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UGHHHH...what kind of person bullies a child? Or is this bullying?

Over_that_tude's picture

I have not been able to sleep after last night's argument. Our arguments are always because of the kids. Most recently HIS. I have shared how his daughter comes over and does nothing to pick up after herself, won't speak,ignores everyone in the house except her dad, comes over with a nasty attitude, etc. I have disengaged to the extent that I don't cook when she is here. She won't bathe when she is here so she goes nowhere with me. She won't pick up after herself in her room, DH does it for her when he thinks I won't notice, I call him on it. I toss food she leaves in the room against house rules, etc. On and on, so that is no longer an issue for me.

The issue is my DD12. We went to eat Saturday at a sandwich shoppe and DD didn't want to share her sandwich with DH. He has his own but always wants to taste everyone's food and never offers a taste of his own. Greedy much?

She didn't want to share and told him as much. He went on to explain to her how he shares his food (he paid for lunch) and how that will come back on her the next time we go eat...that she will have to pay for her own. She didn't say much when he began his rant. She just ate her half sandwich and took the rest home.

Fast forward to Sunday...after an outing we went to dinner. He reminded her when she was eating (he paid since I bought the show tix) that he was again sharing HIS food with her. She offered some of her taco and he declined saying he just wanted her to understand (again) that he was "sharing" because he bought her food. It was 5ish when we were done eating and we went home to relax after.

Around 9:30 - 10 I went to see what she was up to and she said she was hungry. Before dinner she'd only eaten a bowl of cereal that morning around 10. So, I told her that rather than eating junk or me making a meal, she could eat the other half of her sandwich.

I go downstairs a while later to check on our crazy cat and see them sitting on the sofa and DD is crying. I ask what's up and he goes on to say he feels like "WE" got played because he must have told her she couldn't have anything to eat. Of course, I had no way of knowing this and I didn't see anything wrong with her getting a bite since she didn't gorge at dinner and was probably hungry. I didn't think I needed to check with him to see if she could have something to eat. So, he's brow beating her about getting something to eat, it being late, she ate dinner, etc. etc. and again how she'd played us. I told him to stop it. I didn't feel I'd been played against him because I told her to get the food. I told him not to put words into my mouth or tell her how I felt when he had no idea what the backstory was. He didn't know I told her to eat it, he just let loose. I asked DD why on earth hadn't she spoken up for herself and also why hadn't she told me that she had gone down to get a snack and he told her no, that I didn't know and that I told her to eat the sandwich. I can see him getting on her about that, but pitting it as US against her, pissed me off!!! She was sitting there looking guilty but also looking like a whipped puppy. I told him to stop pulling me into his bullshit control issues.

I am so sick and tired of this BS with them. He watches her when she goes into the fridge. If she gets a soda, he makes a big deal of it in the name of supporting me because she can only have half at a time if at all because she will go overboard and drink them back to back. What kills me is that he will catch her when she is alone and lay into her. He will chastise her for wanting something to eat on one hand, but then on another he will tell her she doesn't have to ask if she wants food or drink because this is our "home". I could see if she wasted food. I could understand if she was overweight or had a problem with binging or sneaking food. But she doesn't. If she wants something she will sometimes ask if it's something sweet or if it is right after she has already eaten...she does it with me. Some times I tell her she can have a snack and I'll give her options and sometimes it's flat out NO, drink water.

Just the other night after being out and it being late, he wanted pizza. Okay, it's 9:45 and you want to order pizza, so we did it and ate pizza at 10:15. How is that so different from DD wanting a snack around the same time last night?

I lost it, folks, I totally lost it because he cannot see how he is sending these mixed messages, he cannot see how he intentionally catches her when I am not around to get on her about one thing or another. I lost it because she was open about what she wanted, she wasn't sneaking (unlike him, paying son's bill and lying about it...another post for later).

It's the bully tactic that bothers me. It is that rather than ask the question to understand what is going on or what happened, he just goes all in based on what he believes to be true.

What the hell is the problem here? What am I missing? I feel like I am constantly caught between the two.

She is used to my parenting, where I give options most times. His way is kids are to be seen, not heard and have little or no say so in their lives. I didn't know this until AFTER the fact when we were all under one roof. When we were dating he seemed to defer to me as the parent. Now, he is all up her ass about the littlest things and both she and I are confused. While I don't mind him being a friend, I have issue with him being the disciplinarian when he just got on the boat within the last 3 years.

