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Stepmom32's picture

I'm very new and looking for good advice from other SMs (or SDs!) who may have similar issues. I have 2 ss's who have visitation with us every other weekend. We pay a large amount for CS every month but were told this weekend that they wanted to bring some pants back to BMs house because they didn't have any that fit at her house. Makes sense if none have been bought this season- one SS is growing like a weed- last years' pants don't fit! I don't feel that it's fair that the CS is not being used for clothes for the kids- why can't BM buy clothes once a season like I DO?! We just got new haircuts and shoes for both kids, too. Their feet were so crowded in their old shoes and they were ratty- they were 9 months old and worn daily! I apologize for the rant, just feeling like we're being taken for everything we'll give to the kids. Like BM is holding out on things they need until we do it, because we've shown that we will. I bought jackets for both last year- haven't seen them back. Socks, underwear, everything- we get the old, ill-fitting things back. Any advice? The only thing I can think of is to stop buying it, send them home each weekend with the clothes that they came with the weekend before. DH and I, however, don't want to think that the kids are embarassed by how they look at school. What has worked for you? DH and I are not going to be having kids of our own and I like looking for good deals on nice clothes for my SS's, but I don't want to pay and supply clothes for both houses.

Anne 8102's picture

Your DH needs to take this up with his children's mother and tell her to use the CS to buy them some clothing. Child support is supposed to go to support the child. That means it goes towards putting clothes on their bodies, a roof over their heads and food in their bellies. Do not allow yourselves to be suckered even once into buying or paying for "extras." There's no such thing as "extras." Everything a child needs goes into that support calculation, according to what our judge told both DH and BM when she tried to take us back to court for more CS.

We only have EOW, so my skids have never kept anything at our house. There have been a few toys that we bought specifically for them to have at our house and I also made sure to have a couple of spare outfits and jackets just in case, but I don't keep a complete wardrobe for them at our house. Whatever they bring with them goes right back home with them. DH pays CS to BM and she is responsible for clothing, feeding and sheltering them with that money.

~ Anne ~

"Adjust on the fly, or you're going to cry."
Steve Doocy, The Mr. and Mrs. Happy Handbook

sixxnguns's picture

every other week my fiancee is having to buy his son new hat and gloves cause the ex is either malicously keeping them or just too stupid to know it's 10 degrees outside when she takes her kid to school and should bundle him up. I told him tonight he needs to call her and get ALL the hats and gloves back that WE bought since she is the one collecting the child support....I know the kids have needs but this is just getting old and since we pay her to eat out on a daily basis we can't afford to keep buying winter clothes for him.

Anne Summers's picture

I know what it is like to continually have my DH's ex-wife ask for everything from money to help moving to shoes to gas money, etc. You see my poor DH was absent-mindedly handing out money to this woman every time she asked after their separation. That is until I and several other people posed the question of "if you are giving her CS then what is she using it for?" Unfortunately in some states there is not a guideline stating what CS can and can't be used for. So be warned and check your state laws before saying the CS is not being used properly. In my state CS can be used for whatever the BM (or custodial parent) deems fit.

Now back to you and your DH providing items (clothing, shoes, toothbrushes, whatever)---please realize that you may NEVER get any of these items back. If you do then the item(s) will either be in disrepair, not fit, etc. I speak from personal experience. I know it is very hard to see my SD come over with holes all in her clothes, shoes two sizes too small, etc. I know what you are feeling, but you and your DH must lay down the law. If not the BM will continue to run all over both of you.

Just a suggestion, but while the kids are in your care then have the basic items necessary for their stay with you (whether it be an overnight, weekend or extended visit). Do not let them take these items home with them, even simple things like socks & underwear. Make sure to explain to the kids (in simplistic terms) that items from BMs home need to go back to BMs home & the items at Dad's stay at Dad's home. If need be make the BM aware of the new rule, but be warned she might lash out at you, your DH and maybe even the kids. My DH & I had to do this for my SD when she was three (she's now 7).

It took time for BM to realize that none of the items from our home were ever going to make it to her home. She even went as far as not to dress my SD in socks or shoes in the middle of winter stating that we should provide my SD shoes from our home to go back to BM's home in. In return we provided my SD with shoes/socks at our home but sent a reminder message the day of pickup for BM to bring socks/shoes for this poor child. That was one of may incidents that have occurred over the past years.

I'm sorry that someone else is the same boat as me. Sad I hope you and your DH can come to a resolution both of you are comfortable agreeing to. Once you do, stick by your resolution no matter what BM does or says. Good Luck!

sixxnguns's picture

Like now that it's winter we send him to school on the bus and she picks him up from school, so I don't see it right sending him to school with no hat and gloves, we did keep his snow boots here because we know we wouldn't get those back at all, but I feel we HAVE to send him to school with things to keep him warm and we never get them back the next week...

