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Advice Regarding Hubby's Ex

beenie20's picture

Hi! I’m new here and need to lose about 15 pounds. I’m also stressed because I will have to be one-on-one in the near future with my husband’s ex-wife. So, of course, I want to look good! I guess you could say I need some Women’s MENTAL Health advice!! (sorry, this is long!)

My hubby and his ex (let’s call her Carly) have a child together. Carly is not crazy or bitter…in fact, she seems like a woman I would be friends with if circumstances were different. The problem is, we have never really talked to each other. My hubby and I have been together for 10 years, and I have barely spoken more than a few words to Carly. “Hello”, “yes”, and “no” have been the extent of it. At some point in the last 10 years, I started getting the vibe that she really disliked me.

And here’s where it gets worse: About 5 years ago I had to be at a birthday party for their child, which meant being in the same room with Carly’s family. I was petrified! I was sure these people disliked me since their daughter obviously did. I made a point of staying in the kitchen, away from Carly’s family, and avoided any chance of being introduced to them. I was sick to my stomach the entire party. The whole thing was childish on my part, but I can’t go back and change what happened.

Flash forward to another event 3 years later, my step-daughter’s graduation. I knew that Carly wanted to take pictures with my husband and their daughter after the ceremony. Again, I was sick to my stomach just thinking about having to bare her dirty looks. I also knew that I would be standing on the sidelines, watching Carly take pictures with my family while I stood and watched. So, I did another childish thing, and excused myself after the ceremony and avoided the whole ordeal.

Things are even worse to date. My husband tells me that Carly thinks I dislike her because of something I said or did years ago…but he won’t tell me what it is! So here we are, I think she hates me, and she thinks I hate her. And now we have to be alone together at a very special event for my step-daughter. All my husband says is to “be nice”.

I don’t know what to do! Any advice on how to fix things BEFORE the big event? Is this even fixable? I feel sick already.

(P.S. – I am also an ex-wife, and have always gone above and beyond to make my ex-husband’s new girlfriend feel welcome. I don’t ever want any of the women in his life to feel the way I do with Carly…..uninvited!)

caregiver1127's picture

Just put your big girl panties on and be as nice as you can be - you will be nervous but just know she will be too. You have been married for 10 years to hubby so I am sure at this point she is over him. Also if she feels slighted by something that happened years ago and hubby won't tell you what then screw it - you can't fix the problem if they won't tell you what it is. Be nice and cordial and then be done!

Orange County Ca's picture

I agree with the others in that you should be upfront with her in telling her you want to let the past be in the past. Consider calling her ahead of the event. Possibly it would be easier to write her a personal handwritten note.

Get some nice stationary and give it some thought.

The worst that can happen is she'll be an ass and say no or ignore you and then you have the perfect excuse to stay away.

Apples's picture

Sometimes you can make things out in your head to be *way* bigger than they are, then the reality of a situation sets in and your all "gosh that wasn't so bad"

For example today I had to do a speech/role play in front of students in the thousands about Catalytic/prescriptive intervention. Anyway, I spent the whole morning almost throwing up and freaking out, I shook the whole time waiting to go up there. Once I was up there, and it was too late I blurted it all out, and got a round of applause. In the end, what I thought was going to be an awful disaster turned out to give me a feel good vibe.

It could be the same situation for you.. sometimes there's a need to dislike the other person, because when you sit on an emotion for a long time without analysing it, this "thing/event/person/object" becomes associated with that emotion, be it correct or not.

Often, we need to pull out this 'box of emotion' and realise that's all it is, and we need a new reality to pop into it, and also to create more positive emotion within that box, a bit like CBT.

I reckon arrange to meet her for a quick coffee or something before the event, open yourself up to her, the chances are she will respond in kind..