How do you handle school clothes shopping?
Hi everyone I have been around for a while but don't post much. I need some input from everyone. How do you handle school clothes shopping. My experience with my kids was that I bought everything they needed and kept it at my house their dad did the same (they wore uniforms untill high school) every Monday going back to their dads house they wore the clothes they had worn home the previous Monday. During the school year it was pretty easy. Summer time was a little more of an effort to make sure they wore the same clothes and sometimes clothes got mixed up but for the most part it was pretty smooth.
Now with my BF and SD12 she lives with us one week and her mom one week. Last year before BF and I moved in together he gave the BM money to buy SD12 school clothes and they had a suitcase that went back and forth every Monday. Ridiculous in my opinion so when I moved in we sent the suitcase back with all her clothes and bought all new clothes to keep at our house. This to me was easier than hauling a suitcase back and forth and he agreed. Now in the meantime she has taken him back to court for more money he currently pays her 1700.00 per month which she lives on (no job) but this year expected him to give her more money to buy SD12 school clothes.
When he told her he was buying clothes for our house and she would have to do the same she FLIPPED OUT!!! Saying it was wrong she would never keep her things from her like he was trying to do. Clothes were the possesion of SD12 and she should be allowed to take them back and forth so on and so on. She finally gets it that he is not going to bend then she says "Well you are going to have to tell her she can't take her new clothes back and forth because I won't do it" to which he replied "I already have its handled" second flip out!! One she is not getting her way and two her ploy to try to use SD12 to guilt trip him failed.
So how do you all handle it? Is it pretty normal to have sets of clothes at each house? Does anyone else haul suitcases back and forth? Thanks for any input.
in my custody agreement the
in my custody agreement the kid leaves with possessions then they return with said possessions. the main home she lives should have all her main things. there shouldn't be needs to have sets of clothes at two locations . now of course she can have her own things at your place but those items should stay at your child support is for those reason bm needs to use that support to cover her end if not oh well your h is doing his part and more. he shouldn't have to do more.
in my custody agreement the
in my custody agreement the kid leaves with possessions then they return with said possessions. the main home she lives should have all her main things. there shouldn't be needs to have sets of clothes at two locations . now of course she can have her own things at your place but those items should stay at your child support is for those reason bm needs to use that support to cover her end if not oh well your h is doing his part and more. he shouldn't have to do more.
We hauled a suitcase for a
We hauled a suitcase for a few months when SD was very little. Then we just kept clothes at our house, too. YES, we bought the nice stuff, YES, it got left at Mom's a lot, and YES, it sucked.
Our current arrangement is
Our current arrangement is set to where BM is responsible for her house and we are responsible at ours. ...BD is paying monthly to support the child at BM house so no more should have to come out of pocket to BM. Anything out of pocket after support the BD buys belongs to SS at BD's house. BM is notorious for trying to get extra $ a month from BD at the set support is paid.
We have sd8 and sd5 eow. So
We have sd8 and sd5 eow. So we haul a suit case. That said, bm couldn't pack a suit case right if her life depended on it!
My bd's are 9 and 10 and BOTH sd's are to big to wear their clothes. These girls look like amazon children. And they are overweight to boot.
We have a small drawer in bd's room with sd's extra clothes. We don't tell bm because she would never pack anything for them. I recently had to go buy both sd's a swim suit because bm, even though its 100 degrees here some days, did not think it necessary to pack one. :?