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What differences do you and Skids have?

Ughugh's picture

I'll start: Skids are obsessed with looking like skanky peacocks- they look and smell like they are about to wrap themselves around a pole at some skanky strip club. They were told to wear water bras starting at 5 yo and thongs and pants up their privates, beyond camel toe.

I do not wear jewelry or much make up, simple clothing usually black and white (ok, I spice it up in bed for hubby), minimal perfume, no drama, no gossip.

Skids like to bad mouth anyone-anyone at all. Bad news bears, too-who got killed, who went to jail, who got expelled, etc etc

Skids are filthy (covered by cheap Walmart eau du vomit), never bathe, butts smell from miles away.

Skids are noisy and shallow.

Skids like to eat 100% processed foods. I think they hold the universal record in box tops-I eat organic and mostly raw.

Skids like the nastiest tunes like 5-1-5-0 and Blow my Whistle, Baby. I cringe at their noise (and the fact that they think they can carry a a bucket...).

They are lazy, ignorant, smelly, negative and disrespectful (especially of themselves).

Like my bios say: I'm not judging, I'm just saying.

GoodBye's picture

Well for starters SD is 6 and I am 28...that's probably the most major difference lol. She's too young to really tell if any of her traits or habits will stick, but so far she is very whiney and delicate. Like you can't say anything to her the wrong way or she gets embarrassed and cries. I grew up in a "suck it up" kind of family so if I was ever like that, it probably only lasted a day and I don't remember it. She has zero independence...won't do anything on her own, doesn't use her imagination (I don't even think she has one) to play or create ideas. She needs help with EVERYTHING. You have to set out arts and crafts for her and give her an idea of something to make otherwise she will just sit there and say she can't. She's very behind in school, we've received multiple calls from school already saying she is behind the other students in math and reading. I was always smart. Again...these things may catch up with her, but she's just behind for her age on most aspects.

Teas83's picture

Haha, SD is 6 and I'm 31. Her mom is an idiot, mine is not. She is being raised to feel sorry for herself if she doesn't get what she wants, I was raised to work hard to get what you want. She likes to stare at any kind of screen for hours on end, I prefer to read or do something that requires thought.

She's really too young to make a comparison, but if I could assume she's going to turn out like BM then I could go on for days.

Rags's picture

Generally I have no issues with my Skid. He is a self supporting young man of character. He works hard, serves in the military, goes to college, and since reporting to BMT 4+ years ago has never asked for a penny from anyone.

The issues of difference that I deal with are between my bride and my ILs. DW is a graduate degreed CPA who has busted her butt to provide a life for herself and SS who she had at 16. Her entire family are agricultural laborers or low level/low skill workers (cashiers, clerks, etc...). I have no issue with their low level of motivation in life what I take exception too with my ILs that they treat DW like she is the unfortunate and slow member of the family.

Invariably when we visit my ILs there will be an incident where one, a few, or all of them will make some idiot comment about how my bride doesn't know anything about XYZ or LMNOP (usually some useless crap about how much sludge from the local dairy sewer pond goes on farmer Johnson's oat field, etc...). With any of the ILS my bride could learn anything they know in about a minute and a half yet they have this seemingly insurmountable need to pump what little they do know in to something that my bride would struggle with. My bride sees their crap and generally choses to ignore it though once we return home from a visit to her family she will have a rough day or two as she works through her families bullshit.