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Are you effing kidding me???!!!

perfectsaralee's picture

Deep we go...

So a brief history first. I'm 34, BD5 have a very nice job and have never been married. I'm into a 2 year relationship with a 51 year old, who I love more than chocolate cake, father of 3. His youngest daughter 18, lives with her boyfriend and is still in high school (when she gets her lazy seat meat outta bed to go in). He is divorced after a 24 year marriage & has only ever given in and enabled all of her irresponsibility. She has never had to pay for a thing. Ever. He pays $2000 a month in alimony and $400 a month in child support on the 18 yr old. Did I mention she lives with her boyfriend and not her mom who the child support goes to? (BF won't go to court and fight it. He's divorced on paper...and that's where it the divorce ended for him. They are both very much still married in mind and haven't figured out what divorce is quite's only been 8 years...these things take time right?)
Back at the ranch, BM refuses to move on and is a relentless, unstable PITA. She collects alimony, child support & was given everything free and clear. He took on $156,000 worth of debt. BF took on all the debt because he felt like he "failed" and that was his way to try and make things up to her. She divorced him.
He came to me with a POS car, a box of clothes and 156k worth of debt. I took him in under the terms that NO more money would be paid out to his past life; with exception of the court ordered payout. Well that worked for about a month; he paid for $1300 senior pictures, $2000 Sweetheart Dance Dress for Queenie and the list can go on and on and on for ever. BM refuses to give her any money because she wants it all for herself to buy herself lavish gifts and not pay property taxes. I can't begin telling you all how bad it truly is.
I'm very sound with money. I paid a ton of his bills and now that my savings are gone, things are very tight. Spoiled Queenie has just come to dad and told him he needs to co-sign on a car loan for her. She works 10 hours a week at McD's and has zero financial responsibility. Zero. She has a car that's in good shape, she just wants something "cooler". I told him that Queenie needs to go to mom and request from her to co-sign. Our household already has too much debt from that life and this would be the straw that breaks the back. He told me to shut my mouth, in so many words, because he was going to sign no matter what. After paying out his ass each month, he's left with less than $800 for this household. I pay all the bills and worry about the finances. He was horrible with money in the marriage and even with $80k a year, they fought like crazy because her spending habits were out of this world insane.
I want to get married some day. He refuses to ask me right now because he "doesn't have the money to give me the wedding I deserve." Well if you could grow a set of nutz and move on from the failed past, then maybe, just maybe, we'd be in a more financially sound place to plan a simple wedding and not have to cut everything down to bare bones while the ex and kid live high on the hog. I'm ready to blow. Literally, I'm shaking and my mind is so scattered that I'm having a hard time composing this blog.
What do I do? I can't for a second fathom taking on more debt when the irresponsible teenage girl defaults on the loan within two months. He said we'll just take the car back from her. Yeah, then what brain boy? Have it sit in the yard along with the payment book? I have a 5 year old that I need to worry about providing for. I'm going to erupt and it's going to be bad. Real bad. I think Ms.Hannigan said it crystal clear...KILL...KILL...KILL!!!!!
Any advice would be much appreciated.

alwaysanxious's picture

Me personally, I would cut off his gravy train. The only reason he does this is because you enable it by taking up his slack financially.

duct_tape's picture



duct_tape's picture

I have been married to a man who coddled and spoiled and enabled a son for three years. It took me that long to put a stop to it. This is three cars crashed later, twenty thousand in car insurance premiums (for two years!) and thirty five thousand in student loans that netted a .02 gpa!!!!! IN ONE YEAR!

There's no getting it for these guys. You have to draw a line in the sand and DO NOT BEND ON YOUR LINE!!!

queen-B's picture

First, last, and always...KEEP YOUR FINANCES SEPARATE!!! The only reason I didn't follow my own advice here is that my fdh hands me every cent of income (after the state takes its CS chunk) and I have full and sole financial control. Clearly your bf isn't prepared to do that, so the only way to protect yourself is to keep money separate. Then, you can choose how much you help and under what conditions. He wants to consign for queenie? Fine; clearly if he's in that solid financial shape he should be able to pay 1/2 of all the household expenses including rent/mortgage! Oh wait, he can't do that? Guess you'll be making other choices with your money to benefit you and your child...not him and his spoiled entitled brat! Maybe start investing in a college fund instead of paying for his haircuts/snack foods/cable acess/etc.

