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disengage due to dh siding with bm

astroud68's picture

Basically my first post here. Not sure if its the right area but here goes..

Met my DH 3 years ago after being single for 10 years, we married 2 years ago. My son is 29, grown, living on his own. DH has now a 14 year old daughter and her BM is running our house and what we do with SD. Every year I've tried to plan a vacation for the three of us and every time BM has something negative to say to SD and she changes her mind and doesn't want to go. DH sides with her and we cancel. I'm tired of a child making decisions about my life. I mean I'm talking about Disney, Gatlinberg, Niagara Falls... its always something.

SD used to take the bus to our house every day when we first met but in the last year and a half has stopped as SD and I were getting really close. When we had her every day she never had chores it was always play on the boat or hit the mall or whatever. Over time things changed and she would just come in the house, ignored me if I was in the room and plopped down on the couch and played on her phone. Never helped with dinner, dishes, clean up of anything. Always says she's bored and we need to take her somewhere. DH falls for it but I am done. I asked her to do 7 dishes and DH was for once backing me on this. after asking her 7 times he took her phone away until she did it, she screamed like he was pulling her toenails out, and her girlfriend was over that night. one of the two girls texted BM and she was at the house in 15 minutes saying she couldn't get a hold of SD. Seriously!! she never calls DH to see what the problem is she just runs right over and saves the child... Like DH is not a parent. This has happened at least 4 times over the first year and a half. Now she barely comes over. When she does come over it's like she is so removed from life. She has severe social anxiety, she can't order her own food, she doesn't know how to talk to our 2year old grandson, doesn't speak to grandparents or aunts or uncles or cousins when they are over... just says "I don't know what to do" about everything, even getting a plate of food at supper time. 

I worry about her not being a productive memeber of society and DH will not do anything about it. last argument about her SAD he said he will vacation with SD and I can go to the beach by myself.  I have decided to disengage myself because I am a strong independant woman and it hurts me to sit by and watch a childs life be thrown away and not try and do anything about it. The BM is a narsissist and is mentally abusing her child. DH doesn't know how to deal so he doesn't.

I love my husband and we have a great relationship except when it comes to his support of me and our house hold rules to BM and SD. He says he agrees with me and he's going to stand up for what "we" want but then he backs down and says its not worth the argument with BM so he just goes with whatever she says he can do and thats it. I mean she called him on a thursday and said SD is getting braces on monday. you need to be there to pay $750 Deposit.... hello, that is our money.

I don't know if I am looking for validation, or if I there is something else I can do to get things to change, or I really just want to vent. I have already distanced myself by signing up for work on the weekends she visits, but now I want to make other plans all together when she is over. I feel like a failure but definetly to old for bear scat games. I think to myself If DH and I would have waited to get married I would have ended the relationship as I really didn't want to be burdened with such drama and vowed to not date anyone with kids under 18 LOL.... but I am committed now.


tog redux's picture

Well, really, there isn't much DH can do to fight what BM is doing to SD, he doesn't have the power, BM has taken it all. He's wise not to get into endless power struggles with her and try to assert himself, it will go nowhere and increase the drama (re: vacations, if SD doesn't want to go, you two should still go, though).  His best bet would be to try to keep in touch with SD, let her know he loves her and the door is open.

As far as money goes, what does the CO say about braces and other medical expenses? Typically the NCP is required to help pay them.  If there is nothing in the CO, he should pay half and let BM pay the rest (unless he makes tons more money).  He's going to have to shell out for his daughter's costs.  At least BM isn't telling him to come put a deposit down on a new car for SD.  BUT, you can separate finances if you don't think he's being reasonable about what he's paying for SD.

My DH fought BM tooth and nail and his son ended up pretty much like SD anyway. A BM like this twists the kid into knots to control everything.

astroud68's picture

I don't mind paying for health care for SD, I want her to have what she needs too. it was just the short notice and the way BM when about it. We could have had more insurance coverage had she gone to an in network ortho. 

I thank you for opening my eyes about the drama. Its really not worth it and when the child gets older hopefully she will see BM as she is. I feel better hearing another side and I pray your SS comes around someday. As for now I will try my best to have a drama free zone and not give BM opportunity to cause drama in OUR HOME

tog redux's picture

My SS is 19 now and he did come around, after 3.5 years of not talking to DH. He still lives with BM, but he's gradually beginning to see her for who she is, very slowly, and starting to rebuild his relationship with DH. He's coming over tonight to introduce one of his friends to DH, which is amazing given how far gone he seemed at one time.

Hang in there, support your DH and let him just do it as he thinks is best, provided he isn't spending crazy amounts on SD to buy her love.


advice.only2's picture

This will never change, DH has allowed SD and BM to be in charge of his life and his household.  He has created a lot of these issues and does nothing to stop them.  He needs to learn to say no and follow through 

notarelative's picture

he said he will vacation with SD and I can go to the beach by myself. 

Find a friend and go somewhere great. Or go alone. Women travel by themselves all the time. 

DH said this as a ploy to get you to plan a vacation for three. Don't fall for it. Let him plan a trip for him and daughter. He can deal with it when she backs out at the last minute. Or if she actually goes, he can cater to her every whim. It won't be as much fun as he thinks it will be. 

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Separate your finances, and live your own life. Take the vacation you'd like, with or without your DuH.

Harry's picture

He is putting BM and his DD first.  He is not parenting his DD,  This will never change.  It’s either live like this or start making plans to leave