Can it really work or should I run now!
First time writing and I need your advice!
Okay, I am beginning to think I maybe making a huge mistake.
A little background. I was married for 27 years. Single now almost 3 1/2 years. I have one grown daughter ( 28). Who lives out of state working on her doctorate.
I have been dating the man of my dreams for 22 months. He has everything on my must have list and 80% on my would like have list.
Here is the problem. He has a 10 yr old daughter and 13 yr old son.
They are nice children whom I have grown to love. HOWEVER, they live with their BM who is out of control most of the time.
They very poor table manners, and are extremly messey. Dad had been working on it but let’s face it when they eat like animals and live like animals when they are with her, it is very hard to correct.
She sends text messages to their dad and me 20-50 times a day ranting and raving about almost anything. I have been called things that I never thought anyone would say to me, or about me. I have never responded to any of her text or voice mails and have only seen her twice.
These children are caught in the middle of her anger and rantings. I am so afraid to marry him thinking this is what I will be choosing and bring into my home.
Christmas she decided he could not have them. Then at the last minute, she said he could have them 2days. The divorce papers said he should have them the start of Christmas break through 12noon on Christmas day. But he told her he would bring them to her house after church Christmas Eve like he had the last 4 years. She showed up at church and made this horrible scene, and took them. He will be filing another contempt charge against her, violating the terms of the the decree.
Someone please be honest with me. Should I run now??? After reading the forums, I get the feeling most of you would not choose to be a stepparent again. Can it really work when you have one parent who is basically out of control 70 percent of the time?
Is it worth it?
if i could do it over again,
if i could do it over again, i wouldn't even be divorced once, would've made a better decision in who i married the first time and stuck with it. BUT i wouldn't change my current dh for the world, my skids for the world or my dd for the world, can't have your cake and eat it too, with skids comes the unworkable smom or sdad, on both sides and the skids that will do everything in their power to make your life miserable, the key is to control how YOU respond to all the childish bs. and ask yourself, is this something you can live with??? i WILL NOT change dealing with the crappy bm is a package deal and since SHE is raising the kids primarily, they WILL pick up on some of her habits, good and bad
WOW! I needed your post.
WOW! I needed your post.
I, too, am asking the same question today. I feel like I don't have it in me to bring this problematic family into my life. I work hard, have my doctorate, and no children--all my choice. This man is wonderful to me. But his son and the ex-wife are really making me feel like I don't matter. I'm doubting myself in ways I never thought possible. The son is only 10, but he has learned how to manipulate very well--like his mother. I shut down last night and I dread going home tonight. We live together, so I think I'm going to move out. When we lived separately, I could handle this stress a little better. The ex-wife hates me because she thinks she knows who I am as a person. She hasn't said more than 2 sentences to me--unless it was to yell at me. She is manipulative and very self-righteous, i.e., I go to church, "your dad doesn't love you like I do", "your dad and her drink, so they are bad"....we hear it all from the son. Her parents treat me as if I don't exist and they treat the father as if he owes them a favor. (BTW, the father paid for the child to be born bc the ex-wife couldn't get pregnant naturally.) I really don't care if they acknowledge me, but when they treat the father that way, I'm left to pick up the pieces. I don't want to be a stepmother--if I wanted to be a mother, I would be. I guess that I am really torn. I never thought people could be so hateful and mean to someone they don't even know. I'm hurt because all I have done is be nice to the son and I got penalized for that. I don't understand when parents can't see that if there are good people in their child's life, they should be glad for it, not threatened by it. I'm not perfect--not by a long shot. Never claimed to be.....but the stress with the child and ex-wife is making me scared, too. I am worried, as well, since a lot of these posts make it sound like adolescence is going to be a lot worse! Sorry, I don't have much advice, but sometimes reading others' problems help us feel a little better. (Knowing that someone else understands how we feel.) I was afraid to post because I am not married to the father and didn't know how to cope. So, thank you.
No thank you! It is good to
No thank you! It is good to know we are not alone. I love his kids they are great. But I know when we marry the dynamic will change, and I have lived through the teenage years with my own daughter so I know what is coming.
It is wonder to have a grown daughter. We laugh, talk, share and just enjoy life. It was wonderful when whe was home, now
she is grown with her own life. Empty house is great too!
Do I really want to start over with a family that does not have my values, my mind set, my morals, my anything....?
