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Mother in law from Hell

Jaime_lyn's picture

My So and I have been together for almost 2 yrs. We bought a house together and between the 2 of us we have 4 kids. He has 2 and I have 2. I just found out a few weeks ago that his mother told our baby sitter that she is in the process of breaking us up. She said the the babysitter can keep her in check so she doesn't lose her son through the process. I was appalled. I never really liked the woman, but I was never rude to her. I always put on a happy face in front of her and did anything asked of me. The only person who knew how I truly felt about her was my SO. I know he wouldn't have told her because he wouldn't want the craziness. I think she is obsessed with being in control of her son and her grandsons. When the boys go to visit her she says, Do you miss Grammy? We so miss you, would you like to live with Grammy? She will also spoon feed his 4yr old son who eats completely independently at home. Pretty much what we don't do at our home, she allows at hers. She works at the school (dist 1 we will call it) the 4yr old goes to for PreK and she will meet him at the door and give him bags of candy for breakfast..after I fed him healthy food at home. I send a change of clothes along for him in case of accidents, she will change him if she doesn't like what I put on him. She has texted me before and told me how I should dress him. She is mad because she buys his clothes at Walmart and I get his clothes at Old Navy. Old Navy is no more expensive than Walmart if you shop right. After finding this out , I told my SO that she is no longer welcome in our home. That her time should be limited with the boys until she can control her behavior. His 7yr old told us he feels guilty when she says things to him about living with her. He was confused to the point that he thought he needed to choose who he wanted to live with, us (we have full custody of both), his mother, or his grandmother. The lady is so nosy that since she works at the same school my 17 and 14 yr old go to..she will monitor their attendances and confront me when they miss a day. They are not her grand children. When she comes over, they go to their room because of her. Both of my children are in advance classes so I don't need anyone monitoring their attendance. When confronted by my SO she will not give him a reason on why she hates me and wants to break us up. Yesterday the 4yrold saw her at PreK and said Grammy, when can I come to your house, I don't get fed in the morning. WHAT? I feed him healthy everyday. Before my SO and I lived together, he and his boys lived with his parents. I know how those boys were there. I feed them healthier than she does. She has now resorted to bad mouthing me around the school. We moved out of (dist 1)because she works there and we moved his 7yr old to (dist 2) another school. (all before she started to hate me) We did this because of her influence on the kids. His 4yr old still goes to PreK at (dist 1) because that is where it's offered. My children...well they still go (dist 1). I refused to move them because my daughter graduates this year and my son is in 9th grade. Their father lives in (dist 1) so we can legally do that. I know that made her livid. I know that is trying to stir things up with the (dist 1) school because of that. What she doesn't know's legal do to the custody and living in 2 districts. The woman is not only messing with my life, she is messing with my children. My SO talks a lot lately about getting married. I just don't know if I can marry him because of this woman. I truly don't believe I can forgive her. (I know people should forgive) but I can't..when I have done nothing to her or to deserve this. Like I said, she is messing with my children too. Am I wrong banning the woman from my home and wanting the kids to stay away from her? As for his Dad, I love the man to death.

Ex4life's picture

I do not know what state you live in but be careful. This woman sounds like she is one that would try to take you to court for grandparents rights/visitation/custody. Do not let her have a routine pattern of visits but at the same time do not totally remove her from their lives. You do not want to set up a reason for her to say she deserves any visitation. There are a lot of things you can do though if it gets that bad. My first advice would be to find another school for the 4 year old to go to if at all possible. I'd think a lot about getting a new babysitter as well.