Lauren1438's picture

So yesterday FDH got a call from BM asking that we meet on Friday to discuss the differences that are occurring over the amount of money. And what does FDH do he agrees. HELP someone kill me know. We have a double date with the BM and her fiance. I am dying. All this got brought on because her spouse support go cut off and she didn't like what the attorney said to her yesterday. No lazy, gold digging, cheating whore you don't get $500 dollars to blow on yourself try getting a job after all your 28 its about time you have one. (Please understand that his two daughters are not suffering in any way those girls are spoiled rotten and I love them dearly)

I could probability be decent towards this woman if she stopped bad mouthing me in front of the girls. Just wait until her girls old enough and realize that BM Cheated on Daddy, Karma cant come around soon enough. After all what kind of woman cheats on a man over seas in Iraq and then takes him to the cleaners.

BSgoinon's picture

There should be a standing law that if a military wife cheats while her man is away on active duty, NO SPOUSAL SUPPORT. Seriously, it makes me sick.

Lauren1438's picture

yea I agree. He agreed to all of her conditions at first because when he got his medical/honorable discharge for the injuries his lovely ex kicked him out the day he got home and said this, this and this is what is going to happen or I and taking the girls to southern California. Luckily none of the "agreement" was in writing except the divorce and 50/50 Custody. boy she was pissed that I came into the picture... I love working at a law firm :). But Friday we better be going somewhere with lots of liqueur.

herewegoagain's picture

Spousal support should not happen unless one spouse is NOT WORKING and caring for children at home because of mutual agreement. Which of course, should end once you are divorced. Give the spouse 6mos - 1 yr to get a job (since the economy is so bad) and then, you are on your own!

NancyL's picture

Why did he agree to this conversation and you know what the outcome will be. She already lost the money and to entertain the pity party will only make it worse.