I'd be livid at this! I divorced my ex because he decided one day that living off of my work was a perfectly fine way to live his life. I sure as hell would't let a man force me to let his adult kid live off of my work too!

duct_tape's picture

Oh, just to tell you how I ended it...funny story.

For every penny we spent on his son, I demanded an equal share go to each and every one of MY kids. Shit stopped pretty damn quick.

queen-B's picture

Sweet! }:)

Disneyfan's picture

He's using you. You're paying all the bills while he hands his money over to BM and his daughter.

Put him out.

perfectsaralee's picture

You've all got me in tears now. How true your words are. I love the guy but the price I'm paying right now is forcing me to the ledge each and everyday.

Auteur's picture

RUN like the wind!! I"m in the same sort of relationship only I"m older than biodad. Almost all his money goes to CS and his kids are entering their teen years. He already resents me for resenting his lips sewn to his "first family's" hiney.

He'll end up hating you once you cut off the gravy train and you'll be miserable for decades to come.

RUN RUN RUN!!! If not for you, for the sake of your BD!!!

perfectsaralee's picture

Your insight on this is jaw dropping! I asked for insight and you ladies come thru like stream rollers! LOVE LOVE LOVE the ammo. I'm sitting here reading the advise/comments and he's wondering why I'm tearing up in laughter and sadness at the same time. I told him I was blogging about this issue and his comment, "Sara, you live your life the way you want to live your life and I'll live my life the way I want to live my life". So what do that translate to...I'll always only ever be the other woman no matter the cost. Bastard.

duct_tape's picture

In the end, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. They are squeaking up a storm. Louder than you at least. You need to get pissed and get loud and lay out the law. But, be prepared to walk, or kick him to the curb. Weak men who drag us down with them make me so sick. You work your ass off so the money can go casually to some money grubbing lazy pig? The longer you tolerate, the harder it is to stop. It's like letting a kid misbehave for years and then one day you become Helga the private school master. It's hard, but resentment and anger will kill you. He'll stop, trust me. What's his alternative? Really? Is he going to find another younger woman who's stable and kind hearted and fair? No. He will be alone.

herewegoagain's picture

Cut off his gravy train NOW! Why are you paying for HIS debt and then ALLOWING him to use his money to give to the idiot skid? Are you kidding? You are taking away from YOUR child for this man to give to his kid? No way! You need to wake up because he is definitely taking advantage of you. Sorry, but if he is not your kid's father, you need to walk NOW! If he is, then you need to stop paying HIS debt NOW!

cant win for losin's picture

WOW! "you live your life your way, and i will live my life my way"

He said that to you? Well, right there is your answer to any question you have. Read between the lines. Read what that statement really says.
Im glad your not married.
As far as im concerned he is not invested to this relationship the way you are.
"You live your life, etc.. blah blah". partners dont say that, they dont feel that.
Leave girly, that ship is sinking!

skylarksms's picture

To me, that would live your life as a single person would. Pay your OWN bills, not his. If he doesn't have the money to pay his share of the household, he gets the boot and YOU get a BETTER roommate!

alwaysanxious's picture

Sounds to me like he just said he can do his own thing. So he doesn't need your money. There you go.

perfectsaralee's picture

Straight up ladies...that's what this 34 yr old needs...straight up with no sugar coating. I don't have a mom to ask this stuff to and appreciate all your thoughts on this. He's shaking in his space boots right now beacause you all are giving me the support in the backbone to stand up and tell him to go suck waxed fruit. Excellent point when you think about it...where else is he going to find a young vagina to treat him above God? He ain't gonna! You all rock!!!

perfectsaralee's picture

1. We live in my house. He left her the house but took the mortgage book.
2. He said he paid that much money for the other kids pictures when he was married and his last graduating kid deserves the same.
3. I think about my BD5 each and every time I take a breath in. I will be financially independant in a few months with a raise coming in and believe you me, with his last comment, he's as good as gone! The Grace of God has gotten me by...He will never give me more than I can handle.

duct_tape's picture

Remember that God asks you to be kind, but not a fool. You should feel good knowing that you remained patient and giving. My daughter is much like you. She tended to find nice guys who had baggage and just needed a helping hand. They were "misunderstood". It took for her to be taken advantage by three of them before she finally said, "Show me the paycheck!" Now, she is equally yoked with a great guy who works and pays his half of everything. It will work out. You just have to be willing to leave. Don't ever deliver empty threats. It will only put you further and further behind.
It will chip and chisel away at your self esteem so quickly. If I tolerate this, I must be worth nothing. If this is all I'm worth to him I must be worthless to everyone.

perfectsaralee's picture

This cat isn't going anywhere. He's in MY home. He just admitted that he's got it made here. He has no plans on going anywhere he said. Lord give me stregnth...I'm gonna jump....

queen-B's picture

HE has no plans!?!? :jawdrop: It's your house....your plan is the only one that matters. Kick his sorry, user @ss to the curb! You have had the strength to build a pretty great life for you and your're more than strong enough to get him GONE!