I see it as him exerting control over the littlest person,he doesn't do this with me. He is always telling the kids how they feel, i.e., you are cold, go put on more clothes or you are hungry, I am making breakfast and you will eat. Then when she or they say they aren't hungry and play in the food, he's pissed. Or five minutes later when they have removed the sweatshirt, he's pissed.

What the hell?

Over_that_tude's picture

Okay, I hear what both you and CW are saying. I don't allow it, at least I haven't seen it this way. He and I have come to blows on more than one occasion about this and he says he gets it, until the next time.

The pattern always seems to follow him not liking when she does speak up for herself or voice her opinion.

But, I digress and will start planning my next move.

I am so tired of being torn.

Over_that_tude's picture

Financially beholden, no, I have my own money that is separate from our income. I pay household utility bills and we split groceries, credit accounts and mortgage. We go out, I pay for the activity and he buys meals and vice versa. We both buy clothes, we both fund outings.

We talked about the issue I have with him bullying my daughter he doesn't see it as bullying but "teaching". I have explained and demonstrated my way of parenting before getting married. He was on board and at the time said it was new yet he was willing to try it. He says he gets on her in the name of supporting me and while I can appreciate that, I cannot appreciate the sneak moves he makes when he catches her when she is alone knowing she won't speak up for herself. I am upset with her too, because I have told her that she has a voice (independent thoughts, opinions, feelings, needs, etc.) and to use it BUT in a respectful manner.

Getting out from under one roof sounds easy, yes. We aren't just living together we are married. We have a home together. But I ask you, are different parenting styles a deal breaker? I always say I refuse to have him damage DD's psyche with his unfair treatment of her and his DD. He gets it and has began to slowly require SD to do more and to be more civil.

I hadn't looked at it like I am letting him do this. I looked at it as allowing him to see that HIS way of parenting isn't the only way and we talk about it away from the kids because some things, because of the way he and ex did it isn't the way I have done it.

His kids say little to him about their feelings because if it doesn't jibe with what he wants them to feel, it's invalid.

Over_that_tude's picture

Absolutely and yes, you hit the nail on the head! It appears he feels he should have whatever he wants of whatever he "pays for" simply because he paid for it. Oh, but when I offer to pick up the's...No Honey, I'll get the bill!

Why the hell should she have to feel like she can't eat when she wants to? Who lives like that? I have not. My children have not. Well, my boys had to use some control when they'd, after shopping,go through food like they were locusts...LOL!

I have told himn time and time again that no one respects a bully. On one twisted hand he says he wants her to feel free to go to him, to ask him for things, to look at him as a friend, but he pulls this shit when she dares to speak up for or express feelings contrary to his own.

He had no say in his home in his first marriage. Now it seems he wants to have it all and we fight about it. His family, coming to stay with no counsel with me. He exerts his control when he spends on his kids and lies about it because he knows it is not what we agreed to.

This always seems to crop up when he is guilty of something. When he has done something he knows is not cool. It's like a twisted justification of sorts. Maybe I'm reaching, but it is the pattern I see.

I yelled at him like a crazy woman and told him to STFU because I am sick of his shit and pulling me in as his ally against my child and I feel bad for losing it in front of DD because now she will, as is her way, say nothing about what goes on, so as to keep peace.

That is NOT the way I want to raise her!

I too wish I could have seen this before we bought this house. He spent more than enough time at my house and said he liked that I give my kids choices and consequences. He said he didn't grow up like that nor did he raise his kids that way.'s a problem because he cannot force his thoughts, feelings and opinions onto me or DD (when I am aware).

I agree, this BS is toxic to her and not unlike his ex, I am losing respect for him.

Disneyfan's picture

Why do so many SPs act like asses when it comes to SKs and food?

What gives him the right to decide if and when your child can eat??!!

Over_that_tude's picture

Disneyfan, he's got no control anywhere else. His ex has his balls in her purse in a sense. He has no say in his kid lives so he (psychoanalyzing maybe) tries to exert some here.

I knew he would have to be deprogrammed when we got married but I hadn't anticipated him pushing the issue on food for fucks sakes with DD.

I see it is the only thing he has to control here...

I am not angry anymore but I am not getting to the point of being sad.

I have moved out of the room and I am looking at the way out all together. I'm tired...

jumanji's picture

If I were in your shoes, I would switch it up where HE pays for the activity and YOU pay for the food. And simply tell him that since that seems to be an issue where he feels he can exert control over your child, you will no longer allow it. If necessary? You pay for the activity except for his portion, and he pays for the food except for your daughter's.

