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Don’t want SS here

Mstaz's picture

This may sound horrible but throughout this COVID lockdown I have not seen my 17yr old SS for two months which has been pure heaven. That is until now, he has been whining to his dad about coming out for a visit because he misses his dad and SB but I have been having a lot of health issues and his BM works at a retirement home that have had positive cases so I did not want him over because of that and my health. Well DH gave into SS and brought him to our home, I am currently locked in my room to avoid contact with him because I was tested for covid yesterday and waiting for the results because I am not getting any better since I was really sick from a virus in February. This kid acts like an immature little shit and he knows if he whines enough he gets his own way. He should not be here at all but apparently I have no say, dad missed him to which is understandable. But DH has to realize this is serious situation but he isn't taking it seriously and this separation was a great opportunity for them both to get use to not seeing each other that much because hopefully SS will grow up and be to busy with life to come out every weekend. I asked SS today when was dad taking him home because he has been here a few days and I am tired of being locked up in my own house. He said idk like I will stay as long as I like. Like wth. With the schools being closed with my luck this kid will want to stay for a long while, which always increases my stress level which compromises my immune system. The kid is seriously lazy and all he wants to do is play video games. His mom and I and her boyfriend have been after him to find a part time job but he doesn't put any effort into that because he doesn't want to lose his weekend visits, when he is here he literally holes up in my sons room playing video games even when my son is working until it's time for dad to take him home. And DH doesn't lay  into him about the whole job search thing like the rest of us do. I am at my wits end with this kid and my DH. 

SteppingOut_2020's picture

I will never understand for one why kids at that age still want to come to daddee's every other weekend!!  Its crazy to me how kids nowadays have no friends and stay so home-bound and rely on their parents for their social life.  Its kind of disgusting actually!  Nothing wrong with them wanting to see each other, but geez go out to lunch or dinner or have dinner at home for one night, why do they have to, or why do they want to stay there an extended period of time??    I had video games when I was growing up granted it was Atari LOL but hey, back then it was a big deal!!  And never once did we make that our entire lives.
Anyway, there are plenty of places hiring now despite the pandemic and even moreso now that places are starting to open back up slowly.  Places like grocery stores have been looking for people all along and restaurants are having a problem finding people to return as some are choosing to stay on unemployment, so there IS work!  Its just pure laziness if you have a 17 year old that doesnt want to games are more important! *Gag*. 

Lady.Tremaine's picture

Ok so I have no advice but hugs.  your DH is being a numbskull. I have the same issue so I wish you the best of health.

Rags's picture

If the 17yo won't get a job, then make him your beck and call boy/chore bitch.  Don't pay him.  In fairly short order he will figure out that getting paid for working is better than not getting paid for working.

It worked for my SS when he was 18.  We worked that kid's ass off until he joined the USAF.