Drama, drama, drama...
I swear that SS13 LOVES creating drama. He is a master manipulator at his mom's house - uses it to get whatever he wants... especially saying things like he is coming to live here, I am the best mom in the world, etc. BM flips out on him, then buys him off. Last year was HELL because he figured out how to get DH and I to the point that our communication was not good - he still had major consequences for behavior, but our relationship was rough. Needless to say because he could not manipulate us to give him what he wanted, he moved back with his mom.
He has been here since Saturday. I have been disengaged, trying to be pleasant, but not starting conversation or going out of my way to do stuff with him. I guess there wasn't enough drama going on for him so he had to stir the pot with BM. Told her that he needed to save $ to buy a new XBox for her house. He left his XBox here after summer so that he would have something to play here. At his mom's SS has a Play Station 2, Wii, Nintendo DS, laptop, and iPod. Seriously, its not as though he needs another gaming system there.
So, BM FLIPPED. Starting text harassing DH - went on all morning. Claiming that she is a better parent, cares more about family than money, and that DH is not a Christian because of this. We had to laugh. BM NEVER spends time with SS even though he begs her to. Her life REVOLVES around money, and she refuses to go to church. Needless to say, DH ripped SS a new one, told him that his XBox was going home with him, along with anything else that we didn't buy him so that we dont have to deal with BM and SS drama.
Children can be master
Children can be master manipulators and having two families to work against each other makes it that much more fun. By not buying into it you take all their power away. My advise is to completely disengage which means that unless he's starting a fire in the middle of the living room or says something reasonable to you that you just ignore his existence. Let his father deal with all of this.