BM relinquished custody us she "can't handle it"
BM has a history of mental illness and drug use. She is wheelchair bound (and TRUST ME, she plays up the "poor me!!" ALL the time!).
So a year ago she filed a motion out of the blue. It stated that my husband had to take custody or that she would relinquish the child to the state for care. She said she could not control him. In 4th grade he missed 42 days of school because, as she said, she could not force him to go. (We had him for 5th grade, he missed ONE day). Bear in mind she let him play video games before the school day and also let him play video games until 2 or 3 a.m. each night. Again, she claims she could not stop him.
BM has history of mental illness & shooting up her pain meds til she passes out (she did rehab).
She allows him to shut himself her house. He is 11 and 1/2 years old. She is aware that he has pooped himself and does not make him take a shower. "I can't force him!" He also wets the bed and as she lets him sleep on the damp sheets the next night.
Do you think this might be grounds for supervised visitation?
I'm not a lawyer but it sure sounds like it to me, or if common sense is any criterion. What happened with the custody relinquishment?
We have him full-time. She has visitation. Of course she often has to cancel visitations because of her copious amounts of doctor appointments which she seems to make only during the weekends she has her son. Very strange to have a doctor appointment on a Sunday. She has clearly disconnected from her own flesh and blood. She used to be high all the time and pass out in the bathroom. When I'm drugs she got down to about 90 pounds. Now she is well over 300 so I'm guessing she is done with shooting up pain medication and or other substances. Sh messed up this kid and now it has landed in my lap.
Hang in there
My sister was around 300 lb, sick with various things, in a wheelchair due to an amputation and doing her own drugs on "her schedule" which was apparently wiser than the doctor's. She didn't have kids, thank God, but if she had, she was in no condition to do anything but get herself thru the next hour. Actually, BM has done the best thing for her son to relinquish to stable parents. I know it sucks for you. I hope the boy understands on some level. Good luck.
OP, I'm not sure how your SO
OP, I'm not sure how your SO ended up knocking up a 300 lb mentally ill drug addict in a wheelchair, but this is his burden to bear. From your other blog, his child sounds well on his way to mental illness himself.
I'd decide how much of this you can take.
How can you live like this?
How can you live like this? It's untenable.