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SS picks on my son

calimom91's picture

It seems like my SS11 (his dad and I aren't married but I'll refer to him as SS) hates me and my son as well (his half brother). Once he wrote on the mirror that he hates me and constantly picks on my 3 year old. He'll go up to him and pretend to hit him which infuriates my 3 yr old. Also grabs him and won't let go when my son tells him to let go. It seems like he enjoys getting on his nerves. He annoys him so much that my son will hit him so he can let go and SS hits him back and says, "ill hit you back! I don't care!". Fucking brat. Hitting a 3 year old. He does all of this bs in front if me! And when I tell him to stop he won't listen which leaves me no choice but to raise my voice at him. Then he'll listen but make faces or mock me. Also he tells me I got no right to yell at him cuz I'm not his mom. I say, "well what am I supposed to do if you dont listen?". Its like dealing with a toddler here. He's 11 and I know he's still a kid but at that age I expect him to listen and I shouldn't have to repeat myself.

Also he doesn't clean up after himself or shower unless you tell him. I told his dad about how he bothers the youngest one and thankfully he had my back and he disciplined him. But ever since I DO NOT want to babysit him at all. All of this happen when I babysat him during the summer. And he still likes to bug him and then tries to blame my son that he started it all. On and he has also spit inside my purse when I tried disciplining him. I don't want to be dealing with him tbh and feel like its not my responsibility to watch him. If BM doesn't have a babysitter too bad. He gives me attitude and I'm not even allowed to discipline him. Yet his dad still brings him on the weekends when he's at work and expects me to watch him. I told him about how I don't want to watch him and that if I do I have every right to discipline him. He said that I'm not allowed and that's what he has a mom for and that I have to suck it up. Wtf. Then he should let BM watch him then. Her responsibility not mine. He wants me to watch his kid but I have no authority whatsoever. Um it doesn't work like that. I'm fed up and want to leave but unfortunately I depend on him financially. Idk what to do.

calimom91's picture

My SO and i live together. And BM has full custody but recently moved out of her moms house and left her kid with grandma. So the kid is staying with his grandma now.

notasm3's picture

Sounds like he is jealous as hell of the 3 year old. Most 3 year old children are just adorable - cute as can be. Most 11 year old boys are just yuck disgusting. I've seen the most adorable little boys grown into handsome young men - but boy at 11/12/13 they were just downright ugly.

Yank him up by his hair when he backtalks to you. It will hurt like hell but will leave no marks. }:) }:) }:)

And tell your SO to keep his fucktard crotch dropping away from you unless he is present.

smomofone's picture

dang that sucks. I would suggest you stand firm and tell your SO you will under no circumstances watch a kid that you are unable to discipline and treats you and your child the way he does. Is your 3 year old your SO's as well?

I would be annoyed with a little shit like that. 11 is old enough to know what you are doing is wrong.

But until daddy dearest gets on his case and allows you to discipline in your own home. Or keep the kid away while he is not there, you are SOOL! You need to stand up for yourself and your toddler.

calimom91's picture

He does it in front of SO as well. But even SO finds it annoying and will yell at him to leave our son alone. And he does simply because he's the dad. When I do that, the brat tells me I have no right to yell at him. And SO still expects me to watch his kid when hes at work fully aware of his behavior towards our son.... Yet he told me I can't discipline him. I'm fed up!

calimom91's picture

Unfortunately I cannot say that I'm going to work since I'm unemployed at the moment. But I've been looking for a job. I can't wait for that day to come lol.

hereiam's picture

I told him about how I don't want to watch him and that if I do I have every right to discipline him. He said that I'm not allowed and that's what he has a mom for

Guess what else he has a mom for? Keeping the kid when your H has to work because visitation is for dad to spend time with the kid, not for the kid to be an ass to his brother and his SM, while dad works.

You have authority over any child in your house, as long as you are not disciplining him physically. Your H can suck it up.

What is with these parents who are okay with their kids treating other adults so disrespectfully? Had my SD ever acted like that, she would have had her ass whooped (by her dad, not me).

And he's okay with him being a bully to the 3 year old? Your H sounds to be as much of an ass as your SS.