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Time for "the talk" already?!

Mommagpz-dk's picture

Ok now "the talk" is not something i had any issues with and i did intend to go over all that at an early age, but my SS6 and SS8 are not "mine" to do this with.. i mean yes i think of them as my family of course, but i feel like it would be "overstepping" as a SM i dunno. But in Particular its my SS6 and my daughter 4 that im most concerned with. and maybe its innocent behavior but im worried. this has happened twice now this month. the first time it was him trying to pull of my daughters underwear/shorts while they were playing and me and my FDH made it clear that it wasnt okay, but then the other day he lifted her dress and poked at her chest saying "haha i got your boobies" which for the record is not a word my FDH or i myself use. Again it was quickly corrected and my FDH sat down with his boys and explained that they were "private parts" etc. etc. and i brought it up again when my daughter lifted up her dress again, but i dunno. im just concerned. I know theyre just kids, but how do i tell the difference between being inappropriate and just being kids? and is it time for the talk already? maybe im paranoid i dunno. there was some sexual abuse in my family growing up and the thought of it just makes my stomach turn and my daughter is stil so young that im afraid she wouldnt realize what was happening or just think they were "playing" or something and not tell me. we insist on them keeping doors open if they are in a room together. we have been reinforcing the keep your dress down dont pull on clothing and now the private parts thing, but i dunno. im still just kinda worried. Blah. Help?!

hismineandours's picture

I think it is certainly an appropriate thing to do to have the good touch/bad touch kind of talk. You dont have to get into the birds or bees at all, but simply talk about what areas are private areas and that no one has the right to touch anyone else in these areas. You can probably find books, worksheets and such online. I know I have a number of them since I work with kids. the ones I have refer to the "private triangle" which is bascially an upside down triangle one can draw on the body to show private areas-I've even got worksheets to go with this! The agency I used to work for even did a program with 2nd graders called "little bear" about good touch/bad touch. There is all sorts of information out there on this-just do a little research and find an age appropriate program for their needs.