Another Step-Parenting Conundrum
Okay, a little back story before I dive right into the drama of the week.
DH and I have been together for 3 years. We have SD12 every other weekend, 1 week in the summer, and 1 week over Christmas. DH and BM were never married and broke up before SD was even born, so therefore in the state of GA he basically has no rights to his own child (except, of course, the right to pay enough child support so that BM never has to work a full time job). For the first 6 months of SD's life DH only got to see her 2 hours a week, which wasn't even enough time for him to bring her to his house as they lived an hour apart. After a court battle he finally got custody every other weekend, plus 4 hours a week. When SD was very young (2 or 3ish) BM moved 4 hours away. So very long story slightly shorter, DH never got to bond with SD like a normal father would bond with his daughter because BM and her actually evil stepmother did everything in their power to cut him out of the picture. When BM got knocked up with her second child (from a different man), SD went to live with BM's actually evil stepmother, this is who she still lives with.
Please forgive me if I've left something out of this long, twisted, backstory teaming with she-demons, but I'm going to move on to the most recent battle with evil.
The weekend closest to Valentines Day was our scheduled weekend, however SD had a school dance on Saturday that she wanted to go to, so we told "Grandma" that we could swap weekends. She informed us that SD was too busy the next few weekends to make up our lost weekend (they keep her involved in a million different things), so we ended up going 3 weekends in a row without seeing her. When we met to pick SD up after her 3 weekends away she cried and sobbed and clung to "Grandma" who soaked up every second of DH's heartache and discomfort. When we finally pried her from "Grandma" and got in the car we asked her what was wrong and why she was so upset about coming to see us and she sobbed at us that she "just missed Grandma" and that we "don't do enough fun stuff". Let me just clarify that every time she is with us we make sure to entertain her (baking, watching movies, playing video games, going for walks, horseback riding, shopping) so we don't just put her in a corner and let her play by herself, she is entertained almost constantly, however, as DH and I both work 40+ hours a week, sometimes there are other things that need to be done on the weekend too. So anyway, at this point DH is incredibly hurt and angry because his own child is crying because she has to see him, and he asked her point blank if the only reason she was coming was to be entertained and "do fun stuff". SD answered with silence. He asked her if she would rather stop coming. Again, she answered with silence and sniffles. I could almost hear his heart crack.
As irritated as I am at my SD's behavior I do love her. I also realize that it's not her fault that she doesn't want to come, the she-demons put her in so many clubs and activities specifically to cause this issue. They cater to her non-stop and always make her the center of attention, they do whatever she wants and constantly keep her busy. When she comes to see us she has rules and has to be respectful, and we can't afford to take her to the movies or mini golf or to do something expensive every weekend. She doesn't have friends and clubs with us. Plus coming to see us means spending at least 8 hours of her weekend on the road. So I can't blame her for getting tired of it.
I suppose I'm looking for some advice on how to deal with this. DH is heartbroken, he feels like if he doesn't do whatever she wants she will choose to stop coming. However, being the evil step-monster I am torn. I feel like 12 is too young to choose whether she comes or not, but on the other hand I feel like if we keep forcing her to come every weekend and make up every time she misses a weekend she will just end up resenting the visits more and more as she gets older.
Advice, opinions, and happy pills are welcomed!
Plus, at this age, the
Plus, at this age, the child's peers are who she wants to be spending time with. Asking kids to cut off their social life to go spend time with adults hours away from their home environment where they don't know anyone... yeah.. it is a big ask.
Don't get me wrong, I think the dad should have done more and be doing more to develop a relationship with his child. He should have fought for full custody and TBH it shouldn't matter that he never married the BM. He should take precedent over the grandma unless he has drug, violence or other criminal type behavior.
If I were him, I would go NOW and petition for full custody.. let her create a new social life where he lives.. I imagine that BM and GM will face the same reluctance for visits.
I am not clear as to why your
I am not clear as to why your SO allowed a grandparent to get custody before he did.
Why did he not fight for full custody when BM no longer wanted that?
OK, so yes, OP, we need to
OK, so yes, OP, we need to know more about the HOW in the HECK did gma get SD and not Dad. BTW - SD is fast headed to Princess Town in high-speed train.
DH's court days were years
DH's court days were years before I came along, so all I really know is bits and pieces, but I will share what I can.
First, I think I was wrong about them going to court in GA, I believe it was SC whose laws about mothers rights are very old school. Either way, when they went to court the first time BM had no job, and still lived with her parents (dad and step-mom), while DH had his own house (which he bought when he found out BM was pregnant), had a reliable vehicle, had worked full time for years, and had a completely clean record (which he still does). He still only got EOWE and 4 hours during the week of visitation.
He also informed his lawyer at one point that SD was living with step-grandma instead of BM and his lawyer told him he could go back for full custody, but it would be next to impossible for him to prove that she wasn't staying with BM because SD was too little to tell them who she lived with.
Honestly, if DH could have gotten full custody of SD when she was little it would have been fantastic, and if he had gone to court elsewhere that's probably exactly what would have happened. However, at this point I feel like it would be cruel to take her away from everything she's ever known. As wrong as it is that she lives with somebody who isn't even blood related to her, the fact is that step-grandma is the closet thing to a mother that she knows, she has raised her for 12 years. If I'm not mistaken it is written in the court ruling that she can decide for herself at 14 years who she lives with. If we were to go back to court at this point and somehow manage to get full custody, she would spend 2 years resenting us and then go back to step-grandma anyway. She isn't mistreated by any means, in fact, she's spoiled. We could never match up to the life that she has with step-grandma where she is entertained 24/7, gets whatever she wants, and is treated like a buddy instead of a kid.
And yes CLove, you're exactly right. The train is already stopped in Princess Town Station. Which is exactly why she would hate us if we took her away from the people who provide her crown.
Let me get this straight. BM
Let me get this straight. BM abandoned the kid to StepGrandMas and SGM gets custody over the BioDad? :? :jawdrop:
Really? I am thinking that your DH needs to get to court pronto and get his daughter since BM abandoned her. A grandparent does not trump BioDad for custody unless there are significant extenuating circumstances.
I think it is time for your DH to grow some man sack and commit to getting this situation resolved conclusively. SGM is not even a blood relation and should have zero claim of custody for this kid.
There has to be more to the story. Please share.