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If I had known an iPhone was all it took to get crazy out of my life I would've bought 50 of them!

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So I have posted several times about crazy BM and MIL and the psychopath SS10 but after this week it may all be over. So just to recap quickly DH and I have 2 boys together and I have 2 kids from a prev marriage..he has the SS from a drunken mistake with a nasty loser that he has paid for everyday for the last 10 yrs. SS is sneaky lying and a giant spoiled brat. MIL treats him like he is God and is incapable of wrong doing meanwhile the other 2 boys who are also her bio grandsons are treated like crap. She lives 6 blocks away and sees them once a month sometimes less..BUT drives an hr to see SS sit on the bench at his football games. SS has "chosen" to spend his visitation time with mil instead of us bc he feels left out here he says. I say it's bc this is the only place he has rules and he can't stand it. Don't get me wrong PLEASE keep his rotten Ass over there bc my life is certainly less complicated. DH aunt also showers SS with gifts And gives jack to mine..I mean 300 dollar electronics and clothing vacations u name it. So now to this weeks sons bday was this week...he turned one so he luckily doesn't really realize all the drama that unfolded And since grandma of the year really doesn't come around anyway he hasn't missed her. She can over whole I was at work and DH was home bc the brat said he had a bday present for the baby. Which by the way was an old toy of his and gma thought that was so cute that he wanted to "save his $" more like a rotten little selfish jerk but whatever. So my 2 bio kids got iPhones the week before. We never even discussed SS b. he doesn't live with us so u would he get a phone? My 2 were instructed not to lie but not to be brats about it and run up and brag if he came over which they were polite DH said. MIL flipped out and Ss response was " I can't believe you 2 got a phone before ME!" MIL told DH that's fine she was gettin Ss a "better phone and he would be hot shit"..r u 45 or 4? Ridiculous...then Ss proceeds to ask DH if he stays with us over the summer if we would get him a phone to which DH said no and that infuriated MIL more...really if he's that mistreated over At our house would a phone be enough persuasion to deal with abuse? I don't think as payback I guess she refused to come to my 1 yr olds bday party. Bc taking it out on an infant is logical. Then she proceeds to txt DH at work and tell him to come by and get the baby's gift. He did stand up to her finally And say if u wanted him to have it u should've come to his party. Somehow she has managed to blame the whole thing on me when I haven't talked to her or her crazy sister for over a month before this. How in the hell is this my fault? Then crazy aunt texts DH and tells him I'm a bitch my kids are rotten nobody can stand them (meaning her and MIL) and that she isn't kissing my ass anymore and that our boys aren't recognized by their family bc I am their mother. Meanwhile BM is the biggest disgusting loser I know who NEVER has her kid and pushes him off on whoever will take him...her they love..well kiss her ass anyway...I told DH when I'm in the hospital delivering our last baby on may those people Are under no circumstance welcome and are to NEVER step foot in my house again. Some things are unforgiveable...I hope our marriage can survive all this but I have finally washed my hands. I never called or fought back thru all this..I'm trying to be the bigger person but they better hope we never meet in a dark alley. Don't talk about my kids bc I can put up with a lot but that's something I won't stand for.