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I'm worried....

unsure99's picture

Right now the FSD13 does not live with us, actually she lives a couple of hours away. She comes twice a month. However, there is talk of them moving to the same town as us. I know that this would be better for her dad. He would get to see her more, be more involved in school and stuff. Plus not have such a long drive to go get her and take her home. But I am so worried this is not going to be a good thing for our relationship. We are not married, we have been together for over 2 years. He is a great man and I love him very much. We have been talking about getting married. He has guilty daddy symdrome so bad though. He babies her, waits on her hand and foot when she is here. He treats her and she acts like she is 2 years old!! He says that he would be different if he got to see her more, but I'm just not sure he would be any different. Anyone had this issue before? Did daddy change?

alwaysanxious's picture

Gross. You can only change them so much and it seems that its you that had to do all the hard work to get it the way it should be.

Good luck. I'd wait on the marriage thing until you see if you are going to be ok with it all.