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6yo SD will not listen to me and it looks like she never will. Because she doesn't have to...

Nobodytoyou's picture

I live with my gf and her 6yo daughter. We have a babysitter come over to get her off the bus a few days a week. My gf is usually home a little after the bus comes. The baby sitter stays until 6 (about 2-3 hrs). My gf is home for most of that time. The babysitter’s main job is to keep her daughter “occupied” while my gf cleans, does house work, and takes a shower so on… I think that is horrible. You shouldn’t have to pay someone to “occupy” aka “be friends” with your kid. She has to be entertained almost at all times. The babysitter also cleans up after sd’s mess. Picking up toys, dishes and so on. The sitter is like her little paid friend/slave/maid. Anyway, I digress…

So yesterday I came home from work aroung 530 and my gf was not home yet. The sitter was there with sd and sd’s grandpa. I told them to clean up before mom gets home, specifically telling the sitter NOT to clean after sd. All goes well. Sitter leaves around 6. Sd starts to notice her “entertainment” is leaving when her grandpa says he has to leave. He is a poet and had a recital to get to. She says can we get ice-cream? I answer no, not tonight. She snaps back, “I’M NOT TALKING TO YOU! I’M TALKING TO GRANDPA!!!” I say I don’t care who you’re talking to, we can’t go out for ice-cream tonight. Grandpa backs me up saying that I’m right and he has to go anyway. (she loves grandpa because he does anything she asks/orders him to do, and he gives her candy). When he attempts to leave she orders him to stay.”YOU CAN’T LEAVE!!! I’LL BE BORED!!!” she yells. “STAY A LITTLE LONGER” she orders him. He says ok 2 more minutes. I’m not pleased with him always caving in but I try and ignore it. He does help with babysitting… she proceeds to just stand there picking her nose. She doesn’t even interact with grandpa. I say, “stop picking your nose and get a tissue”. She ignores me. I get her attention and repeat, while she has a finger from each hand up her nose, to stop it. She then starts just cramming every different finger up her nose while looking at me I repeat my request while walking towards her. She ignores me again. So I pull her arms down removing her fingers from her nose and I say “you have to listen to me, now your hands are dirty. Go wash them before your mom comes home and we have dinner”. She screams “STOP IT!!!” (she is not often TOLD what to do, she is used to being ASKED to do things by everyone else who cares for her) I say “don’t talk back to me, listen to what I say and go wash your hands”. She then screams and cries like crazy. I hold her and say “calm down, this is not a big deal, you just have to listen to me”. She “fights” me off and runs crying to grandpa yelling at him to stay. I say “grandpa has to go, let him leave. You’re in trouble anyway now go to your room”. She has been very bad lately. I know this doesn’t seem like a huge deal, but she has been testing us a lot lately. She yells “I WILL NEVER GO TO MY ROOM, YOU CAN’T MAKE ME”. So I head over to her to “make her” meaning I was planning on picking her up and PUTTING her in her room. But grandpa, as usual, says “This is my fault, I’ll go to your room with you”… which is exactly what she kept asking him to do in the first place instead of him leaving… he then proceeds to tell her while walking up the stairs that she didn’t do anything wrong, and she will be ok…

Her mom comes home and I tell her what happened. She was upset with everyone. She then applies the same punishment she applied 3 days ago. No ice-cream money for lunch for a while… that was her punishment 3 days ago. Looks like it didn’t work… then for the next 1-2 hours sd is spoken to like a baby to try to cheer her up from being so sad… makes me sick to my stomach, the start of the problem was everyone making this kid think she is the center of the universe, so of course THAT will cheer her up when she is sad… just perpetuating the situation. She is then reminded if the 2 bday parties she gets to go to this week so “be happy!” they tell her… yeaaaahh!!!

So short story long… I was upset about the whole situation, thinking about how this behavior will never stop because 99% of the people in her life will continue to make her this way. And as long as that is going on my attempts to help raise this kid “right” will be futile…

Nobodytoyou's picture

I really don't understand what your getting at with this. I'm not going to hit her if your being serious.

duct_tape's picture

At this point in the game a few things are clear.

She has a higher level of importance than you.
She has more willpower than anyone.
She has learned that she WILL win always.
She screams and demands louder than you.
She makes her mom miserable if she doesn't get her way, so she gets her way.

Do what she does. Get what she gets.

Nobodytoyou's picture


I read your bio. Besides the huge difference of the number of kids involved we have a similar situation. From your bio “It pains me to see my relationship suffer. My SS was the cause of almost every argument we've ever had. There have only been a handful. I want to unleash my fury. But, the standards of tolerance and entitlement have been set into place years ago.”