You go girl Wink

alwaysanxious's picture

put the house up for sale and get another one. He'll have no choice but to leave.

Otherwise, give him notice in writing (30 days I think?) then at the end of the 30 days call the police for the renter who has been given notice and is now trespassing. He has to leave.

darky's picture

Trust me you will feel strong while you are reading all these comments but will you kick him out? You are still so young and have so much going for you...sounds like your self esteem has taken a battering in the past or you wouldn't put up with him. I can relate to you but trust me, for your own health and sanity get out. You are too nice for saving him but would he ever return the favour? If you stay you will never be his first priority and you deserve this. His rude comments will become more frequent and you will feel worse and worse for wasting your life. Besides...why go through all this hell when someone has already taken his best years and he's not willing to share anything with you.

Delilah's picture

I ask you what this man is bringing to your life? You may love him but the fact you are mentioning a boatload of HIS problems which in turn are severely impacting on your life, state of mind and finances demonstrates to me that love is NOT enough.

He is pissing all over you. Telling you to shut your mouth?! And he is living off of you? Bloody hell you KNOW where his precious daughter and wife get their sense of self enitlement from now then dont you? They are all the same. Using people. Your sd uses her mother and mainly her father, BM uses your OH and in turn your OH is leeching off of you like a parasite. This man doesnt want to treat you like a princess, he wants to turn you and your DD into paupers. Who is more important? This parasite or your five year old daughter? The fact he is quite willing to throw YOUR young child under the buss (and ensuring you are in severe financial straits is doing just that) in order to finance his ex and kids, who are all adults and capable of earning for themselves should be a great big red warning sign!

WHY are you putting up with this? You hold ALL the power in this relationship, but from where I am sitting you are are laying on the ground inviting him to walk all over you - which he is, with a great big leery grin on his face. You own your house, you pay all the bills - he has used all your savings and you handed him the bank card to do that by letting him remain in your home, your life!!! You are asking for trouble.

You seem an intelligent woman, well apply that same intelligence to this subject matter. YOU say hes still married to his ex wife, all but in the legal way. It does appear that way, he wants to support his ex over you. Is that the type of relationship you want for your daughter? Where she is the other woman, the back up plan (albeit the better back up plan), where a man uses her sexually, emotionally and financially, where she is disrespected? I doubt it. I am betting you want her to be looked after, protected, cherished, LOVED. Well the fact your daughter is seeing on a daily basis how to mold her own future relationships, by following your examples should warn you what damage you may be doing to her and what relationships she may well have in the future. As we know our children's own future relationships tend to be influenced by our own. You are setting yourself up for heartache because I think it would break your heart if someone treated your baby like that. So whats the difference with yourself? Have more self respect that this.

Realise the only reason your sd18 is the way she is because her mother is a user and so she is the same - because her parents have taught her that is how you treat your partner/people.

Right now your man has zero motivation to change, he is quite content to let things continue as is because he is happy. Doesnt matter if you are, because hes number one in life. So use your noggin and realise you need to motivate him to change! Give him a reason to think "hang on a sec, I dont want to loose Sara...", kick him out, stop enabling him and his dysfunctional behaviour because you are by holding his hand without any dire consequences (like kicking him out). You are not his rescuer! You are meant to be his partner. Let him sort his own stuff out, untangle himself from his ex wife (or should that read wife) financially and emotionally, sort out his fianncial obligations with his children (read that as stopping paying maintenance), sort HIS debt out. Let him get on with being actually genuinely ready to be with someone else than his ex, because he isnt ready. His actions tell you that. If he was he would have healthy boundaries and wouldnt be disrespecting you, using you or making excuses for his lies (like hinting he will marry you - he has no intention of marrying you lovely).

Realise your self worth and apply it. HE should be falling over himself when you get ride of him to win you back, to show you things have changed before you make any sort of commitment to him e.g. moving in, making your relationship exclusive.

