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Disengagement continues and I'm getting better at it.

boozlendidsmom's picture

SD was just here for five days. I managed to not see her for the first two days. Yippee! Last night, she had a friend over. We got home around 10:00. She was whiny and itching for a fight, but nobody gave her one. She finally sulked off to her bedroom. The friend followed eventually. Seriously, she just left her friend downstairs with us. Today her dad took her shopping for supplies she needed for a school project. She asked that her project partner be allowed to spend the night, and then she and the girl would go to her mother's house tomorrow. Because her dad has to leave for work very early tomorrow morning, we didn't want to have a situation where I would be left here with her and her friend in the morning. Dad said she could go to her mom's tonight and to see if mom would let the friend sleep over there. One teenage sleepover was quite enough for me in a weekend, thanks. It started to become an argument. I left and went out for a cup of coffee until that blew over.

Later, he reminded her multiple times that her room had to be cleaned up before she left for her mom's house. She put it off and put it off. Finally, she was packing up her stuff to go and she had the nerve to ask her dad if he would carry the dirty glasses and garbage downstairs from her room. He told her that was her job. She screamed at him that she wasn't going to do it and she slammed her bedroom door. A short time later, we were sitting in the living room when she walked out the front door with all the stuff he bought her, heading off to her mother's house. The garbage wasn't taken out. The dirty glasses were still upstairs. And there wasn't so much as a goodbye, let alone a thanks.

He went after her and tried to take back the stuff he bought her, but she made a scene. He came back in the house and said he didn't know what to do. I said if it were me, I wouldn't let her take that stuff. He got in the car and drove over to the mom's house. Mom was there. When SD walked up to the house, she threw a big dramatic fit about him being there. Then she stormed into mom's house. Mom said he shouldn't take the stuff she needed for the school project. Instead, she said that SHE would take away her ipod. Since he certainly couldn't go into the house after her, he came home and said mom was taking the ipod. Well, that was a couple of hours ago and I can see on facebook that she's been online this whole time. Mom is full of crap. She also texted that she thinks she can get SD over here tomorrow to clean up her crap. That means I will have to leave the house, because I do not want to be alone here with her. She is looking for confrontation and drama. I'm not having it.

It was difficult not to jump in and give this girl a piece of my mind, but I managed to pretty much stay out of it. Okay, I made a comment or two before I left, but I kept my cool. Progress.

boozlendidsmom's picture

Oh, right. I guess it was really just one comment. When she was demanding that her dad needed to contact her mom and ask her if the friend could sleep over, I said that was between her and her mother. Wait, I said one more thing. While this was going on, she was playing loud music on the computer in the living room. I told her to turn it off. That's it.

boozlendidsmom's picture

She showed up here a little while ago to (according to BM) "finish cleaning up". I didn't speak to her. She was here and gone in a flash, and the only reason I knew she left was because BM's vehicle was no longer in front of the house. I was running the vacuum, so I didn't hear her go. She took stuff to the dishwasher and took out her trash, but she did not clean up all the crap from her bedroom floor. Whatever. Our rule is that if she leaves stuff on her bedroom floor when she goes back to mom's, it will be disposed of. Pretty soon, she will have nothing left to leave out.

Another thing--we sent out an online invitation for our upcoming wedding. People can RSVP on the website and they can see who else is going. I sent one to her, even though she's only 14 and doesn't really need an invitation. She replied maybe. Then she changed it to yes. Then she changed it back to maybe. All of this childish drama for the whole guest list to see. I just removed her from the list. Now she can't post anything. That's enough of that!