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weekend cottage :)

stepkitten's picture

So I'm getting into a great graduate school after my hard work at university as a single mother. I never wanted to live with anyone, but I find myself now living with a man(whom I adore) and his kid, with my two children. Having her in my life has always caused problems. Her biological mother is a huge loser, super jealous, and only took interest in her kid once another woman was around. I am doing a far better job raising her kid than she will ever do. She is super dumb and super crazy. But I dont really want to be this kids mom. I dont really ever want to see her either. Who the hell would want to see a child that came from their husband's ex lover? Yuk, not me. Who would want to hear about her all the time? Who would want to be that immersed? NOT ME!! I have always fantasized about a 'weekend cottage'. A place to go where step kid does not exist. I mean, in reality I could just get my own house, and get my man to go move on his own. But i love him, and he is a great dad to our baby and to my daughter. My daughter's dad isnt in the picture, so he doesnt have to deal with any of that crap. Im thinking... if I dont want her in my life, screw it, I wont.
So one day soon... when I have my own practice... I will be loaded, fully equipped with prenup... and I do believe I will have my weekend cottage!


LRP75's picture

Can I come to that cottage too??? I want to have a get-away place sans skids too!!!

I will admit that I cringe when my DH says that he misses his kids. On the one hand, I get it - they are his kids and he loves them dearly. On the other hand, they are horrible children that disrupt and destroy everything. They are terribly disrespectful and utterly cruel to him. I honestly do not understand WHY he would WANT to see them. So when he says, "I miss them..." In my head I'm screaming, "I DON'T!!!"

They make everyone around them miserable with their awful behavior. I'm not the only one that "disappears" when they come around. Shoot, their own grandparents, aunts and uncles won't even come around when they are here. NO ONE enjoys these children.

Really, it's terribly sad. I can only imagine how terrible it must feel for these kids if they've got any clue that people don't want to be around them because of how rotten they are. They've been bad since birth. It's something in their blood - genetics from their mother - or some biological dysfunctionality caused by the cocaine and alcohol she did while she was pregnant and nursing.

Whatever it is - it all equates to a whole lot of not standing a snowballs chance in hell in being able to make it in the real world. They are only getting older and their parents aside, real society isn't going to willingly put up with their shinanigans for long.