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Their abuse is finally ending.

Saffeh's picture

My step sons have finally been saved, in a sense.

Every Saturday when they both went to their Bio mom's house, they were abused.

She made them walk 30 minutes both ways to her house, locked them in their "room", which consisted of 1 bed and 2 toys so she could go have sex with her fiance, she and him both hit them, and they would force them sometimes to sit in a corner and be "punished" for no reason. She also didn't feed them all day, and never changed the youngest one.

We feared for their lives, made complaints in court, with the government, etc, but unfortunately something significant has to happen before they don't let her see them anymore.

Well, the time has come.

When they went on Saturday, she held them down and shaved off all their beautiful hair, in a crazy manner. She bit them, leaving marks, beat them, and cut them with the razor while forcing them to be shaved.

I got a call at work to come to the hospital, and I ran there, to find the smallest one covered in bruises and bite marks, and the oldest one said he got hit by their Bio mom's fiance, who is already in trouble for beating his ex wife and children. They were also crying about how much theyhe their hair now.

At least now they will be saved. Were hoping she'll be charged criminally, lose her new baby (born 2 weeks ago), and get thrown in jail or something.

Either way, at least now these poor children won't have to suffer anymore.

We're moving next week, all together, me them and their Bio dad, and we will make a better life for them now.

They are biologically not my children, but I love them more than their own Bio mom does, and I won't let anything else happen to them.

I'm just hoping that our government finally gives them justice.

Kilgore SMom's picture

That is so sad that they had to live in that kind of abuse before anything happen. You hear of cases like that on TV but think they'll never happen in your family. Some times trying to prove abuse of any kind is very hard. I hate for your ss that they had to be hurt in order to get help. Its a blessing for them to have you and DH there to help them. I hope they charge BM and boyfriend with as much as they can. Prays for your family.(((HUGS)))

Our BM is a drug addict and has been sent to rehab for 9 months and prison 2 times, for a years each time.
When ss was 8 months old his arm and leg got broke. No one knows what happen because BM blamed the boyfriend and the boyfriend couldn't be found. Bm does have sv only so thats good. DH said if BM messes up again and gets on drugs that hes going to have her rights removed. BM just got out of prison last week so we'll see what happens.

Great Mom but horrified Stepmom's picture

Very glad you have the kids in your care and control now. The BM and her BF should be criminally charged and I hope they will be.

Take care of yourselves going forward. It is going to be a LOT of stress and work to heal these children and to make a family life that is free of the effects the abuse will have had on them.

Good luck to you and thank you for being the type of person who steps up!

stepped-on-sm's picture

My advice is push to have her parental rights terminated while the abuse is fresh and then you wont have to deal with her down the road.
Many states despite horrific abuse push for reconciliation between the abuser & victims, even to the point of unsupervised visits and custody again.
Thank God the judge took BM1 rights away, but meanwhile children services was working on a long term plan to let her have visitation and contact with the girls she and her bf (now husband) sexually abused.

stepped-on-sm's picture

Forgot to add, get them into long term counseling, my SD who was abuse had initial counseling and was fine after we got her, now issues are surfacing because of the abuse, manifesting as ADHD & ODD