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Let's play who is stupider!

borrowedtime83's picture

So, my fiancee HAD a good job with benefits. Due to the economy, the company he worked for went out of business. He lost his benefits. His divorce decree states that if he should become unemployed and not carry health insurance that he and his ex wife would split any medical bills incurred while he did not have insurance. So instead of doing this, the two of them conspired to have the ex-wife lie about the amount of time SD7 spends with her to get her on medical assistance. Turn around, a year later, and child support is now coming after him. I am beyond furious! There is no reason why our family should have to pay his ex wife or the state money when the child is with us 70-80% of the time. That child should never have been put on MA! The worst thing is, he mentioned it to me, and I said DO NOT do that, whatever you do, DO NOT have your ex wife sign up for government benefits on behalf of your child when she LIVES with us! There was any number of ways that we could have prevented this situation and now it's too late. He *thinks* that it will be all innocent and he will pay a couple bucks a month toward the medical put out by the state. This is just the beginning, if he does not fix this now, out whole financial situation will be ruined. I am beside myself, don't know what to do at this point...'s picture

Yeah, an independent insurance policy for the child (and him) would've been cheaper than what they will want to take from him every month for cs.

Lalena75's picture

If dad had primary custody he could of had the child put on medicaid. My SO lost his job and Bm (when she feels like it) has at one point offer him primary custody he called our local office and they told him if he had primary custody he'd be able to do that. You don't have to be female to get governmental help when you need it for your kids (they are just more likely to cover BM's as well than they are dads) he's gonna have to come clean unless his income would of made him inelegable but most states still offer a kid care option if you don't have ins.

borrowedtime83's picture

The only reason BM was even involved is because she never has a job, and just keeps getting pregnant by her current BD (2 kids in less than 3 years, probably not done), so she has a high ratio of children to NO income. And somehow she is able to just sit home all day and not work, her BD works and she collects whatever she can for free from the state. So *obviously* if she said that the child was living with her most of the time, she was handed assistance for that child. My fiancee was at least $2,000 below the income limit for a state funded health plan. But apparently Dumb and Dumber decided that it was a better idea to scam *totally* free insurance and deal with the consequences later.

alwaysanxious's picture

Oh wow. They both are stupid. So, my advice to you is to get all your finances protected. Good luck to him getting that money together for what HE has to pay now that HE conspired with BM to cheat the government. So sorry you are going through this.

borrowedtime83's picture

I made him sit down and take out a private health plan for his child today. Hopefully this does not ruin our finances in any way, and the queen scammer gets some sort of recourse for coming up with the stupid plan anyway.