DYNAMITE's picture

Since we pay CS and everything I make sure the children have nice things I dont care if they take a few things home with them if I know they are going to get use out of it. And I know it kills her to see her children wear things I bought for them.
We also save all the recipts for court and such. She has always bought clothes for them after I tell her they need clothes. But they will always be too small for them. She is a big POS and I know all the CS is going towards her Jeep payment and her Laywer fees.
She is on subsidized Child Care for Daycare and is behind 2 months!!!
She plays the Victim so well, but a victim is all she will ever be.
a victim of her own self

I wish I could sell her for what she thinks she is worth,
I'd be a millionare twice.

sixxnguns's picture

she gets daycare help too and just doesn't pay the bill and finds a new daycare! she plays like she's the victim in this whole thing makes me sick..I wish she'd grow up and quit thinking of just herself

Stepmom2Ched's picture

OMG, our BM with the daycare got upset that she had to finally pay FULL PRICE (minus our half, naturally) for daycare and was no longer being subsidized. Let's see..she moved into her boyfriend's large house with him, her 3 children, paying no rent, saving $1200 a month, and is bitching about having to shell out $300/month for summer daycare (that's HER half)...meanwhile she's still getting $1500/mo from my DH for CS & Lazimony.

My momma says 'she's crying hungry with a mouth full of food.'

~*~A Good Mommy will let the kids lick the beaters. A GREAT Mommy will turn the mixer off first!~*~

kysmom's picture

We have been having the same problem since June. We only have SK's EOW also, we have been having the SK's wear the clothes on Sunday that they come in the previous Friday. BM hates this & has SD8 try to sneak her Friday clothes home with her. Took acouple weeks but we caught on. In doing this we only have to provide colthes for 2 days a month. Which isn't bad. It is easier doing this than fighting with BM if we forget a shirt or two when they were bringing their clothes. We have 3 children EOW & sometimes its hard to keep track of who's wearing what. (I guess thats my job). If the clothes they have to wear home from the previous visit isn't appropriate for church or whatever I just have them change before they leave. Evidently the BM is so hard on them about getting "her" clothes back that they seem to understand.

Stepmom32's picture

Thanks for the comments... we will stay strong and wait it out until the necessities are bought for the kids. I try to mention things to DH and he is frustrated about it, too, but I get myself really wound up and end up harping on it. It's just the principle of the thing- use the CS for what it's intended for, don't rely on getting CS and getting clothes from us. SS mentioned that "we come here (our house) in pants, but go home in's weird." Uhhh... no, you don't. That may have happened ONE TIME, but that is not an excuse for not having pants at BMs house. That completely did not sound like something a SS11 would happen to remember, so I'm guessing it was mentioned/complained about at BMs house. They have also mentioned that BM "pays for everything". DH explained that BM gets $ each month to pay for half of everything. Frustrating, but I'm going to make a point to send SS's back in what they wore the week before from now on.

thebettermom's picture

We have FSD9 EOW and whatever she wears to our house on Friday, she wears back to her moms on Sunday. We once bought bags of clothes and sent them to her moms with her, but suprise-never saw them again. When we asked FSD where they were, she said she didn't know, she couldnt find them. Then when we asked BM, she said that FSD had grown out of them. Whatever. BM puts FSD in dorky clothes anyway. sweats and everythings pink. Nothing cute or trendy that FSD picks out when we go shopping. Yeah FH pays child support, but we have clothes at our house also for FSD. We try to reinforce the fact that she lives here too. This is her home too. She has a room and a closet and a wardrobe and everything else she needs. I think if she is bringing things over to "visit" she has an attitude that her dad doesn't have much authority or isn't as much of a parent as her mother is, and I want to squash that.

livie's picture

I am a step parent and a BM and I do not agree that the person getting CS buys all the clothes...we buy all the kids clothes,they have a full closet of clothing here and we expect them to have clothes at their other parents house also.I have never seen a judge order one parent even if they are getting child support to buy all the clothes.My husband pays his cs and we still buy my ss clothes and shoes.If you share custody then both parents should provide these things for the kids.If my ss needs money for sports,school lunch ect...then we pay half and she pays half.We also split the school supply list.I also get cs and can tell you that it does not go far,kids cost a lot so both parents need to pitch in.

MissBerryCuda's picture

I'm just curious as to what the CS is for if not for clothes, school lunches etc? I mean if I have the child 50% of the time, aren't my costs equal to the BM's? Why am I then paying more than you? I am torn about this in many ways. On one hand I think we have to do what we have to do. If the BM or BF isn't paying for clothes, someone has to step up so the child is taken care of. But on the other, I feel like if I got child-support on top of sharing custody 50%/50% then I would apply that money to school clothes, materials for the child and not expect that the other parent supply a whole additional wardrobe at an additional cost. I know each case is different, and many people don't share custody equally. I'm just at a loss as to what many people think that child support is for.

kidsaplenty's picture

I agree with having a wardrobe here too, no problem. It is sad when bm won't provide proper clothing at her house there or dress kids in appropriate outerwear.