I know! Right? I feel like
I know! Right? I feel like a complete troll for even feeling this way--it makes me feel like I made a bad choice or that he/son is the "problem". I guess, we just know how things, wait, scratch that, other women can be.....I'm going to guess that you are a control freak, as well? I know I am....maybe that's where I need to look--at, utilize some faith that if it is meant to be, it will work out. Gosh! I hate uncertainty......... :jawdrop:
was reading the posts on
was reading the posts on here, and speaking from experience being a step mom is HARD and MANY disappointments in the future, it's hard to love someone who doesn't love you back the same (loving a kid as your own but them hating and rebelling you), it's hard to hear that the other parents down talk you even though they dont' really know you. they WILL have their defenses up with you because they are either jealous of who their ex got with--you (better than them) or to "win the kids to them" it is a constant battle.
but i say if you can't even TRY to love the prospected skids as if they ARE yours you have no buisness getting COULD ruin the relationship the parent has with them or make your life a living hell when they are there...and if you had a child and remarried even if due to death and not divorce, wouldn't you want your new spouse to love your child like their own? they will STILL rebel, even if a divorce case is ALL they've ever known like my daughter's (she has no memories of her dad and i beign together) and she still rebells her smom and tries with my dh
i struggle with my skids, but my dh is not blind to how they treat me AND him so he holds no guilt over my head
I certainly would never get
I certainly would never get in the way of the father and his relationship with the son. That is the other reason I am questioning myself....if I give the ex-wife so much grief and HIS/HIS SON'S life would be easier without me....then, I need to consider that, too. Don't get me wrong, I love children....I just chose to not have any of my own because...well, because I believe it is a BIG committment and a serious decision. So, I guess, that's another thing I've realized for myself--I view this prospective stepson as an equivalent to "having" a child.
Whatcanido. Like you we are
Like you we are not married yet. He stays at my house during the week but when the kids come for the weekend. He goes back to his house. I have to be honest. When they go back to his house a night I am glad. I like having my alone and quiet time. I refuse to feel guilty about it.
No matter how much I love them, they are not my children.
Do not believe that the ex wife wouldn't act like this even if you were not around. It is no about you it is about her...
That much I have figured out.
It is a big commitment and a very serious decision to be someone's step parent. I am a parent I know what it takes and that is overwhelming at times. But being a stepparent I think is going to be much harder. You are helping to raise someone elses child...not yours....
I am trying to figure out can the marriage/relationship take the drama and how much damage does it cause....what is the fall out?
why is the BM so angry? how
why is the BM so angry? how long have they been divorced?
5 yrs. and remarried for 3.
5 yrs. and remarried for 3. But honestly I have never seen someone so angry. She will hurt her own children to get what she wants. Her 13 yr old son, even says " you know mom lies". It is so sad because they are wonderful kids. I love them and like to be with them...but the drama that comes with them is overwhelming.
LOL! I think you are reading
LOL! I think you are reading my TJax, though, I'm still confused as to why I feel like I am making a mistake. TJax, when you think or feel you are making a mistake, does it come mainly when the BM does something to be dramatic and cause you to feel uncomfortable? Does it happen when the SKids are visiting? I'm thinking that I hate the anxiety I feel when things are "okay". I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop--all the time. The BM has "hit" us out of the blue with so many things, that I can't enjoy it when things are "normal". I am SO anxious ALL the time. I'm not used to that.....
Great point....its funny, I'm
Great point....its funny, I'm a therapist, but I can't use my own training.....I know these things, but it is so hard to actually listen to, thanks for saying it to me....sometimes I need someone else to say it, in order to believe it. I own my crazy, so she might as well own hers because I'm all full here.
So relieved! WhatcanIdo,
So relieved!
WhatcanIdo, you're the first one I've seen in here who says she's a therapist and despite that it doesn't work in your own situation....I was trained as a mental health counselor and marriage and family therapist as well but in NY - worked for a psych hospital and even had a part time private practice for 8 years (now I moved to CA to be with fiance and am not licensed here, so am unemployed and can't even get a decent job, but that's another story,sigh).
It's easier to be objective with clients because you don't live with them 24/7 and even if they bitch you out, you can figure it to be transference of some kind from their past, etc., but when you have to deal with kids all the time how can one possibly be objective? Guess that's why doctors don't operate on their relatives.
I never trained to work with kids, though,(don't know if you did) just late stage adolescents and adults, I know my limitations...I never was a kid person. When my bs and bd were growing up I never had the problems I do with fiance's boys. I'm older now though, my bio kids are grown and really didn't want to do this all over again.
