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Grr, bedtime routines and the step kid

Brolynbub's picture

Oh my goodness, it's always the same...toilet, teeth, book time and then lights out. Apparently not for the second coming...toilet, teeth and computer time...which my son would LOVE...
I'm totally fed up with the double standards. I feel like hitting someone!

Brolynbub's picture

My partner is the lovely person laying in bed with him showing him on the computer :O

Soifon's picture

Why is there a double standard like that? I insist that our kids be treated the same and have the same rules. That wouldn't fly with me at all. I would be talking to my SO and getting on the same page. There shouldn't be different rules for different kids. There are only house rules that you and your SO agree upon and are across the board for everyone.

Brolynbub's picture

My partner is laying in bed with him, after I gave him 2 different books of my sons to read, letting him watch YouTube. They are laughing and watching it together while my son calls out, asking why K isn't reading....I have asked my partner on numerous occasions not to be like that as it is unfair.
Apparently because his son is not so smart and doesn't like to read, he gets special privileges that my son doesn't...

Soifon's picture

Well you are in charge of what you do with your son. If you want your son to watch youtube with you in bed laughing then go do that. No one is stopping you. I can't figure out if you are jealous that your son doesn't get these things or if you think his son shouldn't get them at all. If you want your son to have these things then let him have it and rearrange his bed time routine so he can do all of it.

Brolynbub's picture

Nope not jealous in any way, peeved with inconsistency and the lack of any routine for the child who won't go to sleep before 10pm any night...yeah. I'm over it, my son has a fabulous bedtime routine, I don't want SS getting away with murder to become any more of an issue than it already is. I'm the fairness queen. They have more than enough computer time through the evening BEFORE bedtime Smile

luchay's picture

This was one battle I gave up on - the bed time routine.

My kids, teeth, reading time, I go up and say goodnight - a few minutes with each (they are 8 and 11) then the lights are off and they are expected to (Heaven forbid) actually GO TO SLEEP!!!! radical I know.

His kids - teeth, play and be noisy and disruptive til he goes up to say goodnight, which takes up to 20 minutes each, then keep the lights on (ostensibly because at 13 and 10 they are still scared of the dark) so they can watch dvd's, play on their ipads etc.

At first I railed against how the double standards, same rules for all the kids, they need sleep etc. it made no difference. He likes them sleeping in half the day, where mine get up and DO stuff during the day.

So, now we each follow our own routines. At first his had no bedtime, now they all go to bed at the same time at least, and it's not my problem if his stay up all night and are miserable little shits in the morning.

When my kids ask why they are allowed to do this and mine aren't I tell them because I am their mother and I have rules and expectations because I love them and want them to be happy and healthy and grow up great. And that the skids have their own two parents and it's up to them what their rules etc are.

My kids accept this and seem to get that they are the better off ones.

That is all I can suggest to you - when your son asks why the ss can do blah - make him realise (in child terms of course) that HE is the one who is lucky to have a mother who looks after what is best for him.

I use the same technique for table manners and food as well Wink

Brolynbub's picture

Oh thanks so much for that reply, it's made me feel like it's not just me. I think Ds understands to a certain extent why he has to go to bed and SS is extremely delayed and he actually asked me once if the reason is because he doesn't sleep or eat well haha, funny how things like that come out of a kids mouth Smile