Is it a coincidence that....
None of our DHs will parent
That they expect us to parent but don't like our parenting
That they are outraged when we say we don't want to "babysit" the same Skids they aren't spending time with
That most Skids seem to have hygiene issues
That most Skids have no manners
That most Skids steal and lie
Is this the pattern? Are these the result of the cause of divorce??
I really have to wonder sometimes if my Skids and their father were the cause of their BM running off....whilst I don't respect a woman who runs off and leaves her 3 very young children locked in the house till their father gets home, having lived with him and them for near on 10 years, having battled and battled for some resemblance of decent human beings that will enter society I am throwing in the gauntlet. Did this poor young mother of 3 under 4 at the tend age of 23 just give up also?? I'm a hard arse strict parent and they have come very close to breaking me....
Is it normal for a 7 year old
Is it normal for a 7 year old to insist that he wants to use the toilet with the door open while stinking up the entire house?
By 7 I would lock myself in the toilet, do my business quietly and move on. Toilet s a big issue in my household.
Skids are generally very rude no thanks to BM usually.
Most DH want to spend alone time with their kids and jsut want you to hang around without necessarily being involved so that they look like the cool fun parent. But in my case when I decide to leave the house with my own daughter to get away from the whinging and whining it becomes a 'you're abandoning us' issue. Who wants to hang around rude little offensive kids who only talk to you when forced by their dad!!, my Mr 7 closes, my Mr 7 closes the door and would just die of embarrassment if the door was opened on him...
I haven't got a BM to blame my Skids behaviour on, that honour lies solely with their Father and GrandParents who lie and cover up for them, who excuse their behaviour because their mother left, who really do think that the world does in fact revolve around them and everyone else should think so also.
This has nothing to do with
This has nothing to do with divorce and everything to do with inept free range entitlement the kid can do no wrong parenting that creates feral children.
It is entirely the fault of the idiot parents who set no behavioral standards, apply no consequences, and take no ownership of their parenting.
Sometimes we have the 5 year
Sometimes we have the 5 year old in one toilet and the 7 year old in the other - with both doors open. Our house is not very big. I spend most of my day changing my 8 month old's nappies so I don't need someone else's children's poo stinking up th ehouse.
they also have to take toys to the toilet which they then want to give my 8 month old afterwards. She's at the stage where she puts everything in her mouth. Big no-no for me. I won't let hubby bath our daughter anymore because he thinks its cute to have our baby suck on his kids filthy toys that hang around in the bathroom uncleaned.
Then when they are sick i try to separate them from my daughter. Nothing more annoying than being left with a nasty cold by kids who spend 2 nights with us every fortnight. If it can be avoided I try my best to avoid us catching colds from the skids because the last time it happned my baby and i nursed very nsaty colds. It's different if we all lived together 24/7 i guess. Hubby seems offemnded when SS7 asks to hold the baby and i refuse!
One weekend both skids had conjuctivitis and if it wasn't for my quick thinking and carrying my baby all weekend he didnt see anything wrong with the kids playing with our baby as normal.
what is wrong with these dads...and their kids!!
GEEZ...I thought it was just
GEEZ...I thought it was just me that was over Skid germs....and that's another thing why are they so germ ridden??? And why can't DH see the reason why I do NOT want anyone sharing cups? FFS we have more than enough cups that they don't need to share!!
I absolutely hate when Mr 7 wants to watch television in their room with them, it stinks in there....