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bashing in my head light, you can do better than that....

Lauren1438's picture

So yesterday I had an amazing day because SD6 called daddy crying because she missed me, and she wanted to see me. I was on cloud nine when he told me this. Then this morning I go out to cay car and to my surprise the head light is bashed in. (Last month we bought cameras from Costco because she comes over in the middle of the night to threaten us and it is kind of hard to lie with video evidence.) I Haven’t reviewed it yet because I didn’t want to be late for work but I cant wait to go home……

Yep someone was in our drive way just to bash in my cars head light. Ummm… I wonder if it was the same crazy person that bashed in my window when I was at work last month. When will the BM get it; I will file legal charges again, I don’t care if she is the mother of my FDH’s children or not. She is going down if she keeps pulling this crap. I would hate to have her arrested in front of the girls again but oh well FDH knows not to fight with me on this because I will not back down. She is doing personal attacks against me and my property because she is jealous of me. She just doesn’t get it, both my parents are cops, I work with a law firm with 9 attorneys and she doesn’t scare me. Now which cop should I have arrest her tonight when I take the video down to the station I am thinking the biggest guy I know, he is scary looking Smiling.

Plus all of this just gets us one step closer to full custody. Smiling

youngmama1b1g's picture

You are handling this soo amazingly. I commend you!

You should ask to get a pic of her face as she's arrested. I'm sure that one will be priceless. Besides someone has to be there in case the kids are... }:)