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Having issues with boyfriends kids

Nkindred0525's picture

Hi I am new to this whole blog thing. I decided to turn here for help with others who may be going through similar issues. I've tried counseling but hard to meet with someone only once a week for an hour and try to get all my issues out and my family and friends lack there of, aren't really much help. So here's my story/current dellima, my husband passed in 2020 we were a blended family of 10 (8 kids and us 2 adults) crazy right, anyways we didn't not have kids together so when he passed I stopped hearing from his kids due to drama with his baby mother's. So now I met someone who is amazing didn't think it would happen so soon but maybe the universe knew what I needed. We have been dating almost a year now things started off great until he and his kids moved in about a 2 months ago. He has his 2 kids a boy 9 and girl 6 one week on and one week off. I have 2 boys of my own 12 and 4. My 12 year old requires very little doesn't complain keeps to himself my 4 yr has his moments but for the most part is content playing by himself so the weeks his kids aren't there the house is quite and very chill. The weeks his kids are at my house all hell breaks loose and I go into hiding. Mind you he and his kids moved into my house which I am very ocd and like to keep my house tidy. His kids literally have no structure or home training their mother is a piece of work. My boyfriend, their dad, let's them rule him. Dinner time is an absolute nightmare, he's vegan so that's difficult in itself but I've come to deal with it. His kids literally will not eat anything unless it's fruit or cheese maybe taking after him idk. But I try to cook and they just waste over it so I finally stopped. His idea of cooking is throwing fries and cheese sticks in the oven he tries to cook chicken and rice and they will only eat the rice so dinner time is almost obsolete. I just make my kids dinner which my youngest eats any and everything and a lot of it and my oldest eats ok, but now my youngest is watching them whine and get their way and is trying it with me. Also when they do eat it's like they are 2 yrs old hence why I refuse to take them out to eat or anywhere for that matter. Even going to the grocery store is stressful they act like wild animals. Even having 8 kids was easier than dealing with his 2. Not to mention they make lots of messes like eating food and just throwing it on the floor when they are done, jump and bounce on my couches, ride bikes and hoover boards in my house and ran into a wall the second week they were there, taking a chunk out of my wall. They are rough with my expesive dogs so I keep my dogs locked up when they are around. They don't keep anything clean or flush the toilet after they use it and in the week they are with us their dad only bathes them once being his son is 9 he shouldn't have to be told to shower and his 6 year old should be able to bathe herself. he is used to his children's mother doing everything so now that he has them without her he doesn't take the time to make sure they are on time to their virtual classes (thanks covid), take baths daily, eats properly etc. If he thinks I'm about to step in and take care of his kids and mine and work and clean the house behind them he has another thing coming. All of this irritates me to no end I don't mind stepping in but I feel at those ages they should be a little more advanced and self sufficient as I expect my kids to be. I don't feel we have been together long enough for me to express how I feel or discipline them. So I just keep it to myself and take very long trips to the store. I even escape to smoke when they are there cuz it's too stressful my anxiety peaks as soon as they get there. I count the days to Sunday. I can't even have alone time in my bedroom because they bust in my room or start knocking every 5 mins needing something. They fight and whine literally all day. They won't go to bed at a decent time typically they fall asleep around midnight or 1am on school nights even. Summer is almost here and I am dreading it. My bf is a tow truck driver and has asked me if I can watch his kids when he has a call I said yes one time, and they would not listen so I now refuse to watch them If he isn't there. I dont want to feel like this 2 weeks out of the month it's becoming to the point that I don't even want to be in my own house anymore. Maybe I tried to move on too fast but our connection is almost as good as my and my late husbands, but his kids are making me want to say forget it all. I don't expect him to watch my kids and my oldest son is mature enough to watch my youngest so my kids are not an issue. I don't think he sees them as being as irritating as they are which makes me uncomfortable to have to have the conversation of they need to learn manners and get on a routine. I did want another child but this is making me not and especially not with him because his parenting style is very different from mine. Not sure what to do. Ideally I wish we could just go back to living in separate places and try living together again later or should I just cut him loose altogether? HELP!!


lieutenant_dad's picture

Ask yourself if your connection REALLY is as good as yours with your latw husband or if this man just reminds you of the good qualities that you loved and admired with your late husband.

Did your late husband expect you to step in and replace his ex?

Did your late husband let his children run around feral and disrespect your home?

Did your late husband allow his kids to barge into your room whenever they want?

Did your late husband parent his kids well enough that you were able to take the kids out in public?

If you didn't have these problems with your late husband, then this man isn't anything like your late husband. And keep in mind that he was your HUSBAND. The expectations you had set for yourself were likely appropriate because you were MARRIED. This man is just a BF, and he has ZERO right to allow his children to disrespect your home. They are all guests, and if they can't behave accordingly, then you shouldn't be allowing them in your home.

In my honest opinion, I think in your grief that you took a major misstep in new partner. Perhaps this man is who you need to help you through, but that doesn't mean he is going to be your next husband. That doesn't mean you should treat him to the luxury of having a wife when you aren't his wife. And my guess is that you're falling into that old habit because you miss it, and you miss your late husband. 

Therapy, even once a week, would be good for you. So would taking a step back in this relationship. You can keep the boyfriend without adding on the baggage. You can date him, hang out, and get to know one another without moving him in and taking back on the mantle of wife. 

A year is not long enough to process your grief AND enter into a new blended family. Your kids are probably still grieving the loss of their stepfather and stepsiblings. You're still grieving the loss of your husband. Slow down and back out of this. Don't use this man and his baggage as a bandaid.

fakemommy's picture

He needs to move back out. You aren't ready for this relationship, and even if you were, it wouldn't be the right one for you. Maybe try a couple more years dating living apart.

Winterglow's picture

You have already done the impossible - you have raised eight kids and not all of them yours is. 

These kids are FERAL. Why give up your decent life for a man who can't raise his kids to be decent human beings and who doesn't care.. 

Wilhelm's picture

Your expectations seem to be vastly different.

If the rules that you have for your house can not be accepted how is this going to go?


BethAnne's picture

If you dont feel that you can express how you feel or discipline the children then you were not ready to move in together. And now you have moved in together you can see clearly that your two lifestyles (parenting styles) are not compatible. I would ask him to move out. If you want to try to date living in two separate households you could try it. But I am not sure I would want to do that myself. Why waste your time and energy on a relationship that is not 100% right for you?

Wicked stepmo.'s picture

They moved into your home. It is reasonable for you to set SO down and establish house rules. It is reasonable for you to ask SO to enforce them.

Pick things that are absolutes you require for your own sanity and ignore what you can.

You don't want the kids barging into the bedroom. But you will ignore the fact that they don't bathe. They make messes either he has them clean it or he does it himself. But let go of whether or not he makes them go to school. 

My SO parents completely opposite of me. But has learned to address the issues that I need addressed to remain in this relationship.

Alexey's picture

Girl, I hear you! I only have one step kid but for 8 years now. I thought things will get better as his older but he is 13 and acting like 9. No matter what I say he forgets about it in 10 min. He is dirty, he is lazy, and he always smooth from his dad. His mother raising him like that and I cant say anything bad, because my husband afraid his ex will get pissed and he wont see his kid. I hide away when he is here, he is here every other week but sometimes he is here longer. He thinks we have money like his rich stepdad and he always asking for expensive things and my husband says we will see and Im like no we cant afford it but my husband doesnt listen to me and that really pissing me off. I want to move from this state cause we cant afford living here but we cant because of his kid, for another 5 years, I feel like by then I will resent both of them.