stefany.lee's picture

It have been 4 months when CPS came to my house and told me to throw away my kids formula and opened containers inside the fridge or pantry. I was so mad and didn’t realize I should’ve called the cops and put her toxic ass to Juvenile hall! Im so regret now. Cause I love my stepson and hav no issues with him. Just that girl is a problem.... what else I can do :( 

shamds's picture

friend that food items were likely contaminated and they advised what she had done to your 2yr old child and it didn’t occur then that you should call the cops to haul her ass away to juvie and protect your child? Were you guilted and bullied by your husband to not do it?

i can tell you right now even if my husband said at that point that he’ll handle it and he doesn’t want drama from cops and bio mum, i’d still call the cops and i’d inform themy husband pressured me to not report to police which in alot of countries is illegal to intimidate a witness or reporter of a crime. 

As a legitimate mum who nurtures her child, your job is to protect your kid, the moment any harm comes to her like serious life threatening trying to put in hospital type abuse, thats it you should be out or informing cos and the police. Not still wanting a life with your spouse without skids

the only reason abuse from skids to half siblings happens is because of no discipline and parenting from their bio parent(s)

Stefany.lee's picture

I’m sorry guys. I know I sounds like a depressed crazy psycho here but this is the only place I can talk and be honest... so I’m sorry if I made you sick 

fourbrats's picture

why a two year old is on formula? And why this child was never taken to the ER if he supposedly ingested laundry detergent and had a chemical burn from bleach........

Stefany.lee's picture

He only gets his bottle in the morning and before he goes to bed, he cried in the middle of the night sometime and complain about having an upset stomach but I didn’t pay too much attention cause it’s not like he was dying and crying every night. Good thing is we got the organic stuff at the house and glad her friend’s mom overheard her daughter on the phone and brought it to the CPSs attentions. I felt so bad cause I never thought she would be capable of doing something like that.

fourbrats's picture

why is a two year old on formula at all? Why does he even have a bottle? And organic laundry detergent is still a chemical and there isn't organic bleach so he still had a chemical burn. So again...why wasn't the child taken to the doctor? CPS doesn't just mention " Oh by the way someone mentioned that your SD is poisoning your child" It doesn't work that way. CPS would insist on a visit to the doctor. 

Indigo's picture

In my experience, clear criminal behavior by minor children results in police involvement especially if CPS catches wind of it. 

Parents are the ones liable & responsible if their minor kids sexually assault, maim, poison or abuse others.  Parents can be charged with neglect etc. Parental responsibility laws.

Sounds as if both you and your DH should be having a sit-down chitchat with the cops, CPS and your personal lawyers. 


Maxwell09's picture

Stepkids wouldn’t be so awful if their parents actually focused on raising their kids instead of fighting their ex about how to raise their kid. 

You have a DH problem. If he’s okay with that girl then you can live with it or leave if he’s not willing to put in the work. 

pinklove0015's picture

This is no way your step daughters fault. It is your husbands. He raised her and allows her to be like that. If you think she poisoned your child you need to leave with your child. 

RLZ0073's picture

of both of her ignorant parents for not curbing her ridiculous and dangerous behavior. It sounds like she needs therapy, medications and maybe sometime in a juvenile hall or mental health facility.

and if some twerp like her poisoned my child, I would’ve called the police, pressed charges and moved out.