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2 hours with BM and now they are heathens again!

Dreamer's picture

This past weekend we went to North Carolina to see my MOL. BM lives there so she came to see the girls. She wouldn't come get the girls at my MOL's house (just like she won't come to Georgia to get or see them). Instead we had to meet her at a gas station 10 miles from the house. She said she was going to spend time with them and call when she was ready for us to meet her, to get the girls. She kept the girls for just under 2 hours.

She had taken them to Pizza Hut and bought them the little personal pizza, which normally they eat the whole thing. Both brought back over a half a pizza. Then she took them to Walmart and spent $5 on them. She would only let them chose from one type of toy too. And before she even checked out she called and told us to come get them. She told them it was b/c there was nothing to do and if we had let them spend the night with her, they could have had fun.

She had also brought them 2 more bags of nasty, stained, and dirty clothes. Guess she forgot what beach was invented for. And she knew they were dirty too b/c she picked them up out of the girls room floor at her house.

Oh and when the girls got in the car SD10 who has been wishy washy about wanting to live with us, said she is definitely living with us. SD12 then started in on "I want to live with Mommy" She had been so set against living with her BM that I had to ask her why the change of heart.

SD10 told me that from the moment that they got in BM's car she had done everything from bribing to backmail. She told the girls that they "HAD" to make up their minds as to where they were going to live by May 30th and that "she" would "allow" CS to be changed till then. She also told them that if they moved back she would let the CS stop (she's tried that lie before) and would even stop it if one of them would move back. She told them that if they didn't move back she wouldn't build them a room on the trailer and would sale their beds. She also said that "their" dogs weren't doing well without them (the dogs belongs to her new husbands father) For 2 hours they went thru this hell and then she told them not to tell us.

DH and I told SD12 that its fine if she wants to live with her BM but she needed to think about all the things that happened before when she lived with her. I told her that it wouldn't change if she went back now. I reminded her that her BM wouldn't buy her school clothes or let her join any clubs, she wouldn't be able to pick out her own clothes or hairstyle again, and she would have to go back to all the cleaning again. I also warned her that Social Services already have a case pending on BM and that it was on hold b/c they lived with us. But that if they do go back to BM's to live, not to be scared when Social Services came around asking questions. That she would probably end up living with us but if she wanted we wouldn't stop her from leaving.

She countered with the fact that I said I would be buying her new school clothes for next school year so BM didn't need to. I told her that I wouldn't be buying her anything if she lived with BM, b/c that what child support was for. I also reminded her that she couldn't take her dog or guinea pig b/c BM wouldn't allow them there with her dogs.

SD12 got back to MOL's house and told MOL that she wanted to live with us. Then she started calling me Momma! That only lasted one day though, b/c today her and her sister having been total hellions! Screaming, fighting, hitting, crying, telling me no. Then getting on the phone with DH and acting like little angels. DH told them they were liers and if he had to come home to take care of them tonight, that his belt would be coming off and he promised they wouldn't like it one bit.

They were so bad that I sent them to bed after dinner at 7:30. Then I warned them to just try to make one sound and they would regret it! So far they are being very quiet. I know they aren't asleep, it's only 8:30.

I good note though!! I picked up my baby Chihuahua! She's so cute! She black with white paws, white blaze up the face, and white on the tip of her tail. She's the fatest little thing too! She's as round as she is long. My other Chihuahua was half that size at her age. I named her Zoey. Everyone fused b/c I gave her a human name like my other Chihuahua, Sara. But these girls are my babies. I can't have kids of my own and let face it, no matter how much I may love my skids, they will never be mine. I spoil them like real babies too.

The girls aren't alound to touch either of them, b/c they hurt Sara more than once. All I ever hear is I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. Well I told them that the dogs couldn't defend themselve and it's my job to protect them. That until the girls can learn to be more gentle and careful around them then the dogs are off limits. SD12 flopped, not sat, I mean FLOPPED down on Sara last week b/c Sara was in her seat. Sara only weighs 4.5 pounds! SD12 weighs 128lbs! I told the girls that they wouldn't want me jerking their arms and legs, pulling their ears, squeezing their nose, or popping them in the mouth so they wouldn't be doing it to Sara either.


smurfy1smile's picture

on your new baby. Sounds like you enjoy your babies to the fullest. Your SD's will get it eventually, I hope.

ttina's picture

It sounds like the SDs are feeling guilty for not wanting to live with their biomomma. It is hard for a child to acknowledge that one of their parents is not worthy of being a parent. They do recognize that the BM is making false promises,,, they WANT to believe them, they get hurt and disappointed when they realize that this is just another broken promise... they take that hurt out on each other... the only people they have had as a constant in their lives. Be patient... these girls are at the doorway to the unknown... they feel that if they choose the more stable home that their momma will not love them anymore. What a horrible situation... it SUCKS when the kids have to be put in the middle by childish behavior.

I have a friend who has a 4lb chiuauha,,,, "nibs" Yes these dogs are delicate. Our kids (bio and skids) try to be gentle... but they are kids... the only way they are allowed to mess with Nibs is to sit and Nibs has to come to them... this teaches then to be gently... Nibs will not go to anybody who is intimidating. When any kids in my home flop... I do what my granma used to do... I make them get up and sit correctly.

Sky... I know the girls aren't going to say this for another 10yrs or so..... Thank you... you are giving these girls a chance to be somebody.

Dreamer's picture

Your right the girls are very confused. They say they don't want to hurt their BM. I remind them that no matter what they chose, someones is going to get hurt. That if they chose their BM that DH will be sad and vice versa. I tell them all the time that the best thing they can do is to do what makes them happiest.

But I was very proud of the girls this weekend too. When they moved in with me they had 0 manners. BM fed them on the floor in front of the TV. The first thing BM didn't when the divorce was final was to throw the dining room table out in the middle of the front yard.

Well this weekend I reminded them to use their manners when they went out to eat with their BM. BM was annoyed and asked why they kept wiping their mouths so much and what was with all the excuse me's. Skids told her that I taught them manners and they were using them. That's when BM made them leave the restraunt before they had finished eating, b/c she had already scarfed down her food.

When the girls told me I hugged them and told them, "that's my girls, I'm proud of you" The skids were proud of themselves too. The joke in my house is "I'll either teach you or beat it into you, but one way or another you will be ladies when I'm threw."

Don't fear the thorns among the Roses, but be greatful for the Roses among the thorns