MissBerryCuda's picture

I can compltely relate you these issues and felt the same way you do. As a child of divorce with a dad that never paid a dime of child support, I got boiled when I see parent taking advantage of situations where the ex-spouse pulls their fair share of the finacial aspect of raising their child. My finace's ex, who divorced him AFTER having an affair with his cousin and marrying the man, now collects 250 dollars a month child support. Now, not much you say? We have his son over 50% of the time. I care for the son every day after school mon-friday from 2 till 5pm. We also have him overnights Fri - sat - and sunday, and he again goes to his moms monday at 5pm. WE also pay for his health insurance, dental, perscription meds 60 dollars a month for school lunches. When school began this year, the son informs us that his mom is only buying 3 outfits and we need to come up with the rest for school. This after every outfit we've bought him disapears and we never see again? 12pack of socks and 2 weeks later, doing his laundry, there's nothing but last years socks? It's frustrating but we still do it for the child. I just wish someone who recieves 50% custody AND child support on top of it and still thinks that the person already paying child support should fund a wardrobe on top of that money would explain why they feel that's justified.

buttercup123's picture

We had a similar issue so I documented everything I purchased and went to our lawyer and she reduced our CS. We had to wait as CS gets updated every year after income tax is filed. At that point we reduced it stating that we had to pay essentially for 2 wardrobes.

buttercup123's picture

Have DH send an e-mail to his lawyer and find out if that works where you live. It's double dipping really. BM should provide an adequate wardrobe for those kids.

Totalybogus's picture

My husband's x insisted that we buy all of the clothing that the children needed at our house. She would not pack a bag for them. We only had them 2 weekends a month and he was paying maximum in child support, tuition for a private school, insurance, aftercare expenses and all of their joint debt.

My husband informed her that she needed to pack them a bag because we would not be supplying the clothing for them. She refused and sent them over in shorts in 40 degree weather. Of course we didn't have suitable clothing for them at our house. So I insisted that my husband take the children back to her until she can provide them with the proper clothing. She was not home but at a movie theater in town. He dropped them off to her there.

She wanted her time off from them, so she began packing a bag for them.

It really is about putting your foot down and not backing off. This is one of those times that your husband must "stand his ground." Otherwise, his x will continuously take advantage of him.

If she is not providing adequate clothing or necessities which is what she is tasked to do as the custodial parent, call child protection services and make a report.

Stepmom2Ched's picture

When SS was entering kindergarten, BM asked my DH to buy SS new shoes at the beginning of the year. DH talked to me about it. I said, "he still has shoes that fit him, WHY buy new shoes right now?" So we sent him home in the shoes he came with (sandals) and a pair of tennis shoes we had bought him that still fit but were NOT brand new. She was not happy. She wanted DH to buy BRAND NEW ONES for their son. I reminded DH, "Doesn't she get child support to buy clothes for him?"

He mentioned that to her, "No, I gave you a pair of shoes that fit him and you are given child support, so use THAT money if you want brand new shoes for him." Yeah, she was not happy.

This BM works in a 'gently used' clothing store where I'm QUITE SURE she gets a helluva discount on clothes. Her son is wearing the 'latest and greatest' in fashion because she can get 'first pick' being that she works there.

I've never bought the 'brand name' stuff--didn't for my 2 daughters when they were growing up, I'm not a brand-name type clotheshound (unless it's VERY good quality and for me, it will last, for kids--uh, Nope, they grow too fast!)

A couple months ago, my SS mentioned he wanted some "sketchers"...I had to ask him what they were and he showed me a commercial. I told him, "Ched, you have a brand new pair of shoes we bought you that fit you. What's wrong with those?" He said they weren't Sketchers. Um, I was so tempted to say: you are 6 years old child, if you want a brand name, have mommy buy them for you. I told him, "Well, sorry, but you'll have to live with these shoes." & walked away.

She sends him over in mismatched socks. The clothes get washed and the next time he comes over, he's sent back home in the outfit she put on him when he came essentially, she's getting back the mismatched outfit she put him in.

We have clothes for him here that we bought for him...pajamas, shoes, socks, underwear, pants, shirts, shorts, bathing suit, etc. 90% of the time they remain here at the house. He has a couple of really nice sets of clothes that my MIL bought for him...they remain in the house HERE. He wants to wear them to mommy's house but we tell him, "I'm sorry, but you have certain clothes that stay here at daddy's house because he bought them for you."

We do the same thing with toys. If we didn't, they'd never come back here. We're STILL waiting on this blanket that my MIL made for Ched when he was born and BM claims she couldn't find it. I guess it's time for DH to remind her again to look for it.

~*~A Good Mommy will let the kids lick the beaters. A GREAT Mommy will turn the mixer off first!~*~

kidsaplenty's picture

We have clothing issues here too (see my blog seasonal clothing). The bottom line if getting after bm doesn't work for us though is that we WILL supply what these kids need. Our committment and concern and love for them trumps teaching bm a lesson by making them go without basic needs.

I buy things at rummage sales for them and just discount deals from the lower end stores. We have supplied snow pants just for them to take home so they can play outside in the snow during recess instead of having to sit back with the couple poor little kids whose parents won't do for them or who forgot theirs that day.

The bottom line is we both feel toward the kids we had that they are ours and they need to be taken care of regardless if there was no other parent or the other parent won't do their job. If my kid told me he didn't even have pants to wear at the other house I would high tail it out to target and buy 5 pairs of their $7 jeans and send them because the bottom line is they are my kids and I will do for them even if the OP isn't pulling their end.