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my boyfriends 2 kids...

sickntired2's picture

Okay so I KNOW I am not married and these kids are not my "step" children...however my boyfriend and I have been together 2 1/2 years now and living together for a year. He has a daughter 18 and a son 15...and an ex from HELL!!! I love my boyfriend very much but it just gets harder and harder having to deal with them. My bf and i get a long GREAT most of the time but the times we don't it ALWAYS has something to do with that woman he was married too and their rotten ass kids! Sorry but I gotta be honest....PAIN IN THE ASSES!!!!!! The 18 yr old daughter has learned from the BEST...(mommy) how to manipulate her father and she does it perfectly! "Daddy, Iw ant to come over but I feel so uncomfortable, I know your girlfriend doesn't like me." .... yet I have never done anything rude or nasty to these kids. the 1st year of our relationship, i did more for them then their parents!!! Took this one there, drove that one here, bought gifts, spent time, listened to problems, cared....but then my bf and i moved in together and all that changed. His nasty ex hated it when we moved intogether, so she did everything she could to wreck the relationship I have with those kids....and it worked!!! Now I am the outsider. Thank god we bought a house together and I did NOT move into the house he had or those kids would really have me the outsider, at elast now this is more MY house!! I can't ever do ANYTHING right, I have to watch every last thing I say because it always gets twisted and turned around and gossiped about. These freggin kids don't even get their dad a bday gift..or a card even!! The girl never bothers with her dad and then blames it on me. She doesnt call, she doesnt visit, she blows him off all the time, she cant be bothered, she cant say THANK YOU but she is the first one in line when she wants it makes me crazy to see him sad because his rotten brat daughter can't get his a bday card or come see him and give a shit. but then she blames it all on me.
They are making me crazy!!!! Is love enough to make it through all this shit??? I don't know! If they had their way, even though their dad would be sad, and he IS happy now...they would distroy us. And his ex would be SO happy! JUST LEAVE US ALONE!!! And he is clueless....he gets manipulated but the ex and his daughter over and over and over...they both know how to play him perfectly!!!!
I want to be the better person but my anger is getting in the way. I really can't stand them amymore!!! How is this ever going to work???? How can I deal with this crap?!?!?! anyone know???

Auteur's picture

It all depends on how biodad deals with it. If he gives in to the manipulation and puts them first while trying to quell you, then you'll have a lifetime problem on your hands.

Oh and beware of the BM trollers on this site that will respond "Have you ever thought that maybe those kids pick up on your negative vibes and that is why they are acting the way they are?"

Totally ignore any of those comments as they are mostly psycho BMs themselves. They love to put the blame back on SM when in fact, it's the BM behind most of the manipulation. And if the Parental Alienation has been going on for a long time the children begin to "survive" by manipulating.

The fact is that most of these skids from basically the age of language comprehension have learned to manipulate and are extremely skilled at it. They don't like the fact that YOU can see THROUGH their crap and thus will say things like "I'm AFRAID of mean ol' SM; she doesn't LIKE me!"

When in reality they are afraid that daddy might find out via SM that, yes, the skids ARE really trying to manipulate him and ARE playing him like a cheap fiddle.