When and how to consider equity??
I have 2 steps and 3 bios (10, 13, 9, 11, 15). When I get stuff or do stuff for the kids, sometimes I work to be even in items of buying/doing for my kids by getting / doing same for all 5, and other times, I just get or do things for my kids because we are doing something separate or I feel that item is a realm where sks mom&dad should handle (phones, summer camps, trips to see my family, whatever).
Recently, SS who has been having a difficult time with things lately raised through his therapist that my kids get special treatment and more material items than he and brother do. Professional raised concern to DH, and it has come back to me that professional's advice is for us to try to make things more even.
I got a bit frustrated because I do what I believe is a lot for SKs (buy clothes, put $ to college, spend time, play games, get treats and gifts, pay for activities - all of my own volition, no resentment), and rather than that getting appreciated, I am now criticized for an inequity that I'm not entirely sure exists when all items are put on the table. And I am not saying that DH doesn't do things for/with his kids either. He is generous with his time with them (and my kids for that matter), and is a good provider and great dad/stepdad.
Anyway, in the grand scheme, this could be much worse. DH raised this issue since he had to deal with it with therapist, got frustrated, said we do pretty well over all trying to please all parties, and told me not to worry about it, that we have bigger fish to fry. He joked that this is like complaining at a Roman feast about not getting enough, and I should let it go. He told professional and SS that he did not think things would change and that it's not his place to monitor what I do for my kids to ensure equity with his, even as professional told him that we should make attempts to keep things more equal (in front of SK).
How do you all handle these items? What has worked/not worked? Any advice? Where should equity be taken into account in a blended family?
If I were you, I'd really
If I were you, I'd really want to talk to that therapist and find out what, exactly, she means by "more even". Should the kids have the same rules, expectations, and "treats" when they're in the same house? Absolutely. You do not make the skids clean up after dinner while your bios sit on their butts. Obviously. You do not take the bios out for ice cream and tell the steps "too bad, sucks to be you". Obviously. But hell, I don't even buy MY OWN BIOS all the same crap. Sometimes DD needs a new pair of shoes but the boys are fine. They don't get shoes that day. Sometimes my BS5 has had a particularly good listening day (and the other 2 haven't) and he gets a special treat. My baby boy (not quite 2) gets stickers for going on the potty, while obviously my oldest does not. (He did while he was potty training, but not now.)
As for the SD's, they get equal treatment if they're at our house. Anyone in the house Christmas morning gets a stocking "from Santa". Anyone having dinner with us gets the same dessert (and also is expected to help clean up after said dinner, age appropriate tasks assigned).
"Equal" does not mean "the same", and I hate hate HATE hearing "it's not fair!" when what the kid means is "it's not all about me!"
If you, and your treatment of the skids, is being dragged into therapy then I think you have a right to go talk to the therapist as well and talk it out there if the kid really thinks there's an injustice. Maybe there IS something there that you can do, something you didn't consider. And maybe you can give the skid (and therapist) something to consider in turn.
Thanks you ITB - good points
Thanks you ITB - good points AllySkoo as well!