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Mky0005's picture

I have a biological child who is five weeks old. Also have a 15 year old step daughter. My stepdaughter's biological mother tested positive for Covid 10 days ago. However, she said she got a negative test after that. So my husband decided to let my stepdaughter go to her biological mothers yesterday. However the stepdaughter lives with us so of course she is back. I'm Completely freaking out because we have a five week old baby. Should I quarantine the baby in the room and not let my stepdaughter in? She loves her and always wants to hold her etc. I feel like that's mean, but I also have the responsibility of protecting my newborn. And yes, I know my husband is an idiot and I don't know what I can do about that. We argued and argued before my stepdaughter went to her biological mothers but at the end of the day he let her go over there. 

ndc's picture

Well, do you have reason to not believe BM?  When she says she got a negative test after a positive 10 days ago, does that mean it was right afterwards so likely a false positive, or she got the negative test days after the positive?  Did BM have symptoms?

If the negative test immediately followed the positive test, I'd probably be less worried. But in any event I would contact my baby's pediatrician and ask for advice.  And then I'd follow it.  If that means your H and SD have to quarantine somewhere in the house, and you and baby need to stay elsewhere in the house, so be it.  I hope your H would be willing to take the advice of a medical professional, even if it's inconvenient for him and SD.  I agree that your husband is an idiot, but there are plenty of them out there.  We take more covid risks than I'd like, but my baby is a little over a year, not 5 weeks old.  When she was 5 weeks old the SDs didn't get near her if they had the sniffles.

Mky0005's picture

Husband won't follow anything i say even if dr ssid it bc he's stubborn. YES birth mom was very sick !!! Husband took her word for it that she got a negative test. So yeah I'm worried. She lies. 

CLove's picture

If your H will not follow any guidelines and will endanger baby, then you must quarantine yourself.

You need to take this bull by the horns and be hard line on it.

weightedworld's picture

I didn't allow my kids around bfs daughter for 2 months when covid went through their home and bm claimed it was just pneumonia. Bullshit for 1 and tough shit for 2. 

Rags's picture

THey have rapid tests.  Do not risk your baby's health because you are allowing your fee fees to overide your brain thinking that quaranteening your teen SD from your new born is mean.  Just because your DH is an idiot does not mean you have to be.

And.... him letting SD go expose herself to the infected BM does not mean you had to let SD back in your home.

Were I you, SD would have stayed with BM until they both produced a negative test dated within the last 48 hours.

Mky0005's picture

I'd LOVE nothing more than to keep stepdaughter at birth moms but husband won't have it.  Birth mom haS proven she can't get child to school on time etc. husband should have done better in this situation i am frustrated.