I have always loved helping people in my chosen field, but then you go home at night to peace and quiet! Now I don't have that anymore (guess you don't either). Just because we're good at one thing doesn't mean we have to be good at everything. Otherwise we'd be perfect, and what human being is? (except all the Skids who THINK they are).
Yes, when the BM yells,
Yes, when the BM yells, screams, cusses, hurts her own children and I am left there...and can do nothing to help or protect them from her. Why would a mother hurt her own children? Why can't she she what she is doing to them.
We have the stable yelling or cussing..we do not handle situations like that. They are happy with
I too keep waiting for what will happen next. Just when she hits an all time low she does something that amazes me.
Anxious, yes...boy did that hit a nerve...that is a perfect discription of how I feel.
B is the love of my life, he takes my breath away even 2yrs latter. Monday! better than anything I can imagine. Even with her crazy text...all week it doesn't phase me. But let Friday - Sunday come and I am on pins and needles waiting to see what the bm will do. Or what pain the kids will come with, because they have dealt with her craziness all week.
What do you do with the "anxious" feelings?
Wow....I guess, I need to
Wow....I guess, I need to run....he meets 1,3,5,7,10. 10 bothers me the most. We both grew up with very little and we both have an intense sense of work ethic. That is what we argue about the most....he does feel guilty. As my mom says, if your gut is telling you something--and its not indigestion--you better listen to it. But, being in the social science field, I also know we are a product of our experiences. Staying in our comfort zone is what we prefer....I guess either I need to make my fears and needs known specifically to the father or figure out what would be the next logical step in getting the anxiety out...
First of all, TJAX--I DID NOT
Crayon--I've been reading your blog and I laughed out loud when I figured out who The Tenant are right, guilty parents can be very dangerous. I think my reality is that I need to be honest with myself--my guy is a great guy and a loving father--no doubt. But I agree with what was said on another post, I will never be queen and will always be second fiddle. Am I really wanting that? Is it selfish? Yes. But it is what it is. Now, am I willing to live with not being queen--that is the question. It seems to me the majority of women here are upset because the BM wields control over their loved ones--control most women want in their own homes. I agree with that--I feel like I live with another woman in the house, frequently--and I am the only PHYSICAL woman. SOOOOO, how do I exorcise demons again?
Oh Crayon, you should see the
Oh Crayon, you should see the pictures of BM and SD6 similing huge on FB, jumping around town, collecting cash and gifts. I saw not one regret in SD6's eyes in those pictures about not "wishing" to see daddy. SD6 knew to go where the bucks are. Already becoming that way though?
There is one picture of SD6 holding a 50.00 bill in her hands and smirking, looking down at the "other" gifts not opened yet.
I'm taking the present back or giving it to another kid. I did buy it stupidly. It would not be enough anyways compared to all of the other gifts. Why bother?
BM got my number out of the
BM got my number out of the kids phone...they
really do love me as I do them..they like to send me text before school and before they go to bed. I have never responed to any of her text, or phone calls. It is not my battle. I love them but they are not my kids. I figured out long ago..why would I engage her in any conversation. I am not the BM or BD so I cannot make any decsions..they are not mine to make so B engages in these "fun" conversations, that is his place. Not mine.
Thank you for set your limits and goals...I need to be reminded of that.
I do not feel the need to win over the kids. I am my daughters mother. I know who I am. So I know who the BM is. good, bad, ugly, evil, selfish she is still their MOM. And the mom is the mom.
But and there is a but...I am struggling on how not to let her drama....affect me so much. When she hurts them I a loss. I can do nothing. And to be truthful I hate all the horrible stuff she says to me and about me. I am surprised that it affects me but it does. I haven't have someone call me names or be hateful to me, well since middle school. It is odd.
Yes, I am 50, a great age, my daughter is 29. I have already won the war...bought the t shirt. Now I find that I have chosen to start over again...but the difference is with a ready made family. I don't think any of us ever thought being a step anything could be this hard. It really shouldn't be. But when you have people that don't do what is right and are selfish and act very inappropriately...this is what we are left with, the drama.
