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After all the drama!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

So, after all the drama over the uncle's wedding, SD15 and BM ended up not going at all. And when I say drama...oh, I can't tell you how much DH has put up with because of this wedding! When it all started, SD15 was still in guard, and there was a major competition scheduled for the day after this wedding, and BM was throwing a HUGE fit at DH about it. Then, there were all the 20 million texts about SD15's dress, shoes, hair, etc. that BM was hoping DH would help her pay for (which, for once, he put his foot down and told her hell no). Then, there was SD15 trying to get us to buy her this accessory and that accessory that she "needed" for the wedding, and throwing fits when we said no. On top of that, there was that huge drama in the car about SD15 being all pissy because she hadn't been PERSONALLY invited to the wedding, and wasn't sure if she even wanted to go because of it, the drama when SD15 and BM had their big fight a little over a week ago, the $150 dress SD15 got her grandmother to buy her, all the way up to BM having to actually get someone to give her a ride out to the high school on Friday to pick up SD15 and her boyfriend at NOON (BM expected DH to take off of work to bring SD15 to her). After ALL of that, they didn't even go to the wedding!!! Got all dressed up, got in the car, started heading there, and BM started filling sick to her stomach and wanted to just go home! UGH! I so see where SD15 gets this gene from!

So yesterday, DH calls SD15 at 3:15 p.m. to tell her we are on our way...we will be there in 30 minutes. We get there around 3:45 p.m., as we estimated we would, and SD15 is STILL in the shower!!! I'm out waiting in the car for 40 minutes, while DH keeps coming out to say that SD15 is still not ready. At one point I tell him, "Look, we are only going home...there is NO need to do hair and makeup!" At nearly 4:30 p.m., SD15 and DH finally emerge from the house...SD15 still has wet hair, no makeup on, and is in a t-shirt and those stupid butt shorts! As expected, she gets in the car with all the attitude in the world, upset that she was "rushed" and that caused her to nick her legs shaving! WTH!!! How freaking long does it take to shave one's legs, and why are you doing that NOW when you are just going back home? I was not a happy person! The only reason I was even with DH is because we had been up at church all afternoon for praise team practice...needless to say, I was ready to be home and in my comfy clothes, but here I got stuck waiting in the car in front of BM's house for nearly an hour waiting on this princess to do something that she could have done after we got home! Why didn't I go in? I HATE going in that house...especially now! BM always gives me the look of disdain, SD15's little brother is always screaming his head off, and to make things worse, seems their "live in babysitter" thinks I'm "hot"...great! is that for making someone feeling uncomfortable, especially since he had NO shame letting DH know this is how he feels! AWKWARD!

So, the rest of the evening, here is SD15 in this attitude mode, because "that's just how she gets when she is rushed...ruins her day." I wanted to smack her!

She is going to the boyfriend's today...learned her new excuse for going over there so much...she is supposedly helping his sister with guard stuff. (**gag**) How does DH fall for this crap?

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Exactly! I've had to go in when I used to actually work in an office...DH would have me pick up SD15 on the way home from work (when she lived with BM, and we got her on weekends). Unfortunately, the "live in babysitter" is often hanging outside if I'm with DH picking up SD15 these days, and one day a couple of weeks ago he was sent to our house to pick up SD15, and DH invited him in to wait on SD15. Doubt DH will do that again...LOL!