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Help! 16 year old twin girls

twinstep's picture

Wow, what a wonderful feeling to know that I am not the only one that feels this way. I have no children of my own, but my husband of 5 years has 16 year old twin girls that live with us and have always been with their father. Oh if I could go back 7 years and do it over I would definitely marry him only if he didnt have kids.In their defense, these kids have been through hell, their BM lives in another state with her husband and 2 kids (Thank GOD)however, although they were never married I am stepmom #2.And the one twin is such an angry witch,I can not stand the sight of her, nor have I been able to for about 4 years now. This kid has severe anger issues and she has taken them out on me and our home. She has carved into our walls, tables, dressers and so on. A home that my money built she lives in. She is a know it all, you say black she says white type of kid, hates rules, thinks she can make her own choices and worse of all plays me and her father and everyone else against each other. Her sister isnt as bad but isnt as innocent either. So 2 weeks ago she writes me a letter definitely reaching out and recognozing that our relationship is unhealthy, but in the same breath telling me she wants to fight me, wring my neck and pull all the hair out of my head. Are you kidding me. My marriage has also been through hell, counseling helped and we both agree we want to be together but I tell him our love for each other is not the issue I can not live with your kids.....but we are still plugging away, and we want to make it work. I responded to her letter and basically told her how I felt and that I was sorry things didnt work out for her parents and that all I ever did was try and love her like my own, but I did and do not deserve to have her anger taken out on me. So she comments on the letter with her comments. I was so enraged with anger that I stormed out of my house and took a 5 hour drive. Thank god she wasnt home, because I am not violent person but this kid brings out an anger in me that I told her this and how I have prayed for the strength to not put my hands on her, her response to that was "do it and die" I have not spoken to her since. I told my husband I have had it with that kids attitude and I was done with her. Of course it doesnt help that my monster in law is a controlling witch that has to have the say in everything, and she has know idea what I have been through trying to raise these brats. So I am counting the days until they leave home, I know they will always be apart of my life, but maybe things will be better when we dont live in the same house.

Hanny's picture

Well you've got 2 years until they are 18...but believe me that doesn't mean a thing! If their Dad can't handle them now, he's not going to step up when they are 18 either.

Hate to be negative, but sometimes just because they are 18 doesn't mean they are going to move out and leave you alone! You've put up with a lot, but be prepared 18 isn't a magic number!

twinstep's picture

I agree with you, maybe not 18 but definitely not forever I hope.I didnt list half of what I have been through with this kid.Yes,their father is a big pushover and he is so afraid they will leave him and go live with their mother, they wouldnt last 6 months with her.

They make him look like a fool. And I have told him let them go live with their mother and wreck someone's elses marriage. It has been so hard not to take this out on my hubby too, but why give her what she wants and leave, if not me he will be with someone else right?