BM smoking pot with SD14?
Am I the only one that finds this truly offensive and grounds to take all visitation from BM?
I have been engaged to my DBoyfriend or whatever you call him for 4 years. In that time I have dealt with horrendous parenting issues. First of all, SD14 and SS12 have not been allowed to feel normal feelings since the divorce from BM. Automatically makes BD who has full custody (because BM couldn't fulfill drug rehabilitation requirement of 30 days) - Instead the BD, my fiance, has raised them only according to how to he feels they should feel...i.e. accept me (evil future SM) at all costs because that is what makes HIM happy....and they are supposed to deal with the rest. I came along when SD was 9 and SS was 7. So far, SD have lived up to her mother's personality - giving blowjobs and sex to the neighborhood boys (for attention or drugs don't know which) - and loving smoking pot which she has posted on her facebook that she is perfectly proud of - not only did her mother smoke pot with her but with her friends as well -
So - luckily an aunt has stepped forward to give the SD14 new start and life - she is very close to SD and is able to supervise her very closely. She is safe with the aunt and really getting some great communication and emotional guidance she do despeately needs (that my fiance isnt capable of giving her) -
Now SS12 wants to see his mother - she has called and made it an urgent matter- personally I don't feel a mother that gives her kid drugs is capapble of visitation with supervision and I thought me and finance were on the same page - WRONG
BM picked up SS12 today for visition - now my fiance has already disucssed with lawyaer about how to proceed in making her visitation strictly under proper supervision - he ignores this advice and because he wants to keep the peace - lets the SS12 go with BM -
I am beside myself. This BM has no intention of being a MOTHER but instead wants to be their buddy. Whether that means buying them drugs or liquor - she has no boundaries.
I have been told today that I should just butt out and my opinoin doesn't count. Is this a dealbreaker people?? I am so mortified I can't even think straight. What would you do, I need some serious advice - thanks for listening!!
wow, that is crazy!!!! your
wow, that is crazy!!!! your fiance needs to stop letting them go with her!! u r right!!! i would report the smoking pot to
CPS, they will make sure BM only sees them when supervised. They will make your fiance sign a contract guaranteeing that.
I dont know if it is a deal breaker, but think about whether you want to be with someone with such poor judgement. I want to tell you to
run, but not my place.