This is the same for me. I love my GF. And her daughter is not all to bad. She does what you expect from a kid her age. The lack of expectations is in her other care givers. I only experience SD’s mom and grandpa. Grandpa lets her do anything. Even when clearly bad he tells her she is perfect and to never change for anyone. He is toxic. And he is a psychologist. Hmmmm…. Anyway, her relationship with her mom (my gf) is what I experience the most. My GF does not SEE the flaws I see. And when I point them out she will say “SO! That’s a 6yo for you!” Which is true. But it’s her responsibility to do something about it. My GF says “you gotta pick your battles” so when 6yo SD is eating her spaghetti with her hands getting it everywhere my I’ll say something about it being wrong and my GF will say “at least she’s eating it”… “save it for something that’s worth it”.. things like that happen all the time. I don’t look for perfection. But I expect some discipline. And some consequences. But there rarely is.

Our relationship is suffering because of this. Because of the story I posted above that you commented on I started to rethink our relationship. If her daughter is not better controlled by her own parents/family how am I going to do anything? When it’s just SD and I she listens to everything I say and tell her to do. She threw a tantrum once and I put a stop to that. She eats what I cook for her without a problem and she pick up her mess when I tell her too. But the story I told included her grandpa being there. If he wasn’t the tantrum would probably would not have happened. And if it did I would have sent her to her room. And if she didn’t go I would have put her in her room. I set consequences and follow through with them.

My GF is getting better with discipline. She lacks in following through with the discipline and consequences… which is crutial.

She gets what she wants most of the time from almost everyone except me and her mom. Her mom is much tougher on her than everyone else. But I think she could do more. SD knows I wont budge so she tries to “go around” me. She will ask mom for dessert and I will say no. (not just for the hell of it but usually because she was bad). And she will shout “I’m talking to mommy not you” mommy will sometimes just go with what I say (I explained to her the united front” But other times she will still get the dessert even after I said she couldn’t. Which makes SD think she doesn’t have to listen to me. Sometimes when I say no ice-cream tonight because she was bad or whatever, my gf will just give her a little. I’ll say “I said no, you shouldn’t have given her that” and she will say “I only gave her a little, she is very upset at how little I gave her” such BS…

Nobodytoyou's picture

Yes Draco26, you also are right. My GF and I both know that SD is “testing” us. I always keep that in mind. My GF seems to forget more often than not. I can’t speak of the other people is SD’s life. From what I hear they just spoil her to death and worship the ground she walks on. She can do no wrong in their eyes. My GF and I have had that talk. I spoke of the united front. I said if she disagrees how I parent SD to save her comments until later when SD is not around. And vice versa. My GF thinks I’m too strict. I really am not. I have 2 nieces ages 7 and 10. I have been a big part of their lives. I learned how to “work” with them, saw my sister and her husband parented them, and say how my mom and dad grand parented them. I am not overly strict. I do what I was raised to do and what I have seen other parents do. The way my SD is getting raised is the polar opposite of everything I have ever experienced.

Some times after having these talks my GF will be real tough for a few days. Maybe even throw in a spanking. And it works. But her daughter is sooooo surprised when this happens. She has crazy loud screaming fits over the tiniest amount of discipline followed my consequences. I mean the smallest insignificant things. I believe this is because she is so used to getting away without consequence that the smallest thing is huge to her. If she had more discipline with more consequences more often she would eventually get used to it and hopefully learn her lesson faster.

My GF does get positive results with her methods. But they are slow to come. And far and few in between. There is a lot of bribing for positive behavior. And constant threats that are often not backed up. My GF recently threatened the consequence of taking away SD’s play date for the following day. (SD was bad at school and we said if she is bad at ALL until the play date it would be cancelled). Well she was bad about 10 times in the next few hours. And was threatened that same threat each time. And then the next day just before the play date she was REALLY bad while I was at work and she was just with my GF. And my GF still took her to the play date! She punished her but taking away SD’s luxury money (the dollar she gets to buy ice-cream every day at school lunch). That lasted for 2 days until yesterday, she got ice-cream money yesterday, and then she did what the above story is about.

The “full-time Geisha” you mention… hmmm. I did not like the concept of the baby sitter being there when we are. I think it’s crazy. SD will order her around “STAND UP!, SIT DOWN!, GO OVER THERE!, GIVE ME THAT CRAYON!” And when “play time” is over.. and the sitter has to go my GF will say to SD “pick up your toys before she leaves” and the sitter will do all of it while SD watches” makes me sick. And my GF is paying this girl a few hundred a month to do this. My GF said she can’t get anything done if it’s just them two. This is true. But we won’t just put her in front of the TV. But she is afraid to be alone. Or just doesn’t like it. I’m not sure yet.

She is kept entertained so often that as soon as the entertainment is over she immediately says she is bored. She will ask where we are going tonight because she is used to always going somewhere and doing something.

I do know how to discipline SD. I just need consistency from my GF. She works hard and does a lot for a lot of different people. I know its hard for her. But I’m starting to look like the bad guy when I’m doing most of the disciplining. And when my GF goes directly against what I say, right in front of SD I feel like all OUR hard work is ruined.

Nobodytoyou's picture

I also as you said "disengage" often. I will develop a plan over weeks and then talk to my GF and put it in motion after discussing and then have the plan destroyed within days. It’s discouraging to the point where I just give up. I’ll just go about the next few days ignoring SD. Even if she is doing something bad. It makes me feel like I don’t matter. Really not cool.