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Advice please

calimom91's picture

So I'll try to make this short as possible. I'm 25 and live with my 32 year old boyfriend who has a 12 year old from a previous relationship. We have a 4 year old together and have been together for 5 years. Since his older son started to become a pre teen we been having problems with his attitude due to the lack of attention from the BM. She's your typical ghetto trash. Getting into fights in front of him, talking about sex with him there present, partying, hanging with low lifes and even leaving him with his grandma to go live with her new girlfriend to a different city 30 minutes away. So grandma has picked up her slack and yet she's still claiming child support. Anyways, due to the lack of attention he has been acting out and in recent years seems to have taking it out on me and my 4 year old. Especially the little one. I wouldn't say he's really agressive towards him but definitely abusive. He slaps him around, has annoyed him constantly when he tell him to stop and a few days ago even threw him off the couch. He even used my toothbrush to clean the toilet and threw away my contact lenses. I can't see without them. Seeing how he's so abusive to my 4 year old for quite some time now has taken a toll on me. I dread his visits and he knows damn well I dislike him abusing my son. He'll do it on purpose now to get to me and to feel powerful against a 4 year old. I have talked to his father many times to discipline him and doesn't do much due to guilty dad syndrome and still tells me it's not my job to discipline him. So pretty much I'm left powerless and have to see my son being thrown and slap around because it's not my job to discipline the brat and I cannot lay a hand on him to avoid child abuse charges. Anyways, that same day he threw away my contacts we all went out to dinner and got a little bit drunk. My bf told me to stop drinking because I looked so tense and had the audacity to ask what's wrong when he knows damn well.. So I started yelling at my bf for not doing his job and how I feel pretty seeing my little one like that when his kid is here. I was a mess crying and screaming and just seeing that smirk on that little piece of shits face was my breaking point. So I told him to stop abusing my son and spit him and threw my wallet at him. Thankfully his dad stopped me because I was so full of anger and couldn't take it anymore....anyways the brat texted his mom and said I spit at him AND HIT HIM. Well she was pissed because I supposedly hit him and said she was gonna come beat me up and take me to court...etc. Well she never came but the next day when I was leaving for the weekend for news years with my family she came and took a pic of my cars license plate and said she was gonna take me to court for hitting her son blah blah and left in her car. Now she actually cares about her kid and has told my bfs family that I hit him. So now I'm the bad guy and my bf has not been supportive when it comes to disciplining his kid because he feels guilty about how his son barely see his mom. He has even undermined my authority in front of the kids. I love him and I want to be with him but he has told me he's a package deal and I just can't accept the brat. I don't know what to do. I feel like taking my son and I out of that toxic environment. Help please.

zerostepdrama's picture

Very toxic please leave. Not only for your own sanity (unless this type of drama is normal for you????) but most importantly for the sake of your son. Sounds like you have already waited WAY too long. This doesn't sound like typical siblings picking on each other and fighting.

Stepped in what momma's picture

Sounds like a wonderful situation; NOT. I would leave as I would never allow anyone to hit my kid. Are you waiting on your boyfriend to change?

calimom91's picture

He doesn't him really hard as to leave physical marks but he gets annoying and starts picking on my son and slapping him a little bit every now and then. I know siblings pick on each other. But the couch incident was my breaking point.

Steprose's picture

Wow I'm sorry you are in this situation. Is he the father of your child? If so then this is a very touchy thing! If not, then I say leave.leave now bec the brat does some real sycological damage to your son.

calimom91's picture

Yes unfortunately, he is the father of my son as well so it's not like I can completely cut off contact with him. I'm stuck with them somehow even if I leave...

Disneyfan's picture

You spit on a child and have the nerve to call mom ghetto trash.

This man saw you spit on his and throw something at him and did nothing. :jawdrop:

BM isn't ghetto. A real ghetto chick would have beat the brakes off your behind for spitting on her kid.

Thumper's picture

we all know it is awful reaction to spit on anyone. Not your best moment for sure.

Sounds like the BM is very upset and I would be toooooo.

IF you decide to break things off with bf, just remember when your bio son goes to see his dad (bf) the boy you spat on will not be monitored BY YOU. Your giving up being able to protect your child.

Oh boy this is a big mess. SS needs treatment. I would NOT allow him in my home period. Next time ss does something to your son, it could be worse.

PLEASE dont spit again.

calimom91's picture

So apparently she has file a restraining order against me on the brats behalf...should I do the same for my son? To keep the brat away from him?

ESMOD's picture

What was the context of the boy throwing your child off the couch?

Were they rough housing? Did the boy sit down and push him out of a preferred seat? Did he pick him up and throw him for no reason?

I would be really curious what your husband's response is to one of his children "abusing" the other. Does he see it as normal rough boy play behavior? I can definitely understand your frustration with his son but ultimately your response was way out of line.

You spit on the kid and by throwing something at him.. that is basically the same thing as hitting him. You went down to his/BM level kicking and screaming at him.

Now, there is a record of this abusive behavior towards the boy... and what you are describing with the boys does not rise to a level that would require a restraining order from where I sit.

This is what I foresee happening in the future.

1. Divorce from your DH. (whether he divorces you due to your actions to his older son.. or whether you get sick of him not seeing your point of view)
2. He possibly gets custody of your son (due to your record of abuse).
3. You get limited visitation and your son is with his dad and subject to his sibling's teasing with no protection from you.. since you can't be around him.

BTW, I seem to remember some various torture between my brother and myself. I think at various times one would hold the other down and let spit drip out (and suck back in hopefully) over their face... fun times. We hit each other, cussed each other, pushed the other off a couch etc.. Mind you, this wasn't daily activity, but kids don't always behave nicely and siblings aren't always lovely to their siblings.

We also hugged and played nicely together and hung out a lot.

calimom91's picture

It's not rough playing. It's more like abusive behavior and I'm not married. My bf is not on the birth certificate so I have full custody.

Rags's picture

The next time he assaults your 4yo call the police and have him hauled off. Get a PO keeping him away from your Kid. See how he likes spending time with truly tough characters who will chew him up and spit him out.

My dad gave me clarity on this when I was in my early teens. My job as big bro was to protect and set the example for my two younger brothers. I am the elder by 6yrs and 8yrs respectively. It was also clear that if my brothers or I ever got into a physical fight that when dad got home we would have to go into the back yard and throw down with our dad... the Marine. Not a good idea and fortunately we were smart enough to never test that out.

Your DH needs to step up and jerk a knot in this kids tail in a hurry over the abuse of his younger son. That your BF is such a waste of parental skin would be a deal breaker for me if I were you.

The time is long past to have this kid frog marched out of your home in handcuffs for abusing your 4yo and if your BF can't see that this is a result of his own abject failure as a parent then he can GTFO too.

IMHO of course.