Honestly, kick him out and start dating. You could be missing Mr Right while you are dating Mr parasite!

oneoffour's picture

He has a young woman who warms his bed and makes him feel good and who helps deflect his appalling financial obligation.

When I married my DH he was paying $400 a month CS and the additional Medical to cover his sons. Which added up to $600 a month. He told his x that as she wanted to control ALL finances she could rip on sista. BUT he would not part with another red cent for her to use as she saw fit. At the time of the divorce they were earning asbout the same amount of money. But she wanted complete control so he gave it to her. No alimony, no extras unless it was discussed with me (and I am WAY tougher than he is even with my own kids). She had an additional tax-free $400 a month for the last 9.5 yrs. Now we are off the hook and the money is ours. Oh and she was NOT happy when DH included my daughter on his insurance because adding another child to the policy cost us nothing.

At no time would he have used clap-trap wishy washy navel gazing remarks like "You live your life blah blah blah" because the answer would have been "Um no. I live my life WITH you. If you want to live your life according to your coda I am outa here."

I get that you love him more than choclate cake. But do you love him more than cupcake vodka? Wink
See, we think we should stay with a man who is wonderful and funny and terrific and and and... we love him to bits. BUT he has an atrocious response to finances that are slowly crippling you. And your daughter needs financial security.

As SD lives with her BF and your SO is still happy to hand over money to her mother without question says to me he is still in the 'married with children' mold with his ex. He doesn't love you THAT much otherwise he would be working his butt off to marry you and 'give you the wedding you deserve.'

And if nothing else, is this man the right role model for your daughter? Do you want your daughter to follow your example? And finally, read back over this thread and ask yourself this "If this was my best friend, what would i tell her to do?"

duct_tape's picture

You know I've read and re-read all these posts from both saralee and the rest of us. I got to say, Sara, you remind of a certain type of woman. Let me explain. It's not bad, it's just sort of a personality type.

You are very successful in life. Career, money, bills, credit, you probably look like a million bucks. You are proud of your success. It sort of defines you, which is awesome. But some very successful women, for some reason, are attracted to men that they think need a good role model. Men who will look at them and say, "she saved me", "I wish I could be more like her", even "I owe her"...

I don't think that there's anything wrong with wanting to be appreciated. BUT, when you look for relationships where YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE THE UPPER HAND, becasue YOU are more successful, or have your shit together, this is where you will always always end up. I have a sister who is exactly this personality. Now, when the hubby bows to her and accepts her riegn over him, albiet subltly, she's is satisfied. But when he rebels, or when his worldly bullshit drives her crazy, then she can't stand him and wants to kick his ass to the curb. She wants to complain about him and tell the world he's a loser and that she deserves so much better. And as soon as he starts to crumble and bow just a little...she's satisfied with him again. And the saga continues. For 33 years!!!!!

Now here's the thing, if you find yourself to be like this personality type, it's not fair to you or your partner. The only way your partner can truly win is to be a loser. If they become successful in life and surpass you, then you're no longer satisfied with them. This is a codependent relationship.

The reason I mention this is that I noticed that when you said,

"This cat isn't going anywhere. He's in MY home. He just admitted that he's got it made here. He has no plans on going anywhere he said." that seemed to calm you down and sort of satisfy you. In the end you deserve a better man. Maybe you've convinced yourself that this is good for whatever reason. Maybe you tell yourself that you're in it for his sake. Do him a favor and cut him loose. Find yourself a quality man who will give you no regrets. You will look back when he's old and cold and wish you wouldn't have wasted so much time. Hope I havn't offended you. I could be way off the mark. But it's worth mentioning.

perfectsaralee's picture

Thank you for your post. I'm not offended in the least bit. You've hit it square on. I have to really work at seeing thru my tears right now to write this. He's trying. I see progress & I know things get better in time. However, I know I can't move forward when I'm holding suitcases chuck full of doubt, anger, resentment and financial burden that doesn't belong to me. My shine is dimmed by this relationship and it chaps my ass because it's my own fault.
I have a month left before I can be financially independant...when that happens, the heavens gates (or hell gates in his world) will open with a rath that I wouldn't wish on my mortal enemy. I can't tell you how much the comment you made, "Men who will look at them and say, "she saved me", "I wish I could be more like her", even "I owe her"..." is tugging at my every heart string. Where do you get your stregnth from???

