Loud and Disrespectful 17yr SS
I'm new to this site and am open to any constructive advice - thanks in advance!
My 17 year old stepson who I have never particularly got on with as I have always (in the last 9 years) found him to be loud, cocky, spoilt and disrespectful to his elders is really beginning to bug me. He is basically talking very loudly and expressing his opinions on everything and anything whilst I am trying to watch TV. He talks over the programme. My partner seems to ignore it and clams up when I mention it. Whatever I say I like or express regard for, my stepson disagrees, usually in a totally obnoxious manor. An example is we were watching a football match the other night, my team were playing, and stepson decides to loudly go through all the team members saying what is wrong with each one of them and how he is glad they don't play for his team. I've always tried to stay quiet and keep the peace as I know my stepson would not take kindly to me pulling him up on his loud and unwanted opinions but I feel I am going to have to say something as I feel he is walking all over me. I cannot expect much help from my partner who tries not to get involved in any family issues and hopes they will magically disappear, he does not like confrontation of any sort. But it is me who is suffering.
What can I do to stop this behaviour? Sorry for rambling a bit!
While SS17 doesn't have to
While SS17 doesn't have to appreciate your sports team nor any of the players, why not tell him you'd rather hear the game instead of his mouth. He does get to have an opinion and it definitely may not be the same as your own it's the constant yapping during the event that should be the issue (not his stupid opinion).
Opinions and know-it-all is classic late teen stuff. In their small expanding world into thinking they're 'almost all grown up' (*rolls eyes*) in the kid's view he already knows it all and knows best. Yeah, they can be quite obnoxious in expressing all their 'worldly knowledge'. What's important is that he shouldn't be able to ruin you watching and enjoying your program. He doesn't have to agree with your view, but he can shut up so you can hear or he can leave the room and go fid something else to do. He wouldn't like it one bit if you sat there during one of his programs and jacked your jaw nonstop. Too bad remotes don't work on people otherwise you could just point the remote towards him and mute him
Thanks so much for the
Thanks so much for the advice, I've gone on far too long just trying to keep the peace. I also think it would be beneficial to me to ignore SS as much as I can, another good bit of advice. I can't say how much of a refreshing change it is to find this website, so many other websites have people just sticking up for the poor children and telling step parents they are the ones who should behave as adult and sympathise with the poor kid. At long last, I have found people who understand the issues. If I could have my time over again I would run a mile, never realised that step kids could be this horrible and irritating.