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They're making me batshit crazy

Serynity's picture

DH and I have been married since September. However, we lived together for a year before that. We worked together before we started dating. I remember when he'd bring his son to work; other coworkers would make fun of him for not being able to control his kid. Long story short, we fell in love and blah freaking blah. There are three kids; 9 SS (lives with us full time), 12 SD (lives with BM), and 15 SD (lives with bio aunt). 15 year old SD wanted to live with us for this school year. Now, before and during this time, DH and I were on the same page as far as parenting. We got compliments on how nice SS's behavior had gotten. The day after we got married, SD's bio aunt showed up and took her back (long story, but in short, she is the other legal guardian). So now, DH is a guilty dad. He immediately started babying SS again. Now, this kid is awful. He's obnoxious and disrespectful, and DH acts like it's the cutest thing ever. I now attend therapy once a week, see a shrink and caseworker once a month, and will be heavily medicated by Thursday. SS has severe jealousy issues, and possibly self made developmental problems. I know that SS's behavior is DH's fault because he indulges it. I can't sit by DH in a restaurant or even at home. SS and DH are both still upset that I won't let SS sleep with us (I got that stopped last January, thank god). I feel morally obligated to help SS to not be that kid that everyone (adults included) hates. Those poor kids are miserable and I want better than that for him. It's damn near impossible to find anyone to watch him when we need a sitter because most adults can't stand to be around him. DH thinks I'm just picking on his baby. I hate being around them. I can't stand the baby talk ("son, your frenchy fries is getting cold." "Daddy help me eat my fwies") between a 39 year old man and a 9 year old. I honestly just want to jam a fork in my ears. The table manners are now nonexistent. I'm the bad guy because I want SS to chew with his mouth closed and to not talk with food in his mouth. DH encourages it now. It's like trying to feed a puppy at the table. My therapist asked both of us to work on the table manners as a start. DH deliberately worked against me on it. I rarely get to speak outside the bedroom because SS interrupts me constantly. DH has told me that I'm the problem and that I need to get my shit together and be an adult. Oh, and get a high dose of meds for the depression and anxiety that the two of them trigger. I would let them have bonding time alone in the evenings out of respect for the jealousy issues. DH saw it as running away. My mother advised me to not let them be alone anymore and to demand my place. So now, I'm super affectionate to DH (even though I'd rather just pop him in the mouth because I'm so angry) and I have to admit that my little black heart just skips a beat in delight when SS gets angry about it. I also overlook any bad behavior (which kills me). if I'm trying to speak and SS interrupts, i just start my sentence over, louder. it took me twenty minutes the other night to say that I love sweet potatoes. DH eventually might pull his head out of his ass and see what's happening, right?? It's gotten to the point where I hate them both and the depression and anxiety is so bad that I have suicidal thoughts and zero appetite. If I went into much more detail on SS/DH behavior, this post would be monstrously long....

Jsmom's picture

This situation is toxic for you....I would consider leaving...Sorry, but he showed you who he was. I would leave before I got pregnant and brought another kid into this mess.

Delilah's picture


Oh dear, I know you are hoping this guy you love so much will change, but he is deliberately doing the opposite of what a professional is advising him to do to:
a) help ss grow into a healthy, productive, happy and secure adult
b) to repair and nourish your marriage, so that it will last the long stretch
c) to help overcome your medical problems arising from this situation.

What man CHOOSES to flaunt the support they receive in the face of the woman they profess to love in order to point score?! :jawdrop:

In all honesty, you are in last chance saloon. Some people seek therapy as their last hope to salvage their relationship, it appears to me you are in this situation even if you do not acknowledge this. I went through this with my own DH and he LISTENED to the therapist, ofcourse things do not change IMMEDIATELY but he certainly made improvements relatively quickly and that demonstrated to me he was TRYING, he wanted to change how toxic things were.

Have you considered how long you are willing to undergo help from your counsellor?
Have you thought about what happens if DH continues blatently not caring for you?

You mention being depressed, having anxiety and even suicidal thoughts over this situation. Love is meant to be HAPPY, not killing yourself for.