Jsmom's picture

THis one would be too much for me...Cut him off or leave this mess. It is only going to continue...

perfectsaralee's picture

The truth is ugly ladies and I appreciate you all painting a clear picture for me. I'm in the middle of it and my glasses are pretty foggy right now. We had a discussion last night & the more I process what you all have to say, the more I'm realizing this is not best for my daughter & I. It is a good relationship but the baggage that he brought in is more perplexing that round pizza in a square box.
I put my superman cape on him in the beginning & there are countless times he chose to run up and save his ex. "My dryer is broke" says the ex. "I'll be right up" says my BF. I get up into his crap and mention that $2400 a month isn't enough for her to hire a fix it guy to look at it? His reply, "My daughter is still up there...she needs clothes to wear. It'll only take me a few minutes to look at it." I told him that the 17 yr old has more clothes than God and a week without a dryer isn't going to be the end of the world. When she comes to our house for the 3 days during the week, we can wash her clothes and that's that. Well he was having no part of that. I'm evil now...real evil because I told him the cape will come off & he will have to find another young vagina to take rake over the coals.
The more assurance I get from you all that this isn't the right thing to be doing, the more stregnth in my backbone I have to kick his seat meat to the curb.

perfectsaralee's picture

Can anyone tell me why a dude, who was beaten down as a man for years by his ex, continues to engage with her? I understand he's only ever know madness in his marriage but come on're on a throne right now. What the front door?

duct_tape's picture

I'll tell you why. She is the only thing in the world that makes him feel useful and needed and important. Regardless of how she beat him down. He gets to feel like he rescues her. She knows this manipulation works so she takes advantage of the handi-man, atm, shoulder to cry on fool. He has some serious self esteem issues.

perfectsaralee's picture

But it's my effing superman cape that he's rescuing her with! I laid down the law a few months ago. Since I pay the cell phone bill, I blocked her number. He came unglued. I don't give a shit though. When her messages turn nasty and toxic to the point where she's calling me an unfit mother, I draw the line. I simply told him that her cell phone isn't the only phone within her reach to get a hold of him in an emergency. If she could stay on track & talk about the skid, then I don't have a problem. He's quick to bend for her...I'm finding that if I keep the thumb pressed down HARD, he's good, great, about staying focused on us. If I let up for a split second, he's right back to giving into her manipulation. She's a life sucking maggot that someday I pray comes up missing. Mean? Yes. I don't care. I've been called worse. I'm a good person who wants to change the world with my smile and not allow the world to change my smile. I can see that this relationship is starting to chip away at my soul...

duct_tape's picture

Sounds like you're torn between wanting a man and wanting to have all the control. There's so much more to life than this drama. You start out feeling good in a relationship like this bcuz it makes you feel important. But after a while, the opposite holds true. You see other women with strong capable men who take charge and pick up the dinner tab. It hurt bad. I used to feel like why wasn't I worth that. Why can't I have a man like that. It's really a decision you've made for yourself. There is nothing wrong with letting the man take charge. I trust my husband with my life. He is the man in our house. He is kind and gentle but at the same time he's the man. I'm queen and have my territory. He's king and has his. It's a God given system that works for a reason. Men and women are not the same. Anyone who says they are is a fool. We are wired differently. We aren't weaker, we are different. Men have one long spurt of energy in the mid-day, we have balance levels all day. Men sleep like bears, we sleep like moms. Men fall asleep after sex and dinner, we are energized by it. We are different. Don't be afraid to DEMAND that a man be the man. And above all don't be afraid to be the woman. It's actually alot of fun.

duct_tape's picture

You represent everything he is incapable of accomplishing. Although he is attracted to you (or using you) or both, he can't measure up. The more flossy and bossy and successful you are, the more castrated he becomes.

perfectsaralee's picture

Tarter sauce! You're so right on this. It couldn't be said more clearer than that. I do have a strong personality but I'm fair. He's going to retire from 38 years in the military in a few years and said he's looking forward to staying at home and doing what needs to be done while I work. I don't have a problem with that at all as long as he pulls the weight at home. Is my mentality off track?

