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Kid stink....any solutions?

25angie's picture

I have 3 SS's who constantly stink. They shower (how well not sure) everyday. I have eliminated high fat, garlic, onion etc from their diet. I have automatic air fresheners in their room, but they stink to high hell. The smell leaks into the hallway, and in order to wake them in the morning I have to put a shirt over my nose. I mention this to DH, but he doesn't smell it (guess he's been around it too long). They are 6, 9, & 10.

Please Help!! :sick:

poisonivy's picture

My family suffers from sinus troubles and I have noticed that when my bios' sinuses flare or during allergy season, that when I go to wake them in the mornings, their rooms wreak. Its caused by the mucus and bacteria in their sinus cavities, nose and throat. Could this be part of the contributing cause of the odor? Try aantihistamine like Claritin or Allegra. Nasal sprays help as well, but it has to be consistent. Also, get them to rinse after they brudh using a mouthwash that doesn't include alcohol as its main ingredient.

I went throught he same thing...thinking they weren't washing well or not shampooing correctly. Give it a try for about a week and see if it makes a difference.

pumpkin1220's picture

I had that problem with 2 step sons, it was their shoes, as soon as we got them new shoes and socks, made sure they always had clean socks and showered daily the smell went away.