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Ex wife manipulating step children....advice please!!! Trust issues!!!

Debslils83's picture


I need some advice from anyone with experience. I met my husband over five years ago when we were both going through divorce. I had three kids from previous marriage and he had three too, as well fell a couple of years later with a child together, their mother after many attempts to come between us decided that using the children to cause problems weekly (shared custody) wasn't enough. She sent a letter during our four days with the children which stated she no longer wanted them and we were to keep them and she would get in touch when she wanted them, also stating that we would do what she says or she would take them back when it suited.

Three months passed with no contact and we decided to go to family court and get an order in place regarding the custody. She then decided to have them once a fortnight for two days. It has been this way for nearly three years now and she has continued to cause trouble using the children as a weapon. I've had children service round due to being accused of throwing my SD which didn't happen and it was cleared up, reason for this was because she broke the court order to keep them telling them she would claim their money and get a bigger property etc.

She started pulling my older SD aside on weekends to talk alone, we discovered this after she began getting violent at home towards my bio daughter and generally was nasty towards us, telling her mum lies about me etc and we discovered this was for attention as it's the only time her mum fussed her. Over time she realised it did not work so she's now started it again with my youngest SD and we attend family therapy, now to discover SD has been lying to mum, the fam therapy team and us for attention.

Until recently she's had no desire to see the kids or spend any additional time with them, however last summer she suddenly made contact when she was considering leaving her partner, was overly nice to hubby which was really out of character and began messing access about and not turning up etc... she's now back to being nice with texts out of nowhere being polite and friendly wanting a significant input in the children's education, questioning them and also putting words in their mouths for future therapy sessions.

I have no trust in my SD now as I know she lies a lot but I am also aware of the hell her mum has put us all through until now and I feel very angry, she's made it clear I can do everything for them and have them full time but I'm to have no input in anything as it's between her and my hubby. Am I wrong for feeling angry? Resentful and stressed over it all? If I tell my hubby how I am feeling, naturally I say I'm angry and frustrated etc and he gets in a mood and tells me I am playing into her hands and he has to be accommodating etc regardless of the actions because of the courts and how it can make him look in their eyes.

She manipulates them, I'm the full time mum and I find myself feeling used, I can raise the kids full time, take all the crap that's thrown my way but my feelings count for nothing!

Feel like I am slowly losing the plot!! Also read posts about raising step kids for years and years and for what? For them to grow and turn against the step parent who's been consistent in their lives, who has done everything for them and to then be treated in such a disgusting way, I fear for that day in the future and how far it will push me... help!

Acratopotes's picture

Did DH get custody or not? Is there a CO in place regarding visitation, sharing children, who has custody, CS to be paid? if not get one in place... or at least get DH so far to deal with it and sort it out.

Then simply disengage from |BM, ignore her this woman is nothing to you, treat your skids the way they treat you, if they ignore you, ignore them back, disengage from them if you have to and focus only on your family, your 4 bio's and DH.... do not mind the skids. If they are there so be it, make sure they do not burn the house down or kill any off your children, if they kill one another... so be it.... do not get involved with skids.

Debslils83's picture

There is a court order stating the children are with us full time and BM has them two days a fortnight, however when she broke the order before, the police said they couldn't do anything as they both have PR and there is nothing in the order saying otherwise so that's a blow after spending over £400 to go to court twice already.

Thank you for responding, I have recently tried to ignore them and disengage from them a little more than usual and focus on my own which doesn't go down well due to them telling dad when I am not around that I am only bothered with my own children, minus the bad behaviour they display. I'm in a bad position really because his children are protective of one another to the degree that one will tell me something significant, I will pass the info to dad and then he tells me I was called a liar as they did not say it. The conflict has been great between me and my husband and still continues now.

I believe the children hold the control and the BM so our marriage and future happiness is effectively in their hands. It is great to have this site to come to now to express myself freely without judgement because the isolation from this marriage and loneliness within this marriage is taking hold and I am questioning what I am actually getting from this now.

It is very sad really.

Acratopotes's picture

In the future record you conversations with the skids... if you ask them to do something and they reply...

then you simply tell DH - this is what happened today, skids will deny it and say you are a liar... simply play the recording back to DH, say nothing and walk away....

also you can tell DH, well they are your children, not mine, I raise my own kids to respect older people, I'm not raising yours, they are your kids, and they do have a mother, I'm not it... now start parenting and stop coddling them

just take control of your house again, believe me after the 3rd recording or so DH will realize his kids are trouble makers

Rags's picture

Recording and journaling Skid and BM and even SO conversations can be a great tool for managing the behaviors of the blended family opposition and other blended family members.

Document, document, document.

If my SO had accused me of lying about something while standing on the honesty of a kid I would own their ass with the play button on my micro recorder if I were you.

Debslils83's picture

I did consider this and also suggested cameras around the house so it's all clear cut for preventing arguing based on lies and he opposed this which I believe came from him really knowing the truth but not wanting to face/deal with it. If we reach a point whereby we have to protect ourselves to such an extent, is that not really a red flag to get out of the situation because it's so extreme? I am after many years considering separating and moving out with mine because even with recordings, he would be likely to call it abuse as he did this when I spoke with my SD one time about some conflict alone.

For me, I believe there is no good move to make that can help this situation now. Can probably tell I am reflecting a lot to process what it happening.

Acratopotes's picture

why would it be abuse? you and yours are being abused not his brats. But I'm with you, before I went through all of that I moved out, been living separately now for 4 years and doubt moving back back next year when the brat leaves

Debslils83's picture

I would say good luck but it's not luck is it. I recently realised he's the major problem whereas the kids are being brats when it comes to sabotage and manipulation, however he's encouraged it all and the ex wife is informed of everything from the children, god knows how I have managed five years, 3 of those years spent raising his 3 and mine with the drama we have endured.

I'm only calm and rational now thanks to therapy and training in counselling ATM. With SD's being 8&10 and SS being 12, I realise that it's been 3 years of trauma, 5 years incl the ex wife and his actions/behaviours and I don't want another 5-10 years of it before they all fly the nest. He is very unpleasant towards me and I now question everything incl what it is I am getting out of this, there is nothing anymore though. I do not think I love him anymore and if I do still love him, it's not enough without intimacy and communication, support, trust and everything that comes with being married. I cannot name anything that brings me happiness here apart from my children when they are being themselves and feel happy and comfortable as that's not something present all the time.

Maybe loving apart works and when the brat leaves it will be much better between you? Fingers crossed!!!