Comments from SD to my BD
So I get home last night after working OT all week; to the ONE night for 4 Hours that BM takes SD13 and start dinner. My BD11 takes EVERYTHING to heart. She says; I got in a fight with SD this morning on the bus about you - I say (of course) why now??? She says because she was saying that she should just poison you so you will go away!!! REALLY - BD says - not to talk about me like that; and then of course SD proceeds to tell her to shut her freakin mouth or else.
OH my god what is the problem here; I don't even bother her; I just do my own thing; it is so ridiculous to live like this; any suggestions????????
Sounds like time for a family
Sounds like time for a family sit down. This conversation needs to be addressed and figure out what SD's problem is, #1, and also find out why she is threatening BD, #2. 13 is a tough age but you just don't say that. Good luck!
I wish it was that simple but
I wish it was that simple but SD lives with us now!! BM and SF refuse to take her! Because of all this; in fact I just had conversation with her mom to talk about her behavior w/ boys and her attitude and she actually said - Now you know what we went through! :jawdrop:
I would see if I could get a
I would see if I could get a police officer to come out and talk to her about threats like that. It just might scare the crap out of her.
OMG…what did your DH say? He
OMG…what did your DH say? He needs to stop this now. I would not leave my drink/food or my kid alone with SD either.
I am so glad I found this
I am so glad I found this place and now I am not alone anymore in the crazy Step parent world anymore!