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BM is living in a hotel room.

flsunnyfl's picture

My BF has custody of his DD13 and I have been raising her since she was 6. I love her so much.

BM has been evicted from so many places I can't even keep count. She has a huge pill problem and God only knows what else she is ingesting. She looks like a bag of bones covered in leather.

About a month ago she got kicked out of her stepmom and half sister's apartment. She stayed with her BF (38 years old and lives with his mother) until he kicked her out. She stayed at an apartment with a "friend" and actually brought DD13 there to spend the night. Obviously we had no idea, as we were under the assumption she was still with her stepmom and sister.
Friday she called to say she was staying with a friend and gave my BF the address. Of course it was in the ghetto, were we expecting anything less?

Since DD13 and I were in Orlando theme-parking-it I agreed to drop her off when we got back into town. As we reached the address we noticed 4 cop cars. She called BM which replied "go home now, I will pick you up." When asked about the cops she acted like she had no clue why they were there. She picked up DD13 an hour and fifteen minutes after her ETA. I didn't want to let her go, but I have no say in any of these matters (even though I am her primary caregiver). DD13 didn't want to go, she is completely fed up with BM too.

I texted DD13 later in the night to make sure she was ok. She said she was fine and going to sleep. The next day we texted a few times and she never mentioned not staying at that house. She actually led on that she did and it wasn't too bad. Later on in the afternoon I found out BM made her lie to BF and I about staying at the house. They were at a hotel that her friend/lawyer paid for. BM got kicked out of the house that night. We have yet to figure out why the cops were involved, but I should be getting my answer tomorrow.

So now BM is living in a hotel and has nowhere else to go. Her biological sister won't even taker her in. Her own BM stopped speaking to her years ago. She has used all of her friends and no one else is willing to let her stay. It is so hard to believe that a 37 year old mother of 3 could be this ridiculous.

I hope this leads to less visitation for all the children involved.

austin757's picture

Your story sounds so much like mine. My DP and I have been dating for a couple of years, moved in together last year, and recently relocated to a new city. He shares custody with BM for his 3 kids. She decided to move too, rather than us take her to court for full custody. We offered to help her move, but she decided that she wanted to bring her worthless, hasn't had a job in years boyfriend (who our niece accused of touching her inappropriately on a camping trip, and who numerous parents of the children's friends have called to complain about) and we wouldn't help him move.

So we know that she has enough money to last her 5-6 months without a job if she is conservative. First thing she does is buy herself and her boyfriend Iphones, puts money into fixing his broken down van instead of paying her mother for the one she had borrowed, and just generally sets about blowing her money. Then, instead of looking into the low cost roommate places we had checked into for her, she moves into an extended stay hotel. That lasts about a month and half, during which time she came to see the kids twice. On the second visit, the kids come back and say that she wasn't staying at the hotel, they were at an apartment with some of the BF's "friends". A week or so later she starts making noises that he is gone, she is back in the hotel, and how about a loan? We ignored her the first time, but she just keeps up. He's not helping her, she's going to be homeless, she is begging for help. This isn't a new story, it happens every time they have a fight. We finally pay her rent at the hotel for another month, and he promptly moves back in. 3 weeks later, same story. This time she asked if she could move in with us and use my car so she could find a job. NO! We did say we would pay for a couple more months if she found a roommate situation.

So, I found her a room, moved her into it, and helped her find public transport. I did tell her that if she would make the effort to go and get her motorcycle license I would let her use my Vespa; because she could title and insure that in her own name and we wouldn't be liable. Instead, she tells me that the boyfriend is gone, but that she is just using his car to get to work- and by the way, can she borrow some of my clothes for her new part-time job? That was the last straw for me, I finally broke down and told her she was an idiot, that she was ruining our kids lives and that she was teaching the girls that it was okay for them to be used like this.

She promised no, it would never happen again, she was changing- but she hasn't. It's just one excuse after another for making bad decisions that the kids end up in the middle of. We have had them full time since the move, and now I'm scared to death that she is going to try and restart the 50/50 time. Last year was a nightmare of failing grades, bad behavior, and fear of their situation. I'm just praying that this time we can go back to court and make the custodial parent the father so the kids aren't subject to her crap anymore.