Exactly.....I cried so much
Exactly.....I cried so much last night, more than I have in years because I am so upset! Part of me feels so selfish and weak for "giving up" when "things get tough" and then part of me says "this is going to destroy you." I, too, do not UNDERSTAND WHY I care what these people think of me! I don't know what it is! I mean I have had people curse me up one side and down the other and I look at them coolly and get over it. But this family, the BM, her parents, and BM's brother.....(the brother issue is that he used to be great freinds with the father until July of ths year, then the brother said I was making the father into a mean person....the father says the brother is mad because the father is no longer at anyone's beck and call.) I trust the father when he tells me these things, I believe him a 100%. But this is really making me into a person I am not--paranoid, anxious, and on guard. Take last night for example....the son comes into the bedroom and I'd been crying, so I go to the restroom. I come out and the father and son are on the bed talking and fixing the son's watch. The son turns to me and says, "So, are you a real doctor or just a fake one?" Immediately I start thinking "Where did this come from?", "How do I answer this?", "Is this a trick question?", etc. I simply said, "A real one, just not one that does surgery or treats you when you are sick." The father doesn't know how to help me get through this....he really just "let things roll off his back." If I say I'll move out, he says, "So, that's the answer for you?", but never offers any type of suggestions or support. I don't know....I'm so worn out this morning and have a splitting headache. Glad I get to hide in my office all morning---the one time I am glad I am not terrib ly busy with patients......TJAX, I don't deal with anxiety well, that's the problem. Tried exercise and yoga, but doesn't seem to work. Went to therapist yesterday evening.
You have confirmed my
You have confirmed my suspicions, and made up my mind for me.
I am going to keep doing what I am doing now. I am not ready for marriage and I am going to wait until I can honestly see myself still happy after the marriage and the SKIDS move in.
Keep my own house....Have my BF stay m-Thursday. He takes the kids back to his house Friday-Sunday. We all are happy now why screw with a good thing. We are all growing and adapting to our new lives together. I need to proceed slowly.
If there is one thing I am very aware of is the the KIDS don't get to choose. They are affected/sometimes victims of our choices. I want to choose well for all of us.
whatcanido, maybe you need your space again....Timing is everyting, sometimes we need to step back and take a long breath.
I love B with all my heart he as been so patient knowing it is I who is giving and adapting the most in all of this blending. I don't want to lose him. He is a great father and an amazing partner. Men like him, are a rare find. I am just going to be thankful for what I have now.....
Thank you all for helping me through this. The Christmas BM drama almost pushed me over the edge, but I have found my footing again.
I think you are right. I
I think you are right. I don't have to give him up, but I can find my own space again. I guess in my mind I thought, if I move out, I lose him. But that's not right...we just moved in together in August. We did the separate thing for 1.5 years and I lived in another city, an hour away! The father has just said in the past that it didn't make sense for me to spend money on an apartment when I spend so much time at his house. BUT NOW I SEE WHY I NEED MY OWN SPACE! PLUS, the BM cannot say the father is AMORAL because we live together. SO, really, everyone wins and I get my sanity back! You are exactly right--keep what is mine and no rush to get married or fix what was not broken....I never correlated the fact of me moving in and me beginning to get so anxious and paranoid. IT did start being a problem in September. Thank you....I guess all or nothing really isn't an answer--it was just the only one I came up with. Living separate is a win-win.....for now. We'll deal with the other stuff as it comes. As my mom always said, "Don't cross that bridge til you get there, because shit happens."
whatcanido. We also have had
whatcanido. We also have had that "why should we have two
houses discussion". I am not giving up my house. They will
have to move in with me, and that is not going to happen until we are married. And since I am not going to get married until......some more time has passed. Then it is still a win win for all of us, as you said for now.
Yes BF and I would like to be together and wake up every morning but the trade off seems to be huge...I do not want the drama moving in on the weekends.
I am breathing normal again....I am so glad I found this forum/website. It is so nice to talk you so get it! I am not alone!
Good for you! Bravo! Oh, how
Good for you! Bravo!
Oh, how I wished I had listened to my gut or found this site a few years ago before giving up everything that was all mine.
Good Luck!
How long have you been a SM?
How long have you been a SM?
Me? Too long- 2 years and
Me? Too long- 2 years and counting. I do have a 20 year old daughter though on her own. I was "on my own" too at one time and quite happy then.
Butterflykisses, 2 long
Butterflykisses, 2 long years, it sounds like. I am afraid I will get the bait and switch. Were things good in the beginning with the Skids?
They love me now but why they move in and I am no longer the GF but the SM, the dynamic will change. He is a great parent now but will he try to dump "some of the parenting" on to me or not stop the insanity that everyone seems to experience from the behavior of their skids?
I like being along but I love B so much he makes me so happy. Feeds me and fill the holes left from the first marriage.
But I am logical and practical and love does not conquer all.
