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so glad I found you all...

BobaFett's picture

Let me start by saying I am sorry I don't know all the abbreviations yet but I will learn them soon! I am also very sorry to see so many of you suffering like me, but I am happy to have good company and some people to talk to about this stuff.
I am married to a wonderful man. He has 2 daughters. I have a son and we both have a beautiful baby girl together. Life has been very difficult since mmarrying 4 years ago. The sd10 and sd12 are pure evil. They come by it honestly. Their mom is a manipulative, bipolar whack job. But of course we never say bad things about her. I have a great relationship w my sons bd and his sm. My son is very loving and caring and has never disrespected either of us. We have been finding emaila and texts from the sd10 and sd12 straight up lying to bm about what happens at our house. Boldface lies about mistreatment. One even said we beat her and make her eat til she throws up. I can assure you this has not ever happened and would never happen. Ive never raised a hand to them. We have talked to them 3 times about what they are doing but they continue. Bm feeds into Nd encourages it. Goign so far as to tell them to delete their mesaages to her so we dont catch them. The amount of pure evil in these children is unfathomable. My husband and I are completely distraught and do not know what to do. This very moment we are on our 4 hour drive back from a wonderful vacation that I spared no expense on any of the kids. Only to find sd10s cell phone with horrendous lies. Sd12 even referred to us as douches. She flat out told me she would never call her bm and bm boyfriend such a thing but thT it "makes her feel good" to lie and stir up crap with her bm about us. I told husband that if it were my decision I woukd not want them in my house ever again. He feels that no mTter what decision he makes he iz the one to get punished. They are spoiled rotten Nd their mom has brainwashed them. My son and daughter love the girls but they arent stupid. They see what they do. I guess I am here because I just dont know what to do anymore. Do we cut them off and never see them again or do we continue living this way? They will not change and we are ignorant to think its possible. Thank you for giving me a place to vent. (Sorry for typos!!)

Modernworld1011's picture

I am so sorry! Your situation will be sadly familiar to many of us. It is my experience that the children take their cues from their parents. Their mother clearly supports and encourages their behaviors. Often it makes them feel as though their kids are loyal to them. Totally sick, I know! How does your husband deal with them? Does he actively attend to their rude and inappropriate behaviors,or it it just reprimanded without consequence or ignored? He is a big part of this as well.

My husband's ex is not as outwardly venomous, but she does nothing to disavow her kids of any of their misperceptions of reality or their behaviors either. In short, when he one child was referring to me in texts to his father as the "f***king w***e black sheep" nothing was done by her or him. They both were so caught up in wanting to win favor that they would not put their foot down and punish the child. I finally told my husband, don't have either around me if there cannot be the same courtesy and respect that would be given to a harmless stranger on the street. In short, I stopped tolerating it. So, until they could pull it together, my husband would see them outside of the house, or take them to things that kept them out of my realm. They finally got sick of always being taken different places and complained, and my husband finally said, "listen you want to be in the house, you need to be polite, you don't have to like, but you have to be polite." One ignores me totally and the other will speak a bit, but once their father told him no more stepmom as punching bag as they saw that he meant it all changed. That's what I mean by their parents dictate the outcome. My one stepson probably still refers to me in the same fashion, but the difference is now he does not write such things to his father.

I think it is a bad idea to deny a parent their children, but you do not have to tolerate their behavior either. Let him do everything for them. Take care of your kids and keep a careful eye on them around his kids because I doubt they mean them well. My kids wanted nothing but to be friends with his kids and they made it very clear they wanted nothing to do with that, so I don't try to force it, and my kids gave up long ago.

If you try to come between the kids even though they are terrible and crazy your husband will always remember that you are the one who forced them out, and he will forget their role in the circumstance. Just let him deal with them, and make decisions completely free of you demanding he do anything.

Any decisions about how often your husband's kids are over and visitation is changed is best coming from him, but in the present stop taking their abuse. Best wishes! I hope all improves, but in my case it took much time.

Rags's picture

I would suggest a far more aggressive and consequence based approach to dealing with this. This kind of crap needs unpleasant consequences applied, directly, immediately and consistently IMHO and consequences should be applied to the SDs and the BM. BM needs legal consequences applied and her ass bared for her driving and manipulation of the SD behavior.

IMHO of course.

Orange County Ca's picture

That was an interesting solution 'Echo'.

Any solution is going to require that you get proof and that's going to be difficult. Trying to keep their cell phones away will require a body and baggage search upon arrival. Doesn't sound like a very nice welcome.

I was surprised at your suggestion that you cut off all contact with the kids. Does your husband approve of this tactic? I'm further surprised that the kids have continued to visit without complaint. I would have through they would have expressed a desire to stay at BMs. Bio-Mothers that is. If they have I would grant it immediately telling them that can visit anytime they choose as long as its not followed up by lies. They'll lie anyway but at least you've made a stand.

Then when the lies are caught then the punishment is no visitation for a month or so. Maybe skip one visit first then escalate as needed. This demonstrates that you two adults are not dependent on visit from lying children to feel good about yourselves. That people, including children, who treat you badly get treated badly in return.

Catching the lies on the first time around is as easy as taking their phones when they're ready to go back to BMs and searching their texts. Of course they'll erase them in the future. An alternative to that is to contact the cell phone provider such as Verizon and have texting turned off. It can be turned back on by the BM upon their arrival. She'll scream bloody murder but who cares?

BobaFett's picture

Thank you for all of your comments! We have taken away their cell phone (we pay for) and their laptops and all of the gaming that comes along with it. (Husband enforced this, not me, I stayed out)
My only deal is, the next morning, it was like everything was OK. I am not ready for it to be OK yet! These girls have hurt us beyond belief and I am just not ready to make nice. So for now, I stay to myself, or spend time with the baby. Even though, it feels like they have "won" because I don't even want to be in my own house when they are there. I know that makes them happy. They would love if we broke up, but I can assure you I will not let that happen! I hate that they consume my thoughts and emotions so much.

I guess I always hoped they would learn to be better kids and all of my effort to make them into better people would be appreciated. BUt its not. So I have officially given up. I will no longer allow any of my time, energy or sanity to be wasted on them. I AM DONE! Smile
Sounds horrible, but I have no other option.