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Does anyone else's DH share a dog with the ex?

mentalmama24's picture

My DH and the Ex bought a dog when they were still together. The dog lives with us because the Ex lives in an apartment that doesn't allow dogs. My DH and I are not really dog people; i'm assuming he bought the dog for her. This dog is really untrained and bolts the second the door opens, and so at every pickup she runs outside and the Ex will spend 15 - 20 minutes in our front yard playing kissy face and taking pictures with the dog. She will literally sit there and pose and take selfies with the dog. She does this ALL the time. She will also say pointed remarks all the time like 'Oh, I know you miss your MOMMY. I'm your mommy right?' and stupid shit like that. I'm probably overreacting and just being my stupid insecure self but this really bothers me. Not only do I not like her hanging out in my front yard for that long but it's like a constant reminder of their relationship. Does anyone else have this problem or am I really just being completely retarded and need some serious help -___-

mentalmama24's picture

I'm sorry guys. My computer was being dumb just as I clicked post. Can someone tell me how to delete?

ltman's picture

Train the dog. It's easier to do than training skids and it will make your life much easier.

xomaxoai's picture

OMG yes!!!! Your so not alone. I thought I was the only person married to crazy people that have a shared dog. I hate it and the dog!!!!! we spend 76 dollars every 3 weeks for it to get a shot to stay alive and then when it has one of its spells of near death they rush it to the vets office where it spends a few days on ivs. over a thousand dollars worth and we pay for it all!!!!! Ugh!!!!! A few weeks back his ex brought one of her dogs that is the mom of this dog to our house and had their oldest son bring in my house so the mom dog could see this stupid dog. It took them forever to get the stupid dog in the house and it could of cared less about seeing this dog.

Rags's picture

Pretty pathetic. Time to let the ailing puppy go to the great dog park in the sky. This dog is just an excuse for your SO and the X to stay connected.

IMHO of course.

Rags's picture

Ummm, if you and DH are not dog people and for all practical purposes are feeding and caring for the X's dog .... time to take it to the rescue and rid yourself of both the unloved dog and the X's access to your relationship.

That is all that dog is to her. She can leverage the dog to invade your marriage and space any time she feels like.

Buh-bye puppy and buh-by X.


End of story.

Irene H.'s picture

I am a dog person, and we have three between us. The oldest was here when BM was. And it's the same thing. No pix, but loudly screeching "Bwanderwoooooooos!" Over and over. The dog's name is Brandy. The baby talk, as she sits in her car shouting at the dog. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me. It just might piss me off more than anything else she does.

weightedworld's picture

I have to laugh at this. Me and my ex-husband had a dog together.. he kept her due to her breed I couldn't take her. Whenever I drop off or pick up the kids she will come outside and get excited and greet me. (No baby talk or anything annoying) It gets under ex husbands new fiances nerves and I LOVE IT! We live in a very small town and this out of towner from the cities likes to prance around town on her health walks with the dog as if she is someone important. The last time I was there she tried jumping in the van with the kids and I had to kick her out. Screw you newbie. 

Momof6WI's picture

My ex and I had 3 dogs. We had all three while the ex deployed and 2 stayed with us for good when he returned. DH is a huge animal lover and will occasionally ask me of my ex wants the dogs for a weekend lmao. I guess us crazy dog lovers are a different breed for sure!  DH loves the dog (the one my ex has) and will occassionally ask the ex to bring her at drop off so we can see her. And honestly the dog could give two craps about us she just wants to play with the other dogs lol. 

Swim_Mom's picture

I get that not everybody baby talks to their dog like I do, nor has health insurance for their dog, nor boots and winter coat (which he refuses to wear LOL good thing he is big and furry). I understand not everybody buys their dog Christmas gifts and spends time worrying whether their dog has canine playdates. But, I am truly puzzled by people who don't like dogs at all. I feel that something has to be 'off'. Ex-H was not a dog person at all - that was just one of many things amiss with him (in addition to NPD, gaslighting, lack of financial discipline and I could go on and on but won't). He even had dogs growing up. Still did not really like them. Weirdo.

To me, someone who is not touched at all by the sweetness, love and joy that are the embodiment of dogs (they show happiness with their whole body after all!!) has something seriously wrong. Not saying everyone should have a dog - not everyone is set up for the responsibility or has the time to devote. But to dislike dogs or not appreciate them at all?! That is not a person I even want to know.