All my friends and a few on
All my friends and a few on here have told me to R-U-N
so, hmmmm, I havent yet, but everyday it gets harder not too.
Listen to your logic then. I
Listen to your logic then. I am normally quite logical myself.
Oh yes, was quitre loved at first. Then we married and moved in with one another. That is when the "Pas" as they call it started from his ex-wife and having a new husband with zero backbone did not help. Then came debts, etc.
I also failed to check both of them out prior, which normally I always do.
I would keep your own place honestly. Speaking from experience only here.
Sorry darlin, but you need to
Sorry darlin, but you need to either run, or date him for 8 more years.
He needs to learn to put BM aside. Turn off his phone, block her number because she is way over the top on the control freak issue. Its a wonder he ever got away from her in the first place.
Usually the drama dies down after a few years, but I wouldn't put money on it. If you truly love him.......wait for him...LOL. At the very least make sure you see significant improvements in the situation before you move in.
It will be hell on earth and it may get better, but its still going to be hell. you raised your kid. why go back and raise his?
if i could do it over again, i would do it different. i would be with dh, but i would have nipped that shit in the BUD!
I say "run". I am in the same
I say "run". I am in the same situation, after being married 20 years. I have put off getting remarried and just live together, but really, there is no difference other than muddling your finances. The emotional toll is the same. You can date him for 10 more years, but being miserable is being miserable, married or not. I have a few friends, remarried with SKs and they all say, they would have waiting until the SKs were grown and out of the house. I wish I could take my own advice as well, but is it difficult and heartbreaking to leave a man you truly love, but cannot handle his kids.
go with ur gut feeling that
go with ur gut feeling that way u have no regrets or take a chance knowing that u may have some
Tjax, You’ll be fine. You
Tjax, You’ll be fine. You don’t have to move out. Why let this woman own so much of your life? Why move backward if what you really want is to move forward?
Marrying a man with children is right up there with marrying an elephant keeper, (that’s what I try remind myself on a bad day… at least there aren’t any elephants in the garden.) but the benefits can be monumental too.
As a fellow stepparent I promise you this: there is nothing this woman can ever, ever do to you that you won’t be able to handle.
You are new to this situation, and there are tools for dealing with ex partners so they don’t drive you crazy. You are obviously prepared to make a tough decision should you need too – so take the opportunity to sit down with your partner and talk about the things that really concern you. Break them down into smaller issues and you may be surprised at his reaction, especially if he knows his relationship is on the line. Entering a family unit can become all consuming. Creating your own space in the home is so important and will put other issues into perspective. Talk to your service provider about having his ex’s number blocked from your phone. (There is no need for her to have your number, and you don’t need to tell her if you don’t reply anyway.) Also, many biological parents display the ten points listed that suggest guilty forms of parenting, they are completely normal and not limited to family homes. You’d be surprised how the positive reinforcement of a partner can affect guilty parenting.
There are lots of horror stories out there – but remember that most people post about the worst times, the times they need the most support. Many people don’t post about the little battles won and the wonderful moments that happen. Stepfamilies are not uncommon, and yes, lots of people make it work.
Like you said, you have a grown up daughter and you’ve got the t – shirt. You’ve had one marriage end and another wonderful relationship start. You know that life for everyone has twists and turns and ups and downs. All relationships come with baggage, be it elephants or children. You’ll be fine. Best of luck whatever the outcome!
I have been a stepmom for
I have been a stepmom for quite some time and with one sk, it has never worked no matter what I tried. It has gotten worse now that she is older, not better like I was depending on. I am finally disengaging.
tjax and whatcanido...I have fantasized for the past two years that I still had someplace to call my own, someplace peaceful to come home to, someplace devoid of someone who despises and harshly judges everything about me. I, too, work in the mental health field and my knowledge has only helped me know how dysfunctional this situation is. It is hard to imagine how uncomfortable living like this could be. I always believed the evil SM stories must be caused by evil SM. Now I am an evil SM, even though I am really not. It is as if DH and SD need to cast me in the role of the bad one to maintain their own relationship. Very strange dynamic. Do yourselves a favor and read "Stepmonster"...then, believe it! If I had not lived it, I would not have believed it! Don't make the same mistake.
Whatever the details, the feelings many express here are the same. If you are asking if you should risk it to live with the partner you love, my answer is not to do it unless you are willingly also welcoming years of persecution whether you are nice or not. I would not do it again. DH and I used to have a wonderful relationship that is now changed in ways that cannot be repaired. I wish you the best in your decision.