perfectsaralee's picture

Thank you for your post. I'm not offended in the least bit. You've hit it square on. I have to really work at seeing thru my tears right now to write this. He's trying. I see progress & I know things get better in time. However, I know I can't move forward when I'm holding suitcases chuck full of doubt, anger, resentment and financial burden that doesn't belong to me. My shine is dimmed by this relationship and it chaps my ass because it's my own fault.
I have a month left before I can be financially independant...when that happens, the heavens gates (or hell gates in his world) will open with a rath that I wouldn't wish on my mortal enemy. I can't tell you how much the comment you made, "Men who will look at them and say, "she saved me", "I wish I could be more like her", even "I owe her"..." is tugging at my every heart string. Where do you get your stregnth from???

duct_tape's picture

Besides, you only have his side of the story. Maybe he drove her mad as well when they were together. Maybe he had other weakness issues. Perhaps he had aquaintances to which he would loan or give money or time that was undeserved. Maybe he had other people in his life when he was with her to which he bestowed his affections and efforts because THOSE people made him feel important and needed. Ive learned over the years and I've said it a million times, there's always a reason that these guys are single with kids. They aren't flawless.

perfectsaralee's picture

He does have his flaws and I was careful about allowing him into my household due to the baggage he brought with him. I dated him for well over a year before I agreed to him moving in. He did cheat on her during the marrigae; told her, then she went out within a week of finding this out and cheated on him. They went back and forth like this for 10 years. They both are horrible with money. He seems to appreciate my $$$ management skills. I recognize this and thank him. I've been very independant for years. Change my own oil, fix my own stuff and so on. In he comes and I relent this all to him. All of it. I don't even gather up the trash anymore. Pump his ego up like there's no tomorrow and make him feel like the King in our castle. So why would he still feel the need to go to her for anything?

duct_tape's picture

I did the same thing. I was married to a good looking successful control freak. He ruled my every move. And when his world came tumbling down due to a drug addiction, he lost it all. He depended now on me. The new reigning bread winner. It made me feel really good. Until all my money went to drugs. Then it would piss me off. I would bitch till he let up a bit, then I'd be satisfied. He would sit and listen to my lectures for hours!!! I was in control! Jeez what a high! Then one day I just took a good look at the example I was setting for our five kids. I kicked him out and never ever looked back.

One day after he was gone, I took a look at my life and realized that I now had NO ONE to blame on shit but me now. What a weird and scary thought. Shit goes wrong and all I can do now is look in the mirror. That's when you know you've arrived.

perfectsaralee's picture

But it's my effing superman cape that he's rescuing her with! I laid down the law a few months ago. Since I pay the cell phone bill, I blocked her number. He came unglued. I don't give a shit though. When her messages turn nasty and toxic to the point where she's calling me an unfit mother, I draw the line. I simply told him that her cell phone isn't the only phone within her reach to get a hold of him in an emergency. If she could stay on track & talk about the skid, then I don't have a problem. He's quick to bend for her...I'm finding that if I keep the thumb pressed down HARD, he's good, great, about staying focused on us. If I let up for a split second, he's right back to giving into her manipulation. She's a life sucking maggot that someday I pray comes up missing. Mean? Yes. I don't care. I've been called worse. I'm a good person who wants to change the world with my smile and not allow the world to change my smile. I can see that this relationship is starting to chip away at my soul...

duct_tape's picture

A couple things to consider. If they were both bad with money, they were co-dependent. That is a very hard relationship to extinguish. Period.

And, why oh why would you orchestrate and create his success for him. Pump him up, feed his ego, build him so he feels great, give him responsiblity to create an illusion fo success for him??? He's a grown man. This is what my husband has done to my ss for years. That's why im on this site. That will destroy a person eventually. They start to think that it's their success! But it's not, you handed it to him and did so knowingly.
If he wants to be a man, take all that is yours and separate it as yours. Take all that is his and do the same. Now take all the mutual bills (household expenses etc.) split 50/50.
Now, all that goes to his daughter and exdemon, he pays for.

Now ask yourself this sara...if this were to really truly happen, do you feel like you LOST SOMETHING? Some power perhaps?

duct_tape's picture

Sounds like you're torn between wanting a man and wanting to have all the control. There's so much more to life than this drama. You start out feeling good in a relationship like this bcuz it makes you feel important. But after a while, the opposite holds true. You see other women with strong capable men who take charge and pick up the dinner tab. It hurt bad. I used to feel like why wasn't I worth that. Why can't I have a man like that. It's really a decision you've made for yourself. There is nothing wrong with letting the man take charge. I trust my husband with my life. He is the man in our house. He is kind and gentle but at the same time he's the man. I'm queen and have my territory. He's king and has his. It's a God given system that works for a reason. Men and women are not the same. Anyone who says they are is a fool. We are wired differently. We aren't weaker, we are different. Men have one long spurt of energy in the mid-day, we have balance levels all day. Men sleep like bears, we sleep like moms. Men fall asleep after sex and dinner, we are energized by it. We are different. Don't be afraid to DEMAND that a man be the man. And above all don't be afraid to be the woman. It's actually alot of fun.

perfectsaralee's picture

Read this please...