Over_that_tude's picture

Thanks Jumanji, it does appear that the issue is his "giving". We have talked about this issue he has with conditions. He feels if he does something for someone, they owe him some sort of reciprocation (control) and it just isn't like that in the real world. At least, not for me. If I do something for you, I am not expecting you to do anything in return other than appreciate the gesture. If that isn't received I simply learn from it and protect myself (not doing anything above and beyond) so as to retain my own sense of self and dignity.

Your suggestion is exactly where I am as far as until I am able to move on. I haven't slept much since the mess because it makes no sense to me and he seems to really believe he is doing his best.

I know it is baggage but why do I have to take it on to that extent? My daughter is such a mild mannered girl and my fear is that his actions will mold her into being a submissive doormat to keep peace in her life. I just don't want that for her.

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

My DH seems to kinda do the same about issues in the home. BM is very controlling & she belittled him any chance she got!! So sadly my DH now tries to act like her somewhat & acts like a jerk & a total bully when he does it!!!! Its just about split us up several times!!!

OP, I truly feel for you & your DD!! I wish I knew how to snap these men out of it!!

Over_that_tude's picture


I am at a point of being ready to walk. This is baggage left over from the ex. She ran the home...told him when to show up and to be sure to bring a checkbook. She took care of bills, she took care of the house, she raised the kids (military wife) and she was the head of the household. It has left him scarred to the point where even now...he sends a huge amount of money to her monthly and he can't tell her squat about the kids, what they do, what they have, where they go, what they participate in...nothing. He just sends a check!

So, at home he is trying to "redefine" himself and it is taxing our relationship. I am the opposite, I try to include him in things, I ask his opinion, I fill him in on what is going on with me and anything else at home. But he has taken it to a whole other level. He doesn't try to control me because he knows he will not succeed so as a typical bully he tries to attack the weakest link, a child.

This is a deal breaker. We have talked about him and his baggage, we have talked about him being the newbie and having to gradually integrate himself into what was an already working and functioning household. He feels if a child is in his home, he should be a disciplinarian as well. NOPE...sorry, not going to happen out the gate, that takes time and the forming of trust and a relationship with said child. He says he gets in and now this. I guess he missed something.

So, here we are today and we haven't spoken a word to each other since Sunday night. I have moved out of the room and I make dinner for all and eat separate from him. Will that work, probably not, but I cannot stand to be in the same space as him right now. I am past the angry stage and NOW I am bewildered and sad.

I don't even know how to approach him. I know I can apologize for the outburst but not what I said, I meant that!! I feel lost, I don't know what to do with this issue, I don't know what to say to him.

I'm just tired...

amyburemt's picture

I think he dragged his issue with it on for way to long. It's ok for him to be irritated but he needs to learn to express it better to where she actually can learn from it and not just be dictated to. It starts to develop her critical thinking skills. Does he have some hidden thing that he has an issue with and he's choosing this as a way to let off steam about it? or is he just a control freak? you can have boundaries and consequences without it being a mean thing. And the other thing he needs to learn is that kids and teenagers learn by making mistakes repeatedly. She's going to do it again wether he likes it or not. The whole thing of him having to try everyones food would gross me out. I can't stand people eating my food. She's probably of the age where she has already learned that sharing is a good thing so i really don't get him trying to drill it into peoples heads everytime you all eat.

Rags's picture

Your DH is an ass and an idiot. If he didn't offer DD food off of his plate he didn't share. Among many other responsibilites regarding kids, a parent's job is to feed them.  His "I bought it so I am sharing" crap is just that.  Crap.

I would coach DD to say just that. "You didn't offer me a taste of yours so why should I give you a taste of mine? How is you not giving me a taste of yours sharing and my not giving you a taste of mine isn't?" 

She and  you need to bare his idiot ass with logic and fact. Quit playing his game and play a better one of  your own. She of course needs to be respectful but... facts are perfectly respectful if they are presented in a respectful tone.

This guy pisses me off.


BlackDragon's picture

Your husband is being abusive to your daughter. Withholding food from your dependant child is abuse. Attempting to make a defendant child feel guilty about eating is abuse. If you do not fix this (honestly, I would suggest leaving this douche. Abusive abusers who abuse will find a way to abuse no matter what) you are compliant in the abuse of your daughter. It's your job to protect her, and your husband isn't safe for her to be around.