Are we doing the right thing?
So BM decided to keep SS over the holidays..... not so much as a phone call to let us know she was doing that we heard it from SS probation officer here (weed). None of his school credits transferred so basically he's going to be 20 before he finishes high school (another story) Anywho she has been calling here and there asking us to take him back. The first 4 or 5 times we said ok.... but she always changes her mind. One min. she says the school called and he's doing bad then 2 days later he's making a's and b's (yea right... sorry but i know that SS is not capable of all a's and b's). Basically he's doing bad in school and she wants to send him back then he's doing good when she changes her mind. Apparently he has strangers in and out of the house, smoking weed all the time, having sex (including a pregnancy scare), got suspended for refusing to give the teacher his cell phone.... Now with the suspension we found out b/c the school called us b/c no one could reach her. He's doing this all the time there b/c she is always working and we told her he needs supervision..... here he couldn't pull a sweater over our head. Well she called last night asking us to buy him a ticket to come back here b/c he left for 3 hrs and was caught smoking in her house and ppl keep calling her work about his behavior and she's afraid she's going to be fired (don't get between her and olive garden.... she takes pride in working there). Well at first we decided to make her buy the ticket and we would pay her back when he's here, but after much thought my DH doesn't want to move schools AGAIN since he's "doing so well" so he told her that after the school year if she feels the same way send him back. Are we REALLY doing the right thing I mean this kid is in a downward spiral. His mother is never there for him, no one to take care of him. He'll be 17 this month. Is it a lost cause with him? Should we get him up here?? At least here we won't have to worry about being on the next episode of teen mom or locked up...... All kids want freedom and we know this but he's taking it too far. On top of that we may have to take my other stepkids in.... their mother (different baby momma) is getting really sick and can't even pay her $15 water bill and skids have to shower at friends house. I think i just got a text from SS17 BM....... gonna go check it.
At 17, a new location isnt
At 17, a new location isnt gonna change this kid.
Just let it be. BUT if you guys do decide to have him with you, then i would still make bm pay for the way and you reimberse her. (Or not reimberse) she has been so wishy washy i would hate to waste money. KWIM?
Good luck. Protect your
Good luck. Protect your marriage if you do have him. This kid is nearly an adult.