So this is a copy of the email he just sent to me. My question to him was simple, "Do you feel like a man in our home?" This is his reply. I'm so fricken confused...

He writes, "Yes I do my love. You are a strong willed woman my love but over time I've grown to appreciate this quality in you. We may not always agree on things but you don't make me feel like less of a man because of it. The overall way you treat me enables me to feel like a man when I'm in our house. There is nothing wrong with us asking each other to look again at decisions we may be making to see if we are making the correct choice. You doing this for me has helped me out a lot. I see this as helping each other out. I know you are able to do almost anything needed in our house but you allow me to what I consider to be man stuff. It would be nice if we owned our own house.
Not having the money I need to properly take care of you and Samara is about the only thing as a man that really bugs me. As far as you taking care of the bills and looking after our house I'm glad I have you to do this. I know when the time is right our Lord will bless us with a house of our own. I do love the woman you are to me my love."

duct_tape's picture

BaM! BaNG! BooM! He just said it. He realizes that YOU ARE CREATING HIS SUCCESS. You have to do something soon. Here's the thing, why why why should he change his relationship with you? He gets all the "manly urges to rescue" out of his system everytime he goes to rescue his ex! He's actually found a convenient balance.

duct_tape's picture

He really sounds like an elegant man. I can see how you would feel he's great to have around. Probably really great to show him off. Sort of...He's probably sexy and dresses well?

duct_tape's picture

"I know you are able to do almost anything needed in our house but you allow me to what I consider to be man stuff." :jawdrop:

perfectsaralee's picture

Please understand it is/was hard for me to relent the Man stuff over to a man. I've done it for myself for so long and seems like whenever the man was supposed to do Man stuff in/around the house, he always had other things for himself to do. I've been let down more times than you can shake a stick at and it hurts each and every time it happens. Fool me once, shame on you...fool me twice, shame on me right? I'm not a Honey Do list kinda gal. I'll ask once for help and if he flat out refuses to help, then I'll do it myself. I'm not going to harp on a man. That's why he said that.

duct_tape's picture

Fair enough. I guess it depends on how much you can far you're willing to go? He has put you and your daughter last. Actions always speak volumes over words, even really smooth elegant words like his. If this email were for me, I would be imagining the make up night we're gonna have. Men have such a way of doing this to us. It's like Sean Connery slapping some chick across the face, but it's for your own good baby, you know I love you madly. Not that he's violent, but you get my drift. Don't allow yourself to get wooed back in...unless back in is what you wanted all along? Sometimes venting on these blog things whatever they're called, does things to your mind. They get you fired up. Then, the magic happens. Somebody says something that strikes the wrong way, or you realize how much you've been taken, or you feel the need to suddenly defend the person who's wronging you. And that's okay. That's why we do this.

Write down the five thing that mean the most to you in life on five pieces of paper.

Now place them, face down on a table. The most important comes first.

Now staple them together like a book.

Now, everytime you have to make a decision, tolerate a wrong, or choose something, look at that book. How will your action affect what's on top and so on?

Put it in your purse or write them down in order. That way you will always have the guide that you need when you have to make decisions.

alwaysanxious's picture

This man has such a different reality of things and not what is actually going on. Conversing with him, reason, is not going to do a thing.

His "eloquent" speech? He sounds like a smooth manipulator to me.

Girlrage's picture

"Nailed it"......Smooth.....Very Smooth.

SunnySkies's picture

Please get out of this relationship - his priorities are very obviously not with your and your BD. The longer it goes on, the worse the debt will get and out of nowhere you will suddenly find yourself saddled with it all. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other money issues with him that you are not even aware of. Don't end up homeless and penniless because of this waster.

SunnySkies's picture

Please get out of this relationship - his priorities are very obviously not with your and your BD. The longer it goes on, the worse the debt will get and out of nowhere you will suddenly find yourself saddled with it all. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other money issues with him that you are not even aware of. Don't end up homeless and penniless because of this waster.