Okay, marriage is not one long path of rainbow delight but your DH is too busy have a love affair with his son to even have room for you. Why are you even there?

I rarely say this to someone, but imo considering the severity of your thoughts and feelings I would recommend you neglect your marriage in lieu of working on your medical problems first and foremost. Honey, the most important relationship you will ever have is with yourself. You are so focused on DH and ss, while they are focused on themselves, so WHO is focused on YOU?!

In order to get your thoughts together, to think clearly (and I do not think you are now. You sound worn down, tired, sad,, panicky and desperate) you need to disengage from DH and ss. Let them have each other, this isnt about winning however you cannot continue to have a relationship with yourself! Fuck! That's not how marriage works. Where one keeps making the effort to the point of exhausting themselves physically and emotionally while the other goes through the motions with no *real* intent on investing in that relationship. No doubt your DH blames your reaction, feelings and views on your mental health issues - thereby completely dismissing you. He doesn't see what damage he is doing to his whole family while he makes himself happy.

If I were you, I would consider the things which make you happy (I appreciate when you in the throes of deep depression this likely will seem like nothing can make your heart lift or make you smile) but think about stuff which usually you enjoy. Involve friends and family who you KNOW are supportive and a positive influence. Try as much as you can to focus on your life and not on how mad/sad your DH/ss is making you (try to put them out of your head).

The only person who is going to pull you out of this funk is YOU. I would put the above questions I asked, to your therapist and mention you are thinking these things because of your DH's action (i.e. the fact he refuses to even try, and do not mean fake trying). Ask her what YOU can do in order to help yourself in this situation and I would not be shy about making it clear to DH that you are not ONLY thinking about saving your marriage but also what is right for you.

Seems to me, on the outside looking in, your DH is safely and smugly content in your desperate scramble to resolve your marital problems that you will never leave him. You need to make him work for things too, shake his delusion that he is able to coast and help destroy you.

I genuinely think when you realise that you have nothing to loose because DH is already pushing you over the brink, you will begin to see you can stand up and actually insist on being counted or you will seek alternative avenues.

Please please, make sure you speak to your family DR and your therapist in private that you are feeling suicidal, and believe me a marriage is NOT worth your peace of mind no matter how much you adore DH. You adore the *nice* side, which seems on short supply and please do not believe DH has changed if he makes a short term effort. So many men do that and pull the wool over their partners eyes!

Serynity's picture

It's so nice to see support... Guilty dad didn't start until after we were married and SD pulled her leaving stunt. Then we weren't even on the same book, much less the same page. I've spent the last week or so mainly focusing on me. I play the part of being sweet and affectionate...this morning after I posted, DH mentioned that SS sure seemed agitated and was acting out last night (I sat in DH's lap). I don't expect any of this to change over night. I was planning on having him come to therapy with me on a regular basis or suggesting we take a parenting class together. Or hell, even dog obedience.

dacejk60's picture

If he's not helping you with his own kid (and admittedly the DH's ive heard about, including mine seem to want to turn a blind eye) but... Sweety are you suicidal his pos behavior and train wreck of a boy? Go. Run. He thinks youre the problem and he must be right because in his world obviously manners, respect and honesty are eschewed. Run. Go. F$&k that!

dacejk60's picture

Oh and you realize dont you, that I'm telling you to run because part of me wants to right? Ugh

Serynity's picture

I should...I just feel awful that he's doing this to this kid (and doesn't realize how damaging it is)

dacejk60's picture

Yes, but we all end up with a story don't we? No one escapes life unscathed and ultimately, for better or worse, he loves his kid. The rest is up to the kid. That's between them. He's damaging you though and that's not cool. Obviously no matter how b*tchy or naggy he thinks you are, he knows that at your core you are kind (I imagine he does or ...) and though he likely asked for help or appreciated help in the beginning, he's pushing back now. You're all torn up and he's talking baby to a 9 year old. You can't fix the kid if his father is broken. You don't owe them anything (which I struggle with once in a while since they moved in w/me),,, you just don't. You'd be doing a disservice to what your own parents wanted for you: happiness.... them, you owe.

I wish you well and much strength to really do what you want.