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how would u help ur spouse in this situation??

islandermommy's picture

how would you help your husband in this situation? his ex girlfriend is saying that my children have been making his kids sick so she is keeping them at her house for 3 weeks and away from me and my children and the only way he can see his children is if he goes to her place he has tried to take the kids on his days and she won't allow him and she says to tell Amanda to stay out of our f****** business I have not had any contact with her nor have I spoken to her and she keeps degrading me and telling the kids what a horrible person I amright now her kids are sick and they have been with her for a week and a half she keep saying its me and our kids at my place that's making her kids sick what are we supposed to do can you give us an opinion

jssdallas's picture

I think the custody agreement is the custody agreement. Sick or not the kids should come on his days and vice versa.

islandermommy's picture

Yes but she won't follow it.. She is what he calls bitch mode.. Calling me all kind off stuff.. Tonight we wanted to take the kids cause its his day and she no cause she doesn't want the kids getting sick.. Mind u when her kid gets out of the hospital for pneumonia she takes him shopping like wth

jssdallas's picture

But if the CO says you have the kids she has to let you have them. You would have to escalate to the police or legally enforcing it....B/c she can't just do that and on that same token neither can you-not saying you are, just staying the agreement is the agreement. It dictates.

Glassslipper's picture

Your gonna need a CO, without it, you have no grounds to enforce visitation.
Sorry. Good luck!

BethAnne's picture

^^^this, especially as they weren't married he needs to get his visitation rights written down on a legal document that is approved by a judge. Only then will he have any rights. Right now she doesn't have to listen to a thing he says and he can't do shit about it unless he gets the legal side of things sorted. But don't listen to us random people on the internet...he needs to see a lawyer asap, find out local laws and get this all straightened out. Is he on the birth certificate?

islandermommy's picture

That's what I think.. A way to get him to go over there so she can rub in my face that he visits her and none of my kids have been sick.. the kids are always sick when are with her.. And perfectly healthy and at school with us.. She is manipulating the situation to get the attention she needs..

islandermommy's picture

She told him if he wants to see his kids he has to go there and that for the next three weeks they can't come to our house..

Indigo's picture

Why 3 weeks specifically? Sounds like she wants your SO back near her and away from you. Agree with the others that SO needs to use this experience to motivate him to get a legal court order.

Monchichi's picture

You don't help your SO it harms your relationship. I am speaking from experience here. I "helped". I "engaged lawyers". My SO signed the dumbest settlement agreement known to man kind after I said don't' do it.

It's been 2 years and 4 weeks to the day since he made that monumentally idiotic mistake. Do you know that I still pay the price for it? It is still a very sore point for me? It will always be a blight on our relationship.

Learn early and quickly. Leave your SO to handle his business in the manner he see's fit and DO NOT involve yourself. You do not want